It's Friday and time to join Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time). Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday. But first, I want to show my sincere apologies for not visiting or leaving comments to any of the Friday Smiles participants. I hope you won't kick me out of the club!
Last Friday I spent most of my day filling out questions for possible jury
duty. Saturday I got sick from the heat when I went to an art fair, and I
was so sick I don't even remember Sunday. At the strike of midnight on Monday I watched every
minute of the Queen's funeral. I was so out of it, I almost forgot to create a T Tuesday post,which goes live at 4 p.m. Monday my time. I had planned to visit on Wednesday, but that didn't happen because I was called back to the jury room, after which I got my second COVID booster, this time getting rather sick. This was a different type booster than I had before. Looks like I will be on jury duty soon, so I won't have any way to visit, since I don't have an I-thingy, a tablet, pad, laptop, or cell phone, none of which I would be allowed to access, anyway.
I'll take you back to the Autumn and Art Fair I went to last Saturday. If you want to see the first booths I visited, here is that post.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I got several backs, as people stepped in front of me. This lady even stood directly in front of my lens for several minutes. She finally moved a bit, so I could get a couple of photos of the pottery. I know some
people of my internet friends really like pottery, and I even considered using this for a T Tuesday post. However, I got tired of the woman not moving and not letting me get closer, so I gave up and moved on.

I came back later to take a photo of these, which I think are brooches. Unfortunately, as I was taking a photo, a different woman ran into my arm and camera. I decided this booth was too dangerous, so I moved on with only this legible photo of part of the display.

I was really mesmerized by this booth.

Let's get a bit closer.

Have you guessed yet?

Maybe seeing some on this side of the booth will help. Yes, a woman walked in front of me as I took these.

Years and years and years ago, my foodie friend Sally gave me a kit that included a mold (and all the additions) to make my own decorative concrete blocks. This is what you are looking at. My kit included a set of alphabet stamps to place in the wet concrete, too. I may just get that kit out next spring a make a few decorations to hang on my fence, rather than to place in the ground.

I took these for me. I LOVE copper and I LOVE rust. This booth had both.

I didn't exactly care for all the chains hanging off the arms of the sculpture, but I loved the head, body, and bird. I'll share more from this booth in another post.

I think everyone knows why I stopped at this booth! Granted, the sea horses are cute,

but all the Friday Smiles ladies know the sea horses are NOT why I was drawn to this booth.

Lisca collects and loves turtles. This is like me collecting rocking horses. Check out that teeny tiny turtle on the end. I looked at the price, which was on the belly of the turtle.

The teeny, tiny turtle was $49.00 (USD). I can only imagine how much the larger ones cost.
I'll leave the rest for another day.
Now PLEASE visit Annie and don't forget to start your weekend with a smile.Here are a few funnies.

I hope you found a few of these funny. I know I did.
19 thoughtful remarks:
Some people are just... "unaware" of anything, or everything.
How often does this happen: I have one or two items at the cash out, person in front of me trolley full to the brim and does not "Want to see me".
I always turn around when I have more and let people step in line in front of me. And that happens to me often, too, also, of course :-)
But your pottery-blocker, yep.
What a "dangerous" fair!!! Help! So much beautiful artwork!
LOL especially on the clingy one!
+And the dog-name!
Sweet one of the devil and I love black cats (just avoid black chairs, I learned).
Henry is hungry now.
To smiles!
What a great Art fair Elizabeth! apart from thr rude lady stepping in front of you. I don't think I would dare go as I would come back with loads of stuff. Look forward to seeing your moulds too. The funnies are good too. I love them all but the tortoise one is so sweet. I didn't know Lisca liked turtles I must show her my big wooden one sometime. Have alovely weekend. Hugs Angela xxx
I always found it difficult to get good photos at craft shows. Some people are so intent on what they want, that they are just not aware of anyone else's needs. So frustrating. But you did get some interesting shots. I love the copper man. I am sorry you made yourself ill with the heat. Then to add a covid reaction - this has not been a good week for you, but i hope you are feeling better now. Thank you for the 'smiles'. Kate x
I would have loved to have gone to that show. Thank you for battling on to take photos.
And thanks for the funnies too. I am definitely a member of the Black Cat Support Society.
I'm still chuckling from all those funnies. Where do you find them!
And I loved those turtles! Thank you for showing them. Best from a distance though as I wouldn't have 49$ for the tiniest turtle. But they are beautiful to look at.
Jury duty? That sounds serious. I have never had to do anything like that. But then I haven't lived in my own country very long. And I'm not even sure they have that sort of system in the Netherlands. (Trial with a jury I mean).
Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling,
People don't pay attention to their surrounds. Fabulous art in the booths. The Native American sculpture reminds me of your Keeper of the Plains. Wonderful funnies. I hope you're feeling better.
Good luck getting well, staying well, and not being on any too-troubling juries! Sounds as if you are having too many challenges.
Some of the days at the art fair here are so crowded that it’s impossible for people to watch for photographers. But there are always really obnoxious people who don’t need to be so thoughtless. It happens on birding trips, too, when everyone has a camera and they perfectly well know they shouldn’t block someone else’s shot.
best… mae at
Loved going to the Art Fair with you!!! I know a granddaughter who would Love a turtle!! Hugs! deb
Looks like it was a great show, except for all those people! Nice funnies, too! Hugs, Valerie
Thanks for the laughs enjoyed the art photos
I've had a really busy day taking the zips out of a bin cask full of factory again....not a job I really enjoy but it pays the bills. I've now put them back in the bag ready to start fresh on Monday morning to put all the new zips in nd have set my sewing room up ready for Nanny Annie's sewing school tomorrow because the two eldest want and afternoon of sewing with me....I'm so lucky....there may be photos next Friday [if I remember to take some].
What an amazing fair....thanks so much for sharing the photos. The funnies really had me chuckling.
Annie x
I did find them funny! I wondered about you being out in the heat when you mentioned going to the fair on another post! Sending good wishes that you get to feeling better and that all goes well with jury duty.
The memes are hilarious. I'm so sorry you got sick.
Those are some of the best comics I've seen -- you just gave me loads of smiles! It looks like a terrific and very fun art fair and I think you got some great pix. Here's hoping you get an interesting trial and one worth your time.
I hope you are fully recovered from your Covid injection bad reaction ...
I also hope that jury service goes smoothly for you.
I did enjoy seeing your photographs from the art fair and a fabulous selection of funnies ... I am still chuckling, thank you.
All the best Jan
Sounds like you had quite the week. Sorry to hear you might have jury duty, but maybe I shouldn't say sorry. It depends on how you feel about jury duty. And I hope you didn't get too sick. I really enjoyed seeing more of the art show too. (I started this last night and got distracted so let me finish so I can move onto today's post!) Hugs-Erika
The art fair looks like a really good one. I don't think people care too much anymore about bothering others. We are noticing that attitude more and more. Life is changing, and not so much for the better...But your funnies made me smile-especially the cat ones!
I hope you're feeling better! It looks like the jury duty will be taking up your time soon. Loved seeing the autumn art fair, so many lovely things at lovely prices to look at 😊. The funnies are fab, love the first one with the tortoises ... ha, ha! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x
I'm sorry you felt so bad :( The Queen's funeral was something historic. There'll never be another like her, that's certain.
I used to go faithfully to the Autumn art/craft fairs. So much creativity on display!
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