Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Smiles 378: Herb Day


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday. 

Every year, the first Saturday of May is designated Herb Day.  Apparently, it's actually an international phenomenon.  I try to never miss this event.

As I was leaving, I realized I had not taken a single photo of the booths that were set up for Herb Day.

It was a bleak, overcast day, threatening rain the entire time I was there.

I had to make several trips, but I got a lot of the items on my list.  Most everything I purchased was $6.00 to $10.00 (USD).  Much higher than last year.  Note the refrigerator/freezer in the background (top left of above photo).

I'm really happy each plant came with a marker, or I might not have remembered what each was.  Note my copper, blue, and white kitchen in the background.

I believe I've now shown every plant I purchased on Herb Day.

Of course, I had to show the beautiful flowers I received on my bEARTHday now they were in full bloom.  You can also see other herbs I bought at two local garden shops in the area before Herb Day.  These will soon be in larger pots and I will share that transformation next week.

Now for a bit of Herb humor.

Thanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too. 


14 thoughtful remarks:

Rita said...

Thanks for the chuckles.
I've never seen an herb fair. Didn't know there was such a thing. :)

Iris Flavia said...

We don´t have a herb day.
But I have a funny for you. When Ingo starts in English and pauses, I know it´s going wrong.
A friend in Perth suggested a longer journey. Both mixed up time versa thyme. I knew from the beginning! (Ingo: "G, we have anything but time here in Australia!" (we are there for but 6 weeks) G: "Ingo, we DO have thyme here in Australia!" looking at her pizza...).
To herbs!

Lisca said...

No, I don't think we celebrate herb day. At least, I've never heard of it. Fortunately most of those grow wild here and are for the picking, and parsley (doesn't grow wild) I get from a friend.
Loved your funnies, especially the 'natural causes'.
Have a lovely weekend,

Elephant's Child said...

I don't think we celebrate Herb Day either. I wish we did. I hope yours do really well - and thanks for the funnies.

mamapez5 said...

I would love to visit your Herb day. I have never heard of them. Your plants are more expensive than ours but it is hard to compare with two different currencies. I made a small herb patch outside my backdoor (See last weeks post, or the one before) and everything is doing well so far.
I enjoyed your herb funnies. Hope you have a good week. Kate x

Tom said...

...good sage advice!

Annie said...

Thanks for the chuckles today. We set up a new little herb garden this week but nothing as big as yours.
Annie x

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't heard of herb day but good thing because I would have bought a lot of plants too. I think plants here this year were more than last year also. Like everything I guess. And your herb humor was great. I haven't seen any herb humor so it made me laugh. Thanks for the morning smiles. Have a great Friday and weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said...

I was a total failure at herb acquisition this year. Parsley. That's my total herb purchase. I'm not sure what happened with that.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi elizabeth, I'm a bit late today but here now. The Herb Day looks interesting though not so much the weather which is about the same here too. Your Herb funnies are good too, very smile worthy. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Christine said...

Lovely herbs!

Katerinas Blog said...

Your herbal day looks interesting!
Here (Greece) we don't have anything like that,
but we have and use a lot of herbs!
Very helpful post today!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I love the smell of fresh herbs

LA Paylor said...

late late this week but better than never
thank you for the laughs... miss craft shows