Monday, October 30, 2023

T Stands For Tea


Some of you were here on Friday when I explained my birth defect.  Once every decade or so, my system shuts down, but it is usually only about eight to a max of 24 hours, so it is over before anyone would even notice.  Not so this time.  I am in a spiral where everything hurts, right down to my eyelashes.  It takes forever to write even a single paragraph.  If my comments are shorter than usual, I apologize in advance. 

Today we are headed to the tea side of The Spice Merchant.

I fear you tea drinkers feel left out a lot of times, so today we will explore the tea side of The Spice Merchant.  One of my problems is I can't walk past one of those tea bag holders and not buy one.  I now have seven of them, and I never remember to use them or drink much tea for that matter, especially bagged tea.  I was in a hurry that day, so none of the holders tempted me.

The Spice Merchant has a ton of teas.  You can see some have been bagged already so you don't have to wait until they measure the tea out for you.  I like the bag with the tea pot on it (upper left in photo).

Teas are sorted by type in the basket, but you can see the jars of teas in the background with more loose leaf tea.  If you visit Monday Murals, you might be able to see two of the posters in the background.

There are so many types of teas, I wouldn't even begin to know where to start.  It's actually overwhelming when you think of all these teas they sell.

Thanks for joining me today in the tea side of The Spice Merchant.  It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. I cannot emphasize that enough, ladies.

It's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd.  In case you are new, the rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past

20 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said...

I am with you on loving tea bag holders. I convinced my favorite local ceramic artist to make some really pretty ones in a neat glaze that she does. Since we do drink bagged tea, we use them often, both as they are intended and also to put on top of the mug to keep the tea hot.

Good luck with your recovery, and thanks for posting for the shared tea party even though you are not well.

best, mae at

Tom said...

...painful eyelashes sound serious. I wish you well, Elizabeth.

Valerie-Jael said...

Well, I have no tea bag holders, I don't even know what they are! Hope you are soon feeling really and truly better. Happy T Day, take care, hugs, Valerie

Kate Yetter said...

This looks like a fantastic store. I love that they carry loose tea and all the different kinds. I would spend a lot of money there if I lived near by.
Feel better soon. That sounds painful indeed.
Happy tea Day,

Valerie-Jael said...

Well, I have no tea bag holders, I don't even know what they are! Hope you are soon feeling really and truly better. Happy T Day, take care, hugs, Valerie

Jeanie said...

I like teabag holders! And use them often!I'm so sorry you are still feeling such challenges. Hang in there - don't feel compelled to post. We understand.

kathyinozarks said...

Hoping you feel better soon-hugs
I enjoyed all the tea photos-I love teas, holders, tea pots and more
Happy new week

My name is Erika. said...

It is fun to see all the tea. That's funny how you have 7 tea bag holders. Smile. I have more of a weakness for different flavored teas. I bet they have a big selection of tea at the Spice Merchant. I hope you're starting to feel better and have a super T day. hugs-Erika

Violetta said...

I wish you all the best and a fast beeing well again. What a big selection of teas.
All the best

Cloudia said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Rita said...

I really, really hope you feel better soon!

Halle said...

I'm sorry you are struggling. Hugs to you my friend.

Christine said...

Feel better soon

Elephant's Child said...

Like everyone else I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain and struggling. Look after yourself dear friend. And thank you for focusing on tea this week. How I would love to visit that shop.

Iris Flavia said...

You sure are some tough women, you have my respect! I hope your body is well soon again and not as stubborn as your mind ;-)
Glad you are able to fight this!
Oh, sooo much tea! I admit I mostly buy bags. Too many! I have two Aussie holders, made of plastic, yet mostly I take the bags out in the kitchen. They dry in the sink and wander then to the compost bin outside (lucky us live ground floor).
Have a happy T-day and get well soon, dear host!

CJ Kennedy said...

Again, I wish there was a store like this close to me. I have lots of tea bag holders, but only use them when I have company. Too much trouble and another thing to wash if it's just me. I wait for my tea to steep and then waltz it over to the trash to dispose of. I have you are feeling better. Happy T Day

Nancy said...

I do hope this bout leaves you soon and you feel back to yourself. Can there be too many choices? I think so. So much tea, so little time. Those bags look as if they would last for while. But what a lovely store to browse.

Divers and Sundry said...

I wish there was some kind of treatment :( I hope you're feeling better.

I prefer black teas, so I'll start there :) What a fun place that must be to shop. Happy T Tuesday!

Empire of the Cat said...

I didn't see Friday's post but I have now read it. It sounds terrible whatever it is, glad you are recovering. Thanks for showing the tea side of the store, it looks very interesting. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, I now scrolled to your Friday post and read it - it's good that you face your illness and don't give up, but I think it's also good that you allow the system to be shut down every 10 years. You don't close your eyes, you just fight against it, and sometimes you allow new strength to be gathered. I'm sorry it's taking longer this time. Please don't worry about comments, I can live even if you don't make a comment. Take care! Hopefully there will be a good reboot!
The bag with the teapot is really pretty. My husband and I are more coffee drinkers than tea drinkers, but now, in the cold season, tea is also a good choice for us. He prefers rooibos vanilla or wild berry tea, I like fruit teas with warming spices in them - e.g. apple -Cinnamon-vanilla or plum-cinnamon...

All the best, cozy autumn days, happy Halloween and a good start to November, Traude