Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What's On Your Workdesk, this 742nd Wednesday?


It's Wednesday and that means it's time to join my dear friend Julia at Stamping Ground for WOYWW. 

I actually have a real project on my table.  Some of you saw the debacle I showed on Monday where I spilled over half a bottle of spray mist on my table and attempted to wipe it up with card stock.  What you see is all that is left of the mist.

My internet friend Mae said she had never seen me work with wood, so I decided to dig some of these scraps out of the basket of wood that will go in the chiminea.  These are just pressed board that was in 2 inch widths.  The length was varied, but I tried to pick three that were close to the same length.  Here I have taken a piece of sandpaper and tried to sand them. 
I don't have any gesso, so grabbed my white acrylic paint and my old rusty brush.  I placed the wood on my ice cream lid palette.
I believe I will need two coats of paint 

because the wood soaked into the paint.  I plan to write the word Love on one side of these and place them on my revolving art table.

Speaking of revolving art table, this is what is currently on it.  I had planned to wait to share this new silicone rocking horse until it was cooler and I could actually cook something in it.  However, Iris has been telling me on more than one occasion I need to bake something in it, so I decided not to wait to show it.

There is NO WAY I'm baking anything in my oven while the temps are around 107 F (41.67 C).  And trust me.  It's nearly that hot in my kitchen, too.  That's why I'm mostly living in my office where I can save electricity by running my window unit AC and not the whole house AC.

Now let's head to Julia's.  Messy or neat, lots of products or next to none, you will get an idea of what other artists are keeping on their tables, benches, desks, and floors! 

31 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Your new rocking horse is charming. I so understand not turning the oven on in your current vile temperatures, but perhaps you could make and freeze an icy treat in the rocking horse. A frozen fruit smoothie perhaps?

Helen said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to cook in that heat. hope it cools down soon. Will follow the work on the wooden block project with interest. Happy WOYWW Helen #8

Iris Flavia said...

I am truly sorry, Elizabeth - the poor horse looks exhausted from the heat... 14C / 57F here. But hopefully warming up and sunny already.
The weather is and stays crazy!
To wood, btw - Sunday they had a documentation on it at Die Maus :-)
Took me back to when I worked with it...

Neet said...

Why can't the hot weather be shared out amongst us all. It's dull and miserable here today so we could have a bit of your sunshine and cool it down for you.
Interesting to see the wooden pieces, will we see the completed?
Love the rocker - don't blame you for not cooking in that heat.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx
ps how are the boys doing in this heat?

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, I can't wait to see the finished project with the wooden pieces. When I saw the rocking horse mould I emediately thought resin but that's just me Lol! Wishing you a very happy and productive woyww, Angela x14x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well spotted on my blog, it is a clear stamp of a pair of specs, have a look at WOYWW from last week, they are stamped and cut out on the desk. I was making gift tags and just wanted something simple and reasonably male.
I Don't have any silicon cooking shapes, sop don't know if they release as well as claimed, so I hope that when you use that cute rocking horse mould that you do get all the detail and easy release! It will be quite a triumph to have edible rocking horses too!
I n the heat, am sure the chimenea won't miss the four pieces of ply! It's a nice idea to have such a nice word in your line of vision. Might have given me an idea....but don't hold your breath!

Tracy said...

Good morning to you Elizabeth 💛 no wonder you don't want to bske in that heat ... bring your rocking horse to Scotland and yooou can cook to your hearts content 🥰 🐎🍰I hope the weather starts to cool down for you soon 🙏
Loving the sound of your woodblocks ❤️🤩💛 looking forward to seeing them once they're done ⭐️you've given me a yearing to hunt out some blocks to paint! Wishing you cooler days ahead with much love and hugs , stay safe Tracy #15 xxx

Glenda said...

It's hot here in East Tennessee too. Temps about 90's but feels like 102. I don't do anything outside after 10 AM as it is just too hard to manage. It's a good time to craft! Definitely no baking going on!
Glenda #18

Tracy said...

P.S I'm sorry about the mispelling Elizabeth 🙃 typing toooo fast with the thoughts of wood blocks filling my head!

Sarah Brennan said...

Making quick visits as hubby is off work. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

My name is Cindy said...

Oh gosh I hate cooking at the best of times and certainly not in that kind of heat! That rocking horse is super cute, I'm sure you will get round to baking something soon, he'll just have to be patient - would it work as an ice cube I wonder lol? Can't wait to see your wood blocks I'm sure they will look great! Thanks for your earlier visit, Have a wonderful week, love n hugs Cindyxx #16

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your rocking horse mould. I agree, a nice iced rocking horse dessert would be better suited to that ferocious heat. Could you bear to eat something rocking horse shaped, though?
I’m looking forward to seeing what you make with the wooden pieces.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 4 xx

Annie said...

A rocking horse cake sounds fun but certainlt an activity for cooler weather. Have a great week.
Annie x #9

Christine said...

I have dinosaurs but no rocking horses!! I love baking in them but the boys are getting too old now . . . . so I bake flower shapes instead!!
Hope you can get to use it soon, I am not a heat lover and anything over 20C compromises my breathing so your temps frighten me!! Gad you can find coolness somewhere.
Create and enjoy
Christine #19

Tom said...

...they look like vanilla frosted pieces of cake.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I don’t blame you for not baking in temperatures like that! I don’t do well in heat (definitely have Viking blood I think!) so those temps would floor me. Best save that lovely new mould for another day when you’d appreciate it more. I like your wood work so far, you really don’t need much to make something interesting!!
Hugs LLJ 1 xx

Mae Travels said...

If you liked Jello, that could be a rocking-horse jello mould. But it would be enough for 20 people! What fun that you decided to do a project just to show me your woodworking hobby. I’ll look forward to the finished work.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Valerie-Jael said...

I won't be baking or cooking either until the temps drop. I am not a friend of silisone molds, whatever shapes, the old forms made from china or metal were so much nicer! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie.

Linda said...

My desk is a disaster area. I like the little horses.

Divers and Sundry said...

It's hotter there than here, and it's plenty hot here. I try to use my countertop oven instead of the big one. I must have some coolness to sleep, though, so run the AC when it's so hot.

Drink a cool glass of water :) that's my go-to help for the heat.

BJ said...

Oh my word, over 41 degree C for you and I'm struggling at 23 degrees C in my room!!! windows and curtains closed in the day and 2 fans on right now. Can't wait to see the 4 wood blocks finished, they will be "love"ly. Super silicone rocking horse, best wait for it to cool down before baking. Oh and the black corners on the card were the waste from making the tags in the mini book, said I used up the weeks stuff and I literally did. I'll try not to mention the Posca pens again, don't want you going green - LOL Hugs BJ#12

Lindart said...

The pieces of wood are intriguing, looking forward to seeing them finished! Lovely fancy rocking horses to show today! You could always make Jell-o in the pink one! Have a great week, Lindart #21

DVArtist said...

It doesn't get near as hot here as it does there, but when it warms up here I don't cook either. Love your rocking horses.

Crafting With Jack said...

Rocking horse cake - totally yummy, but not in those temperatures! Looking forward to seeing your finished wooden works of art. Happy WOYWW. Angela #2

Robyn said...

I think the heat is getting to all of us- a freind told me glossy accents on a card melted in her car! . robyn 5

Sandra Cox said...

Can't wait to see the blocks when you're finished. Love the rocking horse and agree on not using the oven in this heat. Your area sounds hotter than ours. Yikes. Stay cool.

Rita said...

I wouldn't be baking, either, at those temps!! But we will love to see what you make in it when it cools off. :)

Jeanie said...

Definitely no baking on a hot day lie this. Looking forward to the finished blocks.

Susan Renshaw said...

Can't wait for it to be cool enough for you to bake something in the rocking horse and show us...
Also waiting to see how your white blocks develop!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #11

Kyla said...

ooh dont blame you not turning the oven on to bake, thats really hot! Hope it cools down soon and will pop back with interest to see what you make with the wood. Thanks for visiting my desk already

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Elizabeth, hope you're feeling better. We were on our way to Whitby when I saw your message. It's the first time we've been away for a week's holiday in four years what with Covid and then mum's needs. Anyway you relax and take it easy. Sending you gentle hugs, Angela xXx