Before we begin today, I want to apologize for my lack of participation this past weekend. Two of my No Name, No Photos friends who I shared my bEARTHday meal with, talked about St. Louis. I mentioned how many times I had been inside the Arch and how it was so much more exciting than when I visited the Statue of Liberty, they decided to treat me to a weekend in St. Louis. All went well when we left on Friday, but when we chose to come home, we ran into tornado warnings, tornadoes, flash flooding, and thunderstorms that were relentless. Needless to say, we didn't get home until about noon today. Of course, I hadn't prepared my T Tuesday post, so I hope I make it on time.

The set of four is from 2019 and called
Military Working Dogs.

It's now time to share your own drink
related post. It can be
photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T
participants. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old
photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year. Please remember to visit your
fellow T participants. I sincerely hope to do the same!!!
I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd. The rules are quite simple. You can use any post, any length,
any genre, as long as it's been published sometime in the past. I sincerely hope you will join Bleubeard and me on the 2nd.
23 thoughtful remarks:
So kind of RO!
...I've never seen the working dog stamps.
A weekend in St.Louis sounds great. If all goes as planned, I will in fact be there next weekend! I’m sad that you didn’t share the places you visited and the eateries where you had your meals. Too bad about the tornado weather!
Have a lovely cup of tea on Tuesday.
best, mae at
A weekend in St Louis sounds good, but such a shame about the tornado weather.
Lovely things from Ro.
Sending my good wishes.
All the best Jan
Oh, how fun, Elizabeth! I so happy for you that you got to do something real special for your birthday! Sounds so fun, except for the tornadoes. My sis lives in St. Louis, and I haven't been there since I retired, 15 years ago. I notices you commented last week. You must have got the glitch fixed. Have a wonderful T Day.
I think a weekend away is always exciting. And I know you like the arch in St. Louis, so I'm sure you had a great time in the city. Sorry to hear the ride home was so scary. I just saw some footage from some of the tornadoes in Oklahoma and Nebraska. Pretty scary. Nice gifts from Ro. I'm glad you made it home in time to get T Day posted. Have a super day. hugs-Erika
Ohhhhh Happy happy birthday. I knew it was close to mine but couldn't remember the date. Sorry I am late. Such a nice gift. I love candles. Thank you for hosting T-Tuesday.
Ohhhhh, how sweet! And yes, I am with you. Just seeing the pressie sitting there is a joy! To know someone cares makes the wait so worth it! And the card is just so cute and wow on the tea!
Glad nothing happened to you, scary your first words were!
Have a relaxing, great day today!
A weekend away sounds great. I hope to see some photos next week. (without the No-Photo ladies of course). Tornadoes sound frightening. We don't have them here so I have no idea what that would be like. We get a lot of storms here where I live and I hate it. So just the thought of a tornado would give me nightmares.
But you got home in one piece.
The stamps are amazing. I had never seen the working dogs series. And I didn't know there were Dutch Shepherd dogs. Thanks for showing me those.
Oh that candle is lovely! Does it smell nice? Yes, the anticipation is part of the enjoyment. I always used to love seeing my Christmas presents under the tree. And I had a giggle about the card. Really humorous.
Have a happy T-Day,
Apologies are NOT necessary. You are entitled to a life away from the blogosphere - though I am sorry that weather put a dampener on your weekend away.
RO is a very special person isn't she?
This is a very nice and certainly nice-smelling birthday present, dear Elizabeth! I wish you all the best for your “bEARTHday”! (Sorry that this is an afterthought...)
The fact that you had tornado problems is less subtle, but luckily you made it home safely!
Happy T-Day!
All the best, sweet hugs and a good start into May, Traude
Several people commented that they wanted to read my follow-up about chocolate, so I just also linked it. I usually don’t link two posts for T is for Tuesday, but this seemed to fit. Have a great week.
best, mae
Good morning, what a very fun time for you to enjoy St Louis with friends. besides the scary tornadoes and storms. We had lots of warnings here with strong storms but no tornadoes near me.
What a sweet gift from your friend. I love Snoopy and the gang Enjoy your candle. Hugs from the lake Kathy
glad you had a nice trip Elizabeth and managed to
get home safely. bet bleu and squiggles were glad to
see you ‼️mom nature can be quite scary at times.
your bearthday gift is awesome. what a great friend
RO is ‼️😺🐟🍀
Hope the tornados did not made to much damage. Oh I love the Peanuts especially Snoopy.
Happy T-day dear Elizabeth and all the best
Sounds like your trip to St. Louis was fun. I'm relieved you didn't get caught in the wild weather on the way home. The candle is such a perfect gift for you and T Day.
You received wonderful gifts and cards. But what an extra special treat a weekend in St.Louis would be. That sounds like loads of fun. I hope you'll share photos (even if not of your no-photo friends!)
Ro is just the best, isn't she? I really miss her.
I love that your friends gave you St. Louis for a bEarthday gift and hate that Mother Nature was in a snit.
Hope your day is wondrous, dear friend.
Happy Birthday.
I'm glad you were all safe with all the dangerous weather down there!
What a wonderful gift and cute-cute card! Happy birthday, Elizabeth. :)
I love those working dog stamps. I keep asking in different post Offices, if they have any 'nice stamps with pictures' and they just look at me as though I have a screw loose! and then, No! What lovely things you had arrive in the post!! Have a great week! Hugs and Happy LaTe T day!
I'm glad you had a good weekend visit to St. Louis, I hope you tell us more about it.
Re your comment on my post about not going up the Arch.
John is not a fan (he gets extremely claustrophobic) of enclosed spaces!
No, we didn't have enough time for the Field. St. Louis is definitely a city I would go back to visit!
I think the city is trying hard to re-gentrify itself.
Happy belated birthday dear Elizabeth ! Hope you had a lovely weekend at St Louis. You received lots a wonderful gifts, Ro is so special.
I wish you a great day, and send big hugs
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