Monday, December 25, 2023

T Stands For Christmas Tea


It's Christmas T!  And of course, we are celebrating at my dining room table.

I am truly blessed.  I definitely don't believe I deserve all the beautiful gifts members of the T Tuesday group have bestowed upon me.

Before I get too carried away, I want to share my water with lemon.  Note the mug is sitting on last year's Christmas gift from Elle (eotc)  In no particular order, below are the cards and gifts I have received

This "meowy" Christmas postcard was hand drawn by Iris.  Isn't it gorgeous?  Thankfully, that is neither Bleubeard or Squiggles because they have no interst in my tabletop trees.  I admit the cat looks very much like Bleubeard with his black nose.

The postage stamps are beautiful.  I wish I had time to research them, but time is not on my side today.  I adore that crane, first issued in 2022.

What a sweet and heartfelt message.  It is YOU I have to thank, dear Iris.

 This stamp is on a card that surprised me the most.  It's the second stamp I've received that has Charles on it.  I immediately knew this would be a handmade card.

It is gorgeous.  My photo doesn't begin to do it justice.

I was blown away by my dear friend Julia from Stamping Ground and What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday fame.  Julia created an amazing collage with a postage stamp. a button, and other collage images. 

Then I opened the card and this fell out!

Thank you for the die, Julia.  It means the world to me.

These lovely trees I believe were hand drawn, came from Deb

After taking about 40 photos of this globe, I gave up.  Sorry it's so fuzzy.

  It appears the one Deb used was the Santa.  Those snow globes also match the USPS cancellation, too.

I accidentally deleted all the rest of the photos, all of which I had photograophed as I was opening them.   I will take photos again, but all the cards and gifts have been opened, except a portion of the final box.

Deb added a sparkly gnome, but it got caught in the USPS cancellation machine.  Washi tape was sparkly, too.

Look at the adorable snowman and all those red birds.

Such a sweet card and a lovely sentiment.  I love it, Deb.  Thank you!

I was surprised to see a postage stamp on a card
from my beloved

PBS station.
The new season of All Creatures Great and Small will premier in January.  It makes a lovely card.
From my two favorite guys, Victor Hogstrom, CEO and President, and Phil Richardson, who is in charge of major donors and donations.

This adorable card with the deer came from my friend Kathy in the Ozarks.

Kathy also chose a Santa globe for her postage stamp.

Kathy has got that wax seal down to a science!  This is lovely.

This gorgeous wreath is accompanied by a cardinal.  I believe this will go in my main floor bath after I pack my Christmas trees away for another year.

A charming and adorable hand written sentiment.

It was accompanied by this lovely hand written note.  Thank you for always thinking of me.  You are too kind.

I have lots more to share, but time is up.  I have been photographing and writing since 8 a.m. this morning.  I will add the rest as I get them rephotographed.  Please come back to see what others have sent.  I promise to get everyone's gift on my blog before the end of the day.

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.

It's obvious this postage stamp is from Canada.  It's a lovely stamp of children ice skating on a frozen pond.  This came from my dear friend Cindy.

It's also obvious this is a handmade card.  I suspect the bird started as a gel print.  The gold doesn't show well in this waning light.

I held the card open with my opener.  Such a lovely card and sentiment.  Thank you so very much, dear Cindy.  I am so grateful for your friendship of more years than I am willing to admit.

Next up is a postcard from Lisca.  She explains the postage stamp reads "Break the circle of childhood poverty."  It and your thoughtful card are lovely.

Of course, the front is stunning with the rocking horse, lace, pearls, and a pocket watch.  Simply vintage and romantic.

More soon.

This rather thick envelope came from San Francisco.   The two globes are the snowman and the deer (see above for those from the USPS web site).

I found these adorable washi tape kitties marching across the back of the envelope.  This came from Carola Bartz.

This is a gorgeous handmade card.  Note the package in back.  I tore the tissue opening the gift inside, so I tried to hide it as best I could.

I was completely impressed with the card. I love the layers and the texture.

I attempted to color adjust the words on the card.  Sorry I missed Carola's name at the bottom.  I'm also looking forward to many more T Tuesdays!

I nearly cried when I saw what was in the package.  For those of you who didn't see this cat last week, Carola is making them for the German school with which she is associated.  I went crazy over the cat and Carola sent me my very own.  This will live in my dining room or craft room.  I am so honored that Carola sent me one of her handmade cats.  Thank you beyond words, Carola for everything.

This is one of those globe stamps that just wouldn't come into focus no matter what I tried.  It's the tree, which means I have at least one of each of these new globe postage stamps.  Can you see this was postmarked in Wichita, KS?  That can only mean one person.

Yes, it is my dear stamping friend, Sharon of Foxy Stamping fame.  This was stamped on the outside of the envelope and

this sticker was on the back.

I'm sure, knowing Sharon, this is an original and there won't be another like it.  I like how she colored the blues.

She stamped the inside!  She always includes Squiggles, too.

And finally, she stamped the back with her angel post stamp.

I just realized I haven't eaten all day, so I'll be back with my final two entries after I fix something warm and hopefully nourishing.

I know better than to eat when I'm tired.  I go to sleep as soon as the food hits my mouth.  I slept in my computer chair and was asleep before I finished was half way through my salt laden ramen noodles.

My next to last gift was from my friend Patty in Virginia.  She no longer blogs, but is now on Instagram exclusively.  Try as I might (yes it was getting late), the postage stamp just wouldn't come into focus.

It is one of the holiday elves.  This image is from USPS.
I opened this card and immediately fell in love.  I knew Valerie would feel the same way, too.  Isn't it fabulous? What a take on Starry Night.  Yes, Patty, I love it.

I hope you can read this.  Several levels indeed. 

What a great card.  I am the recipient of #HA1089 of the Allport Editions.  As you can see, the card is 100% recyclable.
I checked out their web site ( and noticed they have artist Christmas trees.  As many of you know, I collect small Christmas trees of any type, size, style, etc.

Artist Christmas Trees Holiday CardThese are all so very clever.  This is the image from their web site, since my photo doesn't do it justice.  I cannot thank you enough, dear Patty.  It is an amazing and remarkable card.

I'll be back soon.  Seems Photoshop had a meltdown, which means I need to shut it down and restart before I can transfer my photos from the camera to the computer.  Apparently I accidentally took photos that were too large for RAM.

My final card is hidden among other wonderful gifts I received from my dear friend Erika, who is not only a T Tuesday participant, she is an administrator at Art Journal Journey.  Metered mail, but very expensive postage, so postage stamps would have covered the front and back of this box.  As you can see, I "stuffed" everything back in the box to take repeat photos.

I love these wood mounted rubber stamps.  My favorite kind of stamp.  I apologize the photos are so dark, but the sun has been down for some time, now.

A card and another gift, this one wrapped.

I absolutely adore what Erika did with the TH paper dolls.  She also used die cuts and an embossing folder to create this fun card.

Clever "bow" on the girl's dress.  And I love how even her faux stitches are that frame the scene.  This is a great way to alter these paper dolls.

Yes, Erika, this amazing gift arrived in time for Christmas and I am so grateful to you for making it so special.

In the interest of time, I will now primarily show what was wrapped in the snowman.  Of course, the cats will find a place in my Cat altered book.

Cute sayings.
Of course, you know I absolutely LOVE the rocking horse washi tape.

Overhead shot.

And to top it off, there is a set of sunflower dies.  Thank you beyond belief, Erika.  This box of goodies really made my day.

Thanks to everyone who thought of me at T Tuesday this year.  I am SO grateful to each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness and caring.  Bless you all.  Merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You received a wonderful collection of beautiful Christmas mail, enjoy. Hope you are feeling a bit better. Hugs, Valerie

Tom said... 2

..this is a special time of year, we actually get real mail! ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

kathyinozarks said... 3

Lovely cards and I love the usps stamps for Christmas this year That is cool with Charles on the stamp. I got a card from a friend in England I don't think she put one of those on the envelope but I am going to check that-I save all the cancelled stamps.
I may join in tomorrow I will see.
sorry you have to retake photos-sounds like something I would do-smiles Happy T Tuesday

Christine said... 4

Lovely gifts and delicious tea!

Christine said... 5

And Merry Christmas!

DVArtist said... 6

So many beautiful cards. I even got a few this year. Have a wonderful evening.

My name is Erika. said... 7

Sorry to hear your accidentally deleted all those photos. But I do hope you had a lovely holiday. And did I include the eggnog teabags in my package? I was planning on sending you a couple, and now I can't remember if I included them. I love the cards you received. You have some beauties. I love all the cardinals on Deb's. It's fun. And I hope you have a great T day/Boxing day. Hugs-Erika

Elephant's Child said... 8

Beautiful gifts - which you truly deserve. Your friendship enriches those of us lucky enough to know you.

Rita said... 9

Merry Christmas and Happy T-Day! :)

Carola Bartz said... 10

You got such wonderful Christmas mail, Elizabeth! As you can see, we all love you. Bummer that you accidentally deleted photos, but this happens sometimes - things could be worse. Enjoy your lemony water! Happy T day, my friend.

Mae Travels said... 11

Your Christmas looks wonderful. I hope you enjoyed a good Christmas dinner as well as having all those cards to open!
Thank you for hosting a great blog get-together once again this year.
best, mae at

Iris Flavia said... 12

Oh. Thank you, Elizabeth, I am glad you liked my little sketch - and that it arrived at all!! And that the postie picked nice stamps for once, too!
I certainly love the cute rocking horse! And the globe-stamps!
The knitted cat!!!
I have two external hard-drives to not lose any pics. They are not expensive here.
I understand your frustration!
But... all the happy mail makes up, right? Can´t wait to see the rocking horse in your art!!!!
Happy T-Day, dear host!

Rostrose said... 13

Dear Elizabeth, I am so happy for you 🥰
I wish you and everyone you love (people and animals) a wonderful Christmas ⛄🎄🕯️ and a happy new year 🍄🍀!
Hugs and all the best, Traude

Let's Art Journal said... 14

So much wonderful happy mail and postage stamps - amazing 😊. It's lovely to see all those merry wishes coming your way, you're such a fabulous host and blog friend! Wishing peace, joy and happiness this Christmas time ❤️. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo xx

Nancy said... 15

Your wonderful mail proved there is no end to creativity and generosity! Just lovely. Merry Christmas.

Divers and Sundry said... 16

What lovely and thoughtful cards and gifts! You mean a lot to so many :)

Happy T Tuesday

Valerie-Jael said... 17

I love that van Gogh card, too, wonderful! I sometimes meet up with Patty on FaceBook, she still shows her lovely mandalas! I got nothing done this year, no cake, no pies, no cards, no nothing. Next year has to be better! Hugs, Valerie

pearshapedcrafting said... 18

You certainly are popular and well thought of Elizabeth- how else would we all 'meet up' every week! Some of those stamps are pretty spectacular too! Happy T Day, Chrisx

Helen said... 19

Happy Christmas Elizabeth, that is some very lovely mail you received. Helen x

Violetta said... 20

So much wonderful christmas post-cards. I wish you a wonderful time, happy T-day and a fine rest of Boxing Day
All the best

Empire of the Cat said... 21

Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day and of course Happy Tea Day. What a lovely lot of happy mail you got, love the cards and that big box of stuff from Erika! I spotted the coaster too, mine has disappeared somewhere, I must find it. ~Elle xx

CJ Kennedy said... 22

Great cards. Cats, cardinals. It doesn't get much better. Happy T Day

Lowcarb team member said... 23

Wow, you received a lovely collection of Christmas mail ...
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Enjoy these last few days of December and my good wishes for the coming New Year.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said... 24

Your cards are wonderful -- so many lovely and creative things. I especially love Iris' rendition! I'm sorry I can't access your previous posts. I'll keep trying but going to "older post" only takes me to your banner. Are your settings configured that only one will appear?

At any rate, I hope you had a very lovely Christmas and know I would check in if I could!

Debra said... 25

Beautiful post-I loved seeing all the goodies and the lovely art. Happy New year!

Let's Art Journal said... 26

Just stopped by to wish you a very Happy New Year! I hope your electric and heating is now back and working, take care 😊. All the best for 2024, may it be full of peace, good health and happiness ❤️. Hugs, Jo x