Monday, October 16, 2023

T Stands For Spice Merchant, part 3


 We are back at The Spice Merchant with a few more photos for T.

I entered The Spice Merchant through a different door one week.

The entrance is just to the left of the photo.

I didn't pay attention to these, so I have no idea if this is candy or incense.  

I would hate to be responsible for dusting those shelves.

At Christmas, this display held reduced items, mostly cups and saucers.  Not so on this visit.  I had no idea Erika liked Smiley Face mugs, or I would have taken a closer photo.
Beyond the half wall (above the green carpet) are some cases.  These are ones that hold spices.  Most of these I didn't photograph when I showed the spices before.

Elle and I will be enjoying the cat mugs, while Erika will like the dog mugs.  I laughed at some of those sayings, like "This whole grown up thing has been fun, but I have to go now."  That should be my motto!

More pet and family mugs.  

Sorry, Kate.  No bunnies in sight.

More mugs that cater to specific individuals.

I remember showing Magnetic Wardrobes before.  Looks like Shakespeare is the last one in this display.

It took me forever to realize there were cookie cutters hanging from those hooks on the left side of the photo.  They have a decent selection of cookie cutters on this end cap.  There's even a Henry for Iris.  I hope you saw something that made you happy today.  Wow.  I'm going to finish just in time to post.

It's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. I cannot emphasize that enough, ladies.


26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lots of lovely cups and mugs, always very tempting for me! Happy T Day and have a good week, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

Your photos are enjoyable — I like to go to shops like this. I have so much stuff in my kitchen, though, that I can’t bring myself to buy anything. Even mugs: I have so many that there’s a full overflow shelf above the shelves I can reach in my cupboard. I could serve coffee (or tea) to way more people than I could fit into my house.
Thanks for hosting!
best, mae at

Tom said... 3

...they have a lot more than just spices.

Elephant's Child said... 4

That looks like a wonderful shop to wander round in. Happy T day - and a happy and healthy week to you.

Christine said... 5

Nice photos.

Kate Yetter said... 6

Love your visits to The Spice Merchant. What, no bunnies? They are missing out! But I really liked that magnetic Shakespeare. Magnetic wardrobes sound like fun!
Happy tea Day,

My name is Erika. said... 7

Had I known you were going to mention the smiley face mugs, I would have included the one I have in today's post-smile. I'll try to remember to do that next week. And I like that big dog mug- I bet that would hold a lot of tea- hee hee. It's fun to see how the Spice Merchant sells more than just spices, coffee and tea. And I say it again, but it's a good thing the Spice Merchant isn't close to me. Have a great T day and hope the week is starting off in a good way. hugs-Erika

Amila said... 8

I can spend hours in this shop. A very neat and tidy place too with different items. I like all these mugs. Very pretty.
Thanks for sharing.Happy T-Tuesday!

Carola Bartz said... 9

I'm all for the cat mugs (but I take dogs just as well), the only problem is that I wouldn't know where to put them. I have so many mugs that I actually will put a few in my "free" box that I put outside every now and then. Happy T Day, dear Elizabeth and Bleubeard.

DVArtist said... 10

I have said this before. I so want to visit this place. I could spend days in there. LOL Hope you got the grids fixed.

Iris Flavia said... 11

That really is a very dangerous store!
And even a Henry! (But I don´t bake sweet stuff, so...)
And I agree... ohhhh boy for the dusting!!! What a pain that must be.
We have those turquoise cups, but in plastic, as I am clumsy. I like them very much!

Cloudia said... 12

What a cozy place. Now I want a cup of tea. Aloha

Lisca said... 13

Thank you for taking me to this wonderful shop again. I could wander around for hours! The mugs are such fun. I saw mugs with a cardinal bird! You wouldn't see those over here.
Yes, I think those items at the entrance are incense sticks.
I love the magnetic wardrobe! I haven't seen them before but I think they're great fun. My sister and I used to have cut-out dolls with wardrobes and we could play for hours with those.
Happy T-Day,

MELODY JACOB said... 14

Very nice and enjoyable photos

mvmaithai said... 15

Nice place to shop. Love the plants! Are there any spices?

CJ Kennedy said... 16

It's always fun to browse the Spice Merchant. Yup, incense and not candy. I'd like the kitty cup a lot more if it wasn't pink. The Smiley face was designed/invented by Harvey Ball right here in Worcester, Massachusetts. Harvey was asked to come up with something that would improve the morale at the State Mutual Life Assurance Company on Worcester. In 1963, the Smiley Face was born. Looks like we both shared cardinals today. Happy T Day

Empire of the Cat said... 17

Definitely incense at the front door. The first photo with the plant I thought was your house, haha I was wondering why you were showing it and then I read what it was. I also spotted the cat mugs of course! I read Mae's comment about the number of mugs she has and I am the same, a whole cupboard and way more than I need or use. I only ever use one or two all the time. This Spice Merchant seems to sell a lot of mugs, and stuff that isn't spices - do they sell actual spices too? Happy T Day! Elle xx

nwilliams6 said... 18

Fun pictures of that cool restaurant, Elizabeth. They should hire you as a PR person. I definitely want to go there if I ever get to your neck of the woods. I would pick the happy face mug and some coffee. Super fun post. Hugz

Violetta said... 19

Oh I love mugs - especially personal ones - I have one which I got to my 60th birthday and I use it every day for my coffee..
Again a nice post - this time I posted the text of my nature blog.
All the best

Rita said... 20

Such a lovely shop! I would spend too much time and money there--lol! ;)

Divers and Sundry said... 21

I've run out of space or I'd be tempted by all those mugs. The incense otoh :)

Happy T Tuesday!

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Oh I love this place! All of those fabulous mugs......I try hard not to buy new ones but some are just too good to walk away from! I am back on my tablet to comment again. Happy T Day, Chrisx

Sandra Cox said... 23

What an amazing spot. I bet they've got some delicious teas.

Rostrose said... 24

Dear Elizabeth, I'm late, sorry! I like both the cat AND the dog cup." I also like the saying "This whole grown up thing has been fun, but I have to go now."
All the best and have a nice rest of the week, Traude
🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

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