Thursday, November 30, 2023

Treasurer Trovember complete


I've had this finished since 2 a.m., but wanted to share my final AJJ entry.  Here is my Treasure Trovember in its entirety.

Documented prompts 1 through 10. I never got around to changing the word Create until the second set of prompts.  One thing I found difficult was the difference in the thickness of the scrapbook paper and the book pages.

Here is the next set of prompts and the corresponding numbers.

These are the last of the prompts and their respective numbers.  Not sure why # 3 got deleted and ended up on the same line as #4.  For me, any cat makes me happy.
Thanks go to Kelly, owner of Collage Lab.  This is a fun November event every year.  Maybe  you will join me (and thousands others) next November.

7 thoughtful remarks:

Rita said...

What a fun challenge! :)

Tom said...

...that Chevy is a treasure for me.

Christine said...

Well done!

Elephant's Child said...

So very well done. I really admire your creativity. And persistence.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow on that rather complicated prompt completed - and so very well, too! Love the toy-rocket. We have such a bubbly lamp here, too, must check if it still works!

Jeanie said...

This is a complicated one! I don't see how you pull off all these challenges, Elizabeth. Well done!

Divers and Sundry said...

What a cool idea! Looks like fun :)