Today I'm once again joining Neet at Hickydorums, our host this month at Art Journal Journey with her Fur and/or Feathers theme.

This is a really quick entry and not very pretty because I obviously need a new scanner. This image of snow geese was from a Mensa magazine. Those who have ever seen a Mensa magazine know how thin the pages are. The reverse side showed through as it did on a previous photo from another thin magazine that came to me without a cover. I tore this image from the Mensa magazine, then layered it to a sheet of pink and white scrapbook paper using variegated thread. I sewed this assembly over a sheet of lavender and grey scrapbook paper using the same variegated thread. Finally, I added the word, which was made up of HOTP (Hot Off The Press) stickers.
Bleubeard and I
are really happy you joined us and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on Fur and/or Feathers.
13 thoughtful remarks:
You are right. It isn't pretty. It is beautiful.
Beautiful page Elizabeth. When I see birds in flight it always makes me happy. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
What a gorgeous sky. I love the colours, it is so evocative. I don't think I have ever had the pleasure of seeing snow geese but to see them in flight like this must be wonderful. I can almost hear the noise of them flying overhead as I look at your beautiful page Elizabeth.
Thank you for sharing this image with us all. I love the stickers you used for the lettering.
Have a wonderful weekend
Hugs, Neet xx
Beautiful image
That is a lovely photo and I do like how you layered it. It is just about the time that the birds start flocking up and migrating. The sunset of summer. Or at least it feels that way today as we are really cold and windy here. Brr. I hope you have a great weekend and it is a lot warmer than here. hugs=-Erika
Nice colors.
I like the pink and lavender. Reminds me of how at sunset I often see birds head to one end of the lake.
I love how all the different colors (the blues, the yellows, and the pinks) work together and stand out, and the birds work really well with it.
I like it!
I love it! the birds are great as are the colours.
I love your stitched page of birds in flight Elizabeth.
Beautiful and so relevant as we are seeing so many pink-footed geese flying over our house at the moment 😊. Loving the layers and sewing! Hugs Jo x
Wow! This looks so peaceful and simply gorgeous. Have a very nice day.
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