Back at The Spice Merchant, I was on the prowl for cats.
Back at The Spice Merchant, I was on the prowl for cats.
I want to start today by explaining why I have not seen a doctor for my hand, wrist, and arm. My two cats have a vet. In fact, they have two vets, but I have never had nor needed a medical doctor since I moved to Wichita in 1991 to obtain my doctorate. Now I find NO GP (general practitioner) is taking on new patients. I called every clinic and every office both in the phone book (yes, I still use mine) and online. One office told me they had a man (I really want a female doctor) who would take me, but it would be mid June before I could get in to see him. None of my friends could help because they told me to use their names when I applied (to no avail). Not sure what I will do because there seems to be a real need for GPs in Wichita.
For T today, I am headed back to The Spice Merchant.
As most of you know, I like my second look each month to reflect our host at Art Journal Journey's (AJJ) theme. That means I needed something Music inspired, which is