Friday, March 1, 2024



Before I share this month's first entry, Bleubeard and I want to thank Vicki of Stamped Smiles, our host last month at Art Journal Journey.  Not only was she an amazing host, with thoughtful and caring comments to all, she inspired many with her fabulous journal pages.  As a first time host, Bleubeard and I personally couldn't be more proud.  She has definitely gone over and above.  She certainly put me to shame.  We hope she will join us again next year.

I also want to thank the other moderators, Erika, Chris, and Valerie for taking up the slack while I have not been well.  They are true heroes in my book. 

Now it's a new month and we welcome a new host, as we always do on the first.  This month one of the moderators of Art Journal Journey is our host.  Please welcome Chris, who many of you know as pearshapedChris.  You will find her at PearshapedCraftingChris's theme is On All Fours and it is a great reason for me to work in my Cats altered book.


Bleubeard and I named this first entry Believe.   We have a few detail shots, too.

I have to admit this is not the entry with which I wanted to start, but I was afraid the one I wanted to start with and will show later in the week may turn a few people off.

The inspiration for this journal page came from the gifted kitty (thanks, Erika) who is sporting a baseball cap and "holding" a bat and baseball.  While going through my vintage and old postcards, I ran across this postcard of Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA).  I was overjoyed and paired the two.  In my stash were bubbles I added to both sides of the spread.  Also in my stash was a "Believe" sticker.  I think Fluffy believes he will have a home run.

Chris, Erika, Valerie, Bleubeard, and I are delighted you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you share your own interpretation of On All Fours.
We welcome art journal pages that meet the theme requirements, altered book pages, canvases, loose, or stand alone pages including fabric and digital art.  We cannot leave comments on Facebook or Instagram entries.  We do not allow cards, tags, index cards, ATCs, or ATCoins, unless they are part of a journal page, and as much as we don't want to, will be forced to delete your entry.  Please remember if your blog is not in English, we ask that you translate it for us since the translation tool doesn't work on some blogsHope to see you soon at Art Journal Journey

11 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

It's a nice theme. Hope to get my page up later today or tomorrow at the latest, hugs, Valerie

Gillena Cox said...

Very interesting theme. It was easy for me this time because my granddaughter got a kitten she named Lola. She brought Lola for a visit and Lola just luvved playing with onrbof the curtains until she fell asleep😊
Happy Friday


Tom said... ball!

My name is Erika. said...

What a fun idea to start the new month. I love the baseball kitty. And not only did you make this page perfect for Chris' theme, but baseball means spring,so that works for March and the coming new season. Is Miller Park in Wichita? I love the dots too, that make a nice border. I'm sure if I want to see that other page you mentioned...I guess I will have to wait and see.Have a great start to March. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun page. Purrfect for the first day of Meteorological Spring as many teams are in Spring training. I hope you're feeling better.

Christine said...

Good new theme

Sharon Madson said...

Perfect theme for cat lover, and this is a great page, Elizabeth. What a find of Fliffy with the bat! I hope you are feeling better.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh! Good Luck Kitty! I really love this Elizabeth it's perfect for my theme and it really made my smile! Baseball isn't really popular in the UK - I think I would quite enjoy watching a game, hugs, Chrisx ps I'm wondering what you have planned!

Jeanie said...

That's a perfect combo of kitty and ball park! Tis the season for baseball (almost) -- at long last!

Fundy Blue said...

This page is darling, Elizabeth!

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your page.

I hope you are feeling better now.
Sending my good wishes for the new month of March.

All the best Jan