Monday, December 30, 2019

T Stands For My Annual T Tuesday Review

Every year on the last T Tuesday of the year, I like to share the posts that meant the most to me each month.  Out of 52 weeks, sometimes it's easy to find a post of the month, sometimes it's hard because there are several I liked that month, and sometimes I wish I could skip a month because that month's posts were mundane.


T Stands For Shopping For Tea on January 25 when I took you to the Asian Market searching for Jasmine Flower tea.


T Stands For Superbowl which I showed on February 4.  This was my Superbowl snack and drink.

T Stands For Curtis C's when I took you to Newton, KS for lunch on March 4.


T Stands For "T" celebrated my bEARTHday post (April 22).  I decorated a letter (featuring used tea bags) I found years before in a dumpster.


T Stands For Kitchen Cabinets went live on May 20.  I shared my kitchen cabinets after Kathy shared hers.


T Stands For Bagatelle posted on June 17.  I explained I actually went for the breads, both savory and sweet.  All were delicious, though.  The other is a quiche and tabbouleh, but they were mere side dishes to the wonderful breads and rolls.


*T Stands For 6th Anniversary* and an Asterisk*  celebrated our 6th year of sharing T each Tuesday on July 15.  Various participants from around the world who left an asterisk after their names exchanged ATCs.

However, I had to also share another T Tuesday post that happened in July.

T Stands For Birthday Bash celebrated the youngest of the youngsters who visited over the summer.  The birthday youngster made these muffins for us.  I showed this on July 22.


T Stands For La Chinita was not one of my favorite posts in August, but there were really no favorite posts in August.  I chose this post, which went live on August 12, for two reasons.  One was because I had actually gone there to make sure the ugly bug was still across the street from the restaurant, and the other was because it was at that time we learned the restaurant was about to move to a new location. 


T Stands For a Visit to a Rescue Mission went live on September 16.  Although this was a religious organization (I typically do not discuss religion on my blog), I was asked by my Neighborhood Association to tour the facility and write a report on the mission for our Association newsletter.


T Stands For National Make a Dog's Day celebrated this event with a mug of virtual drinks.  This post went live on October 21, the day set aside to help dogs find forever homes and clear the shelters.  I considered using the post of Bleubeard's birthday (October 28), but I couldn't get him to show his face, now that he is older and runs when he sees the camera come out.


T Stands For Thankful show my dishes that originally belonged to my grandparents.  I use them between Thanksgiving and Christmas each year.  This post went live on November 25, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.


T Stands For the Night Before Christmas is still one of my favorite Christmastime posts. It went live on December 23, two days before Christmas.

I also want you to know that Sharon of Foxy Stamping told me she had fallen and broken BOTH her wrists which means she won't be blogging for awhile.  I suggest we all visit her (at the link above) and send her some T Tuesday and New Year love. 

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, maybe your own T Tuesday review, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

And since this is the final blog post of 2019, let's start the next decade with a post you have created in the past. Yes, it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd. The only requirement is it must be a post you have published in the past.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely post Elizabeth, and a great review of this past year. Hope the new one will bring lots of fun T Days, too. Sorry to hear about Sharon. Enjoy the rest of the year! Valerie

Eileen Bergen said... 2

First, thank you for letting us know about poor Sharon.

Second, I loved your year in review. A few really stand out for me: the rescue mission, your grandmother's dishes, the kitchen cabinets, the birthday cupcakes and the Night Before Christmas. Hmm, that's more than a few, isn't it?

Happy New Year nd Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Halle said... 3

Always fun to see your year in review! Thanks for keeping us all going each week.
Happy T day, new year and welcome to the new decade!

kathyinozarks said... 4

I enjoyed your post and now I am hungry too after seeing all this delicious looking food (smiles)
Fun to look back at the past year's entries.
Happy T and Happy New Year's Eve hugs Kathy

Lisca said... 5

That was a lovely review of the passed year. Doesn't time fly! This year has passed so fast.
I'm really sorry to hear about Sharon breaking both wrists. I will send her some love and prayers.
Wishing you and your 'boys' a happy T-day and of course a very happy and healthy New Year!,

pearshapedcrafting said... 6

I love these reviews - loved seeing those yummy looking muffins especially! Hugs, Chrisx

My name is Erika. said... 7

I liked seeing all these posts again. And you were good at limiting the number of posts you recapped. Good for you doing that, I am not sure I could. (As you can tell when you read my post). Now my favorite post is that puppy mug. Maddie and Pete liked that one too since they are both rescue dogs and they like seeing all the other pups. Wishing you a very Happy T day and even more so, a very Happy new year too-or at least the start to the new year. Hugs-Erika

aussie aNNie said... 8

Lovely post and wishing you a Happy new Year.xx

Meggymay said... 9

A lovely revisit to some of your posts. I'm pleased I have just had my breakfast as I would now be looking for food to munch on after seeing some of you delicious meals. I have to say I had two favourite photos both of crockery,
your grandmothers beautiful set and the dog mug.
Happy T day wishes for today and
I hope the coming year will be a good one for you.
Happy New Year.
Yvonne xx

Iris Flavia said... 10

Oh, we would have to stay up all night to watch the Superbowl... and reckon I´d eat much more, too ;-)
Those cabinets are cute! My SIL has a white one, sadly we don´t have space for one.
Ohhh, the quiche! And 6 years of fun! This is a wonderful review, crazy how fast this year zipped by!!
I go with Kathy, I´m hungry now ;-)

Anne (cornucopia) said... 11

I like your year's summary post Elizabeth. It's been a great T year. I'm sorry to hear about Sharon. How awful. I'll leave her a comment. Happy T-Day and Happy New Year!

Let's Art Journal said... 12

Fabulous post! I so enjoyed your annual T Day review, there are so many treats that you shared with us too. You are such a wonderful host and I love nothing better than joining you for T Day, thank you for all your hard work and commitment to making them happen each week 😁. Wishing you a very happy T Day and a New Year filled with peace, love and happiness! Hugs, Jo x
p.s. thanks for letting us know about Sharon, I'm off to visit her now 😁. x

CJ Kennedy said... 13

A fun look back. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week, thanks to you. Happy T Day and have a Happy and Creative New Year,

Nancy said... 14

Nice year in review! Happy and healthy 2020 to you. Also, i'm not sure I responded to you about the material used in the leaf bowls on my blog. One layer of the stitched bowl is called Bosal. It is very firm, but once it's heated with steam ironing, it is soft and pliable. That's when you can mold it and shape it over another bowl. Once cool, it hardens again. I may have told you this already?? Just can't recall. But anyway- that's the deal with the bowls.

Darla said... 15

I really enjoyed your review of posts in 2019. I had missed a few and it was nice to catch up. Thank you so much for keeping the Tuesday tea party going. Life circumstances keep me from blogging as regularly as I once did but never a Tuesday goes by that I don't think of you and the friends here.

Divers and Sundry said... 16

What a lovely way to look back over the year. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

That's a real shame about Sharon. _Both_ wrists! :( Thanks for letting us know.

Anne (cornucopia) said... 17

Hi Elizabeth. I stopped by again to let you know that right now the Times Square cameras might be pointing at random spots in the area, as they pan around. I think later tonight, they aim at least one of them at the ball, so viewers can see it drop. I know last year I was watching the camera views for awhile on New Year's Eve. Some include sound, so you can hear the bands / singers playing when that is going on. I think ABC will be live streaming the "Dick Clark" show, starting at 8pm, if you don't have TV / Cable (I don't).

Eileen Bergen said... 18

I'm so happy that you like the kitty mug, Elizabeth.

Wishing you all the best in the New Year. May it be a year of abundance for you. Hugs, Eileen

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 19

I enjoyed this post so much. I particularly enjoyed your kitchen cabinets and your grandmother's dishes. What a lovely tradition to use them between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sorry to hear about Sharon's accident. I hope her wrists heal well. Have a great 2020.

Words and Pictures said... 20

Another great review post - this one is definitely delicious! I missed your grandparents' china the first time... such an unusual and elegant design, and how special to use them just for that meaningful period of the year. Lovely!
Alison x

RO said... 21

Well I'm going to say that the real reason you made that post was because it was on August 12, which is my birthday.(lol) So nice that you still have the wonderful dinnerware from your parents. Many I remember, but I don't remember seeing that one, and really like it a lot. Very cool that you were able to share the year in snippets. I love how organized you are. Happy New Year! RO

Jeanie said... 22

I'm so glad you did this, although I think I remember all of these -- and good memories. I especially loved and always will your Thankful post in November with your beautiful dishes, that wonderful light. Happy New Year, my friend. I am grateful and thankful for you.

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