By now it should be no secret, I'm once again joining Neet at Hickydorums, our host this month at Art Journal Journey with her Fur and/or Feathers theme.

This journal page is all about Wings.

Let's begin with this furry bumblebee.

I believe this is a ring billed gull.

A snowy owl sits atop a fence.

From what I could find on the internet, this appears to be a dark eyed junco.

What they all have in common is they have

I found all these images in a very thin magazine. It had been folded and bent. It was so thin, the reverse images can be seen. After I cut the images to fit the journal page, I sewed them to this lavender and green dotted decorative card stock using pink and red variegated thread. I used stickers for the word.
Bleubeard and I
are truly blessed you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey with your own take on Fur and/or Feathers. I am sorry I haven't been around. It looks like I will be doing jury duty and I finally got my second booster today and I am sore all over. NOT easy and stress free like the J & J, which was not an option if I wanted any booster.
18 thoughtful remarks:
Wings are one of my passions, and I adore your work.
Love your feathered friends Elizabeth. Not forgetting your furry little bee on the berries which looks as if it comes from a postage stamp with a picture of our late Queen's head on it.
Love how you so painstakingly stitched your pictures on and the word "Wings" in its double script.
Thanks for another lovely page for the Fur and/or Feathers theme at Art Journal Journey.
Take care, Hugs, Neet xxx
Your joujnal page is very sweet! Love how you sewed the images, it's another lovely piece for Neet's challenge. Hope you and your arm soon feel better! Hugs, Valerie
I hope you will recover quickly from your booster — and above all, I hope it’s effective in protecting you!
Jury duty often involves a lot of waiting, so maybe you can write some posts while you are in the waiting room — if they let you bring a device. I was called once and waited all day so I chose to read “Crime and Punishment.” I was not chosen as a juror.
best… mae at
Nice bird photo collection on your page Elizabeth. And I see those bees too. Now that there isn't quite so much blooming my back deck has been buzzing loudly as the bees come to what's left in the pots of flowers. And I mean it is really loud. Pete doesn't even want to go out there as he isn't a fan of bees. Smile. Hope all is well with you, and thanks for sharing this page with us at AJJ. hugs-Erika
Lovely bird and bee creations!
Wishing you are well soon xx
I love things with wings so much. Your piece is beautiful.
Wrote you a lovely comment but it didn't go through.. figures this one would.. Hugs! deb
Love this page!
Perfectly arranged, a nice good-bye to summer.
Love especially the seagull and the bee.
The images and words go so well together.
Lovely page & theme this month! I even did a page today. :) We are getting ready to get our third booster, just got our flu shot yesterday, so will wait a while before doing the other. Poor you, jury duty! I haven't had to do that for a while. A few years ago, I had it two years in a row! Don't know how that happened. The first one, we were a hung jury! LOL The next time, we all voted guilty. It is very interesting, and I met a lot of people! Hugs.
Lovely photos.
I love the junco -- I see them at my feeder often in the winter; not so much in the spring. You found some wonderful images that so fit the theme!
Great choices for this one! I do love the birds.
Very nice show. Lots of great art. When goggle was cleaning up blogger and I couldn't get to links or display on my dashboard, they, goggle, deleted all of my Mr. Linksy. So, it is not your fault or mine that you couldn't leave comments for people. Hopefully that is over with. Hope to see you next week for FFO.
Wonderful composition! I love the birds and bees!
Gorgeous page! Loving the different bird images and I nearly missed the bumblebee - beautiful 😊. Hugs Jo x
What a variety :) So many kinds of creatures with wings!
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