Thursday, November 30, 2023



Before we begin, I want to thank Jo for hosting in November,  She gave us wonderful examples of nature and was a super host, visiting everyone at AJJ, which is far more than I can say for myself.

Today we welcome a new host as we always do each month to Art Journal Journey.  This month our guest host is the talented Wendy K from Wendy's Craft Journal.

Wendy's theme is Above us only sky.  I decided to focus on Stars.  I have detail shots, too.

Of course, the first time I remembered the date in many months, you can't tell it's Dec 1, 2023.

For this journal page, I started by cutting squares from a deconstructed book and alternated them on a sheet of 110 lb cardstock.  I then colored the page using Golden blue (green shade) fluid acrylic.  I made sure the top was pure acrylic to which I added a bit of water as I reached the bottom of the page.  Once the acrylic was completely dry, I added stars randomly using a stencil and my white Posca pen.  I made a few spots using the same pen.  Next, I added the words I tried to turn into a poem.  Finally, I added the date.

Wendy, Chris, Erika, Valerie, Bleubeard, and I are delighted you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you share your own interpretation of Above us only sky.
We welcome art journal pages that meet the theme requirements, altered book pages, canvases, loose, or stand alone pages including fabric and digital art.  We cannot leave comments on Facebook or Instagram entries.  We do not allow cards, tags, index cards, ATCs, or ATCoins, unless they are part of a journal page, and as much as we don't want to, will be forced to delete your entry.  Please remember if your blog is not in English, we ask that you either provide a translation tool or translate it for us.  Hope to see you soon at Art Journal Journey


20 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Stars are another thing I delight in. We are v cloudy so they won't be on show tonight.

WendyK said...

Great page and words, I like the way you have lightened the sky towards the bottom. It’s absolutely freezing cold here, so it’s the first time you can walk on top of the soil rather than sink into it like a bog. Have a lovely December.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oooh! Beautiful starry page Elizabeth-it seems we're all thinking night time! We had a starry night last night and have had a heavy frost this morning so your page is perfect for this first day of Wendy's AJJ theme! Hugs, Chrisx

Valerie-Jael said...

Another lovely starry night! Have a great weekend, hugs!

Iris Flavia said...

A beautiful theme and page - but I can´t get John Lennon´s song out of my head...
Imagine... so beautiful.

Tom said...

...keep looking up!

Rostrose said...

Dear Elizabeth, your starry sky makes me think of the song Starry, Starry Night about Vincent Van Gogh. And the words you cut out made me remember the cold night a few days ago, which was actually cloudless and full of stars. Today, however, it is cloudy (or currently it is raining).
I received your comment despite the “failed to publish” message.
All the best and have a good weekend, Traude

My name is Erika. said...

I am loving your stars Elizabeth. It feels like a cold winter night and how you can see so many stars shining. I don't know wy, but winter night clear skies do look different from summer night clear skies. I can't be the universe itself, so it must be something to do with the temperature of the lower atmosphere levels. Happy December to you. hugs-Erika

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

A beautiful display of stars within the night sky, reminds me of Turkish nights where the stars are so big and bright at night. Wonderful theme from Wendy.
Happy creative weekend Hugs TRacey x

Christine said...


Lowcarb team member said...

I always enjoy seeing stars :)

All the best Jan

Empire of the Cat said...

Lovely to see so many stars in the night sky, love that blue colour, perfect for night skies. Happy December!

CJ Kennedy said...

Really beautiful. I love the sentiment and the shade of blue. I'd be able to see that many stars if my neighbors didn't burn their outside lights all night long.

Rita said...

I was also thinking of that song--starry, starry night--lol!

It is night here so above me in the sky are those stars. :) :)

Jeanie said...

The stars make a perfect subject for the theme!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Simply lovely.

Divers and Sundry said...

I love this! The starry night is a joy to see. So much light pollution here :(

craftytrog said...

A beautiful starry night Elizabeth!