This is the first chance I've had to share my calendar pages for November and December, 2023.

My very boring life was even more so in November. Aside from a trip to visit a friend in Missouri, one meal out, and voting for the mayor, city council, and BOE member, this month didn't amount to much.

As you can see, I've attempted to decorate with
Wendy's theme at
Art Journal Journey, which is Above Us Only Sky. It is my final entry for Wendy's theme. I also have marked birth dates for Chris and Valerie, two Art Journal Journey administrators. This is the last Day Timer Calendar. My friend Sally decided not to order more for 2024. I bought a cheap planner for next year.
I've been going through a few of my books and magazines, trying to reduce some of my excess paper. I found the following and wanted to share it.
The first time I read this, I cried. The second time I read it, I cried. The third time, I got sick to my stomach.
Since I wasn't sure you would be able to read the words as they came from my scanner, I darkened the words in Photoshop. Please read how this innocent being was mistreated. Look at the photo and notice her broken pelvis and back legs. Also note how she tried to pull away from her urine and feces. Ignore the green insert. For me, this is not about your food or diet choice, but your compassion for a living being. No being should be mistreated like this poor cow was. If you agree with the guy who said "bull crap," you need to check your moral compass. I welcome any and all comments.
12 thoughtful remarks:
Simply heart breaking. can be cruel.
I started to read this article and then had to stop. The cruelty to animals especially cows is the work of humans who have no hearts. It sickens me. I will say that right now I am in a boring rut too. My foot has me home bound, can't get into my art room and life feels it is at a stale mate. Wish we lived closer. I know together we could get into trouble. Uhhh I mean have some fun. LOL Wishing you bright and wonderful day.
I tried reading this but I had to stop-it was killing me. There is a place near here called the Farm Sanctuary. They have been rescuing animals for many years. They get to live out their lives with dignity and with compassion. The last time we drove past it there were wild deer laying down outside of the farm's fences and gardens-I'm thinking it was because they could sense that animals were being loved there. It was a sight to behold. I saw geese being cared for that would not have been cared for anywhere else. Animals that had a hard time name it-there was a hardship that the sanctuary was helping with, and I believe the animals were LOVED too. This place has a lot of movie stars supporting it. You can google Farm Sanctuary in Schuyler County NY to find out more.
Thank you for your article. Perhaps it will hit home with someone who needs to have a change of heart.
So so sad, Elizabeth. People can be so cruel, to each other and to animals. Sometimes I would like to beat the living daylights out of those people. Today is the first day where I am starting to feel human again. Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie
Cruel, true.
Fun calendar Elizabeth. I'm glad you were able to share this. Sorry, I can't read about the downed cow, just looking at the photo is tough. Have a great weekend, and I'm glad you were able to join AJJ too. :) hugs-Erika
The sadness is immense, but I wonder how many people reading the story will continue to eat cows? If you are going to express remorse or chagrin at the condition of these animals then stop eating them.
When I was in grade 7 we saw how poultry-animals were ... I don´t even have a word for it.
I could not eat meat for 2 years, my Mom let me "get away" with it after she saw me crying and no explanations helped.
But I felt so unwell (back then you had no ideas how to live a healthy vegetarian life) I went back to meat.
I take care I buy meat that is more expensive but the animals at least had a "good life".
Humans, as many animals, need meat.
I wish I was at a better school - still showing, but giving the correct explanation, too.
Oh dear, I can't bare to read it either, but thank you for your entry for my theme on AJJ.
Thanks for sharing your calendar.
I just don't understand how people can be so cruel, to each other and to animals. We do eat meat, poultry, fish but I am careful where and what I buy to do my best to ensure the animals have been able to live a good life.
All the best Jan
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