Monday, September 9, 2024

T Stands For Rushed


I forgot today was Monday and I may be late with this post because my internet is slow this time of the day.  I've been telling Lyn (Spyder) that I have some of these same teapot and cup combinations. 

Here is one I got at a charity shop (aka Goodwill).  I got it cheap because it didn't have a lid.
A close up view of the design.
I've been busy trying to get the rest of the paint chip samples in the book I'm making and that's why I forgot today was Monday and time for T Tuesday.

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.


14 thoughtful remarks:

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been ages I made tea. Our town has an great little tea shop.

Mae Travels said...

I like your nice plain white teapot. I have a very fanciful one that stacks like that. I do have a blog post today but I had no idea how to work in a beverage, so I guess I can’t put it in the linky. Here it is:

Lisca said...

What a lovely little set. Very stylish. Perfect for one person. It doesn't really matter it doesn't have a lid. It's beautiful.
Happy T-Day,

Tom said...

...tea has never been my thing.

My name is Erika. said...

That is a huge teacup. Like Mae, I really like that it is white. Very classy. I have a cup and teapot combo, but the cup on mine is small, and the teapot part is a dog. I'll have to share it one t day. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Summer from one day to the other is over. So... tea-time! "Sadly"...

Rostrose said...

Dear Elizabeth, I like your teapot and cup combination, it looks very classy. I've one that looks like a man with hat and another in yellow-red , I think I've shown them already... (?) If not, tell me please...
😘 All the best and happy T-Day, Traude

Violetta said...

A nice teacup with lot of space for a nice tasting tea.
Have a good time . I am on holidays now for three weeks.
All the best

Violetta said...

....and of course Happy T-day

CJ Kennedy said...

Your teapot for one is very cute. I should use mine more often. Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely classic white design! That is a VERY big cup!!! Your book is intriguing! Happy T Day dear Elixzabeth! HUgs, Chrisx
PS Straight on my computer for this comment!YAY!!!

Jeanie said...

What a lovely photo set up. It's really a beautiful series of photos.

Spyder said...

Yes, I love your tea pot and what I good idea togot use the strainer as a lid! I would've bought it too! I must admit, I usually use tea bags but have used loose tea on T for Tuesday before. Sorry I'm so late, got back from House/dog sitting and have only just got laptop/computer set up again. Have a lovely crafty Tea time week. ((Lyn))

Lowcarb team member said...

I've just enjoyed a cup of tea :)

All the best Jan