Saturday, July 27, 2024

A hot mess that just kept getting worse: aka Millinery


I originally created this spread for Halle from Halle’s Hobbies, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme, as you know is I've got a notion.  However, it's such a mess, I hope no one feels this is typical of my work.

I'm not sure I should even show this entry, but I spent a great deal of time on it, so felt I should let everyone know what a mess I made.

I managed to tear the dressmaker's tissue in about the spot I chose to stamp the woman's face and hat.  The lower lady's nose was obscured by the dress pattern design.

I've had mixed results with this red rubber stamp before, but NOTHING this bad.  The woman on the left looks like a dog, at least to me!

Then as I tried to straighten the tissue, I managed to apply the definition I had so carefully found, cut out, and inked around, upside down!

To attempt to redeem myself, I stamped the image from above again.  This is the only thing that wasn't a mess.

The problem is, all of these red rubber wooden stamps are from Hero Arts.  The two smaller ones stamped better than the large one.

This was supposed to be a tribute to millinery, which often used notions in their designs.  Instead, it became a mess that I must live with.

Bleubeard and I are happy you dropped by today, even if it wasn't our my finest hour.  We look forward to seeing you at Art Journal Journey where we hope you will share your own interpretation of I've got a notionThere's still time to enter your own notion.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Smiles 384: Christmas in July


If you are under a heat dome like much of this country, Canada, and parts of Europe, I'm going to give you a chance to cool down a bit.  BTW, I understand that this past Monday was recorded as the hottest day on the entire earth.  I read it in a New York Times tidbit. 

To help you feel a bit cooler, I'm taking you back to Christmastime last winter.

My foodie friend Sally

wanted to buy some gourmet popcorn.  Apparently they are only open during the holidays.

When I first walked in, I was greeted by this popcorn train.  Do you see Santa peeking around the corner?

They have all kinds of popcorn and popcorn makers, too.

The display in the center of the room was nearly bare, but there was a Santa on the right of the display

and one on the left in my photo.  Looks like there was another popcorn train, too.

It appears not only were there Santas everywhere, there were

repeating decorations, too.

Of course, I had to get an obligatory photo of the Christmas tree.

These are what Sally purchased.  In case you are curious both the plain popcorn and the mixed popcorn were $19.99 (USD) each.  And I didn't get even a single kernel of her popcorn.

A few funnies and maybe some not so funny:


Have a fun filled weekendThanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too.



Thursday, July 25, 2024



I have another spread for Halle from Halle’s Hobbies, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme, as you likely know by now is I've got a notion.   I'm also joining Andree, her team, and this month's guest designer Michelle again at Creative ArtisteThis is challenge #106 and is always Anything Mixed Media Goes.

I give you my concept of Notions.  Below are detail shots.

I started this entry by gluing dressmaker's tissue to the substrate.  Once dry, I sewed the "notions" to the page using blue variegated thread.  I then adhered the red twill tape to the page.  When dry, I added the blue rick rack left from a previous project.  At the bottom of the page, I added three gold safety pins and a silver threader.  I computer generated the word "Notions."

Creative Artiste requires a minimum of three different mediums.  I have dressmaker's tissue, blue variegated thread, twill tape, rick rack, gold safety pins, a threader, and a computer generated word.

Bleubeard and I are extremely grateful you dropped by today and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey and Creative Artiste.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Index Card A Day : Days 48 through 54


It's Wednesday, which means it's time for Index Card A Day or ICADs.

Day 48: Paris Chocolat.  Focal image from my stash, background Paris tissue from my stash, black dye ink, black Posca pen.
Day 49: Untitled. Kitty sticker, all other from my stash, black Posca pen. 

Day 50: Sharing a drink.  Background water soluble crayons, computer generated text, image from a travel magazine, black Sharpie.

Day 51: He discovered a new bacteria.  Background from my stash, TH paper doll, computer generated text, blue ink pen.

Day 52: Autumn. Background of leaves is scrapbook paper.  Top layer is a napkin, black Posca pen. I cropped my name out of this one.

Day 53: Disparate, Untitled.  Banana sticker, sheet music, green stamps, two punched kitties, 1 punched crown, my initial, translation text, Chinese fortune, spritzed bits from my stash.

Day 54: Stars.  Various stars from my stash, blue ink pen. "Quilted" star once part of a flag that flew in the states and has been decommissioned due to age.  There is a star on both sides.

Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me today.  We are delighted you took time to drop by.  Just one week to go.

Monday, July 22, 2024

T Stands For Birthday Tea


 Today we are meeting for T in my dining room.

You saw the flowers and cupcake my No Name friends gave me on my birthday, as well as the following day when foodie friend Sally took me to Golden Corral for carrot cake.  However, I have failed to show what I bought for ME!!

First, this is my "ticket" to the party, a tea bag of Greek tea gifted me by Mia.

As much as I love chocolate, I was in a mood for cinnamon and that's what I bought.  Not only is it filled with cinnamon, but also has a topping of cream cheese frosting.

I hope you can see I've already started to drink the tea, and it's obvious the cupcake is now a mere memory. 
By now you probably know the "rules," but in case you don't, please show something drink related. It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, tea cups, coffee mugs, a tea or coffee service, postcards, books, magazines, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.
Before I forget, I want to thank those of you who celebrated our 11th anniversary last week.  It meant the world to me.




Sunday, July 21, 2024



I have another spread for Halle from Halle’s Hobbies, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme, as you likely know by now is I've got a notion. 

I have a feminine and a bit romantic entry today.  It qualifies for Halle's theme because the background is dressmaker's tissue and I used a ribbon, too.  Detail shots are below.

I began by applying a piece of dressmaker's tissue to the substrate using The Ultimate. While it was drying, I printed the image I found in my stash using my color laser printer.  I used a Q-tip to add the gold fluid acrylic around the edges of the focal image.  I definitely wanted the paint to be sporadic.  Because I blobbed the paint on, it took over 24 hours for it to dry.  To assemble the page, I first laid down the strip of paper with colors the same as the focal image.  Over that, I adhered the piece of ribbon left from another project.  Next came the focal image, then the sentiment from my stash.

Bleubeard and I are really happy you joined us today and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey where we hope you will share your own interpretation of I've got a notion.