Monday, September 25, 2023

T Stands For Neighborhood Restaurant


Before we begin, if you are a blogspot blogger, I am getting a TON of "Failed to Publish" notices.  If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's because blogger hates me and refuses to publish my comments to you.

This is a visit to a restaurant my foodie friend Sally and I went to back in late October or early November last year. 

Today we are going inside Mariscos Las Islas Marias.  I wondered if Mariscos was the owner's name, but soon learned that the Spanish word mariscos translates to seafood or shellfish in English.  Little did I realize. 

Some of you were here on Sunday to see the mural that was inside.  I did a bit more research and learned this is a second restaurant, the first one located in Kansas City, Kansas.
The menu was difficult to photograph because each page was encased in laminated plastic.  For the most part, this is the drink menu.  Some of it I understand, some not.

Next came the soups.  Some sounded good, but a bit pricey.
Then there were the appetizers.  Who in their right mind would spend $20-$30 (USD) on an appetizer?  Remember, this is Wichita, Kansas, not Kansas City.  Cocktails which along with the beers and mixed drinks from above, are my contribution to drinks today, were anywhere from $15.00 to $25.00.

Next up were several pages of entrees.  I really wanted a chili relleno, but the only thing I saw was Filete de Pescado Relleno.  I wasn't about to pay $25.00 for it and the waiter didn't speak English, so he was no help.  I later read it is filet of fish.  Certainly not any relleno for which I'm familiar.  I also learned the word relleno translates as something that has been stuffed.

Finally there were the house specialties.  To be honest, I don't even remember what either Sally or I ordered, but I KNOW it didn't come from this page.  It was apparently so mundane, I didn't take any photos of the food or even the water we both would have ordered.

Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 

I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd post.  Any length, any genre is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.


21 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry you didn't enjoy the restaurant too much! That's always so disappointing! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said...

I googled this restaurant to see if there was more info. Their online menu is just as confusing as the pages you posted. I can’t imagine why they would have everything exclusively in Spanish when they are in the middle of Kansas, and they appear to be looking for business from all of the community. It looks as if the only interesting thing you have is the mural!!

best, mae at

kathyinozarks said...

That sounded like a very expensive restaurant, beyond my price range for sure and that is strange not posted in both languages.

Elephant's Child said...

Happy T Day. I am sorry that the restaurant was an expensive disappointment. And that blogger glitches are still giving you grief.

Tom said...

...they have a colorful menu!

Cloudia said...

Thanks for inviting us along!

My name is Erika. said...

Happy T day Elizabeth. Those appetizer prices are even expensive for my area. I hope the appetizers are big enough to have as a meal at those prices.It doesn't sound like you had an exciting visit, but I'm glad you brought us along. Is the restaurant still in business? I hope you have a happy T day and your comment publishing comes back. Hugs-Erika

DVArtist said...

The place looks very nice and the menu has a good selection but you are right, those prices are horrid. Since covid we just don't eat out anymore. As for failed to publish, I too get them. I have to sign out of blogger and sign back in and that seems to work for me. A pain in the buttocks but it is what it is. Have a nice evening

nwilliams6 said...

Too bad the food was not more memorable especially since it most likely was costly (looking at the menu). The menu is interesting and love the mural. Hopefully, Blogger will decide to like you again soon. Happy T-day and hugz

Rita said...

Doesn't sound like a place you'll go back to at all. :(

Iris Flavia said...

The waiter didn´t speak English?? In Wichita??? Bummer.
Usually Ingo and I share a burger or such. No idea how people can eat entrees etc etc... And the prices sound hilarious, too.
Sad it was no good experience. I love and miss Mexican food. I still have a "real" burrito in the freezer :-)
Blogger.... what can I say. Opera seems to be an alternative here. But not always!

Lisca said...

Now there is a menu I can understand! (But it also has the English translation underneath). Im sorry it was so disappointing. The prices are high too. But I must admit the food looks lovely. Yes, ‘relleno’ means ‘stuffed’. I think for me the disappointment was the price.
Did you see the photo of the Kazakh stamp on my blogpost today? The stamps had words in English on it all of a sudden. I have an app on my phone called Google Translate, and when I photograph text in a foreign language it’s shows in English so I understand what it means. Very handy. (But I know you don’t have a mobile phone).
Happy T-Day,

CJ Kennedy said...

A restaurant that specializes in seafood. If it has to be trucked or flown in, it's going to be very expensive. Also, not fresh. 😉 The mural, bar, and menu are very colorful. Happy T Day

Kate Yetter said...

What an extensive menu. I find that simple is better sometimes. I am not great at making choices. the mural is lovely though. It's disappointing when eating out is not what we expected.
Happy Tea Day,

Empire of the Cat said...

Nice mural, too bad you didn't enjoy your visit though. I would starve at a Spanish Fish restaurant, unless there was salad lol. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Jeanie said...

That's quite a menu -- I wouldn't know where to begin! I love that mural but boy -- that's expensive. Even worse if you aren't prepared for it. Sorry it wasn't a better experience.

Sandra Cox said...

Ouch. Their prices are a tad bit high.
Blogger gets in a snit about the least little thing, doesn't it?

Rostrose said...

Dear Elizabeth, Blogger is totally crazy at the moment, I'm also getting a lot of error messages. I think they're changing something again - and I hope they'll be done with it soon!
The menu is original - you'd think you were in a Spanish-speaking country and not in Kansas. The prices are also steep. I think it's a shame then that you didn't get anything to eat that was absolutely worth remembering...
Happy T-Day, a bit belated, sorry...
All the best, Traude
🍁🌾🌻🪶🍂 🪶🌻🌾🍁

Divers and Sundry said...

Better late than never ;)

I need cheaper restaurants lol But I like how the interior looks.

Amila said...

It seems like food is expensive here and a lot of confusion with the menu. Sorry that you couldn't enjoy a better meal there.
Have a great day and a belated T Tuesday!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I find that I have issues posting comments on blogger sometimes too . Sometimes I refresh the page and try again and it works. The one that never works for me is if it says Manage with your Google ACCt. Anyway enjoyed your post. Sorry about the restaurant being so disappointing. Happy T- Day ( Not sure I understand it as I'm new to your blog)