Monday, July 17, 2023

T Stands For our 10th T Tuesday Anniversary


Last week, Nancy Williams wrote and I quote: " Your ATC looks great - too bad it wouldn't all work out so you could send us all one - maybe next year!"  

Nancy, I don't care if it's September, October, or Halloween, EACH AND EVERY person who has ever joined T Tuesday today or in the past,  will receive one of these ATCs when I finally get the new scanner to work. I must hire a person who knows Linux code to create the scanner drivers for this new Xerox laser color scanner, so that might take awhile. 

In the meantime, I am really overwhelmed by all the packages I have received, even though I never expected (or requested) a single one.

My dining room table is covered with many, many packages.  In fact, when I look at all these packages, I am simply in awe.

It's party time.  Let's celebrate our 10th T Tuesday anniversary.

Look at all these incredible postage stamps. 

I am in postage stamp heaven!
I was surprised to learn I had to pay postage.
This has never happened before.
Today, however, is about YOU and your swap partners.  I will begin opening the packages next week.  This is YOUR week, dear T Tuesday friends and participants.

Share your ATCs, postcards, tea bags, postage stamps, and any goodies your swap partner gifted you with for T this Tuesday.  Remember, in order to link this week, you MUST include a photo of a 10 somewhere in your post.


Happy 10th anniversary everyone.  I look forward to at least that many more in the future and hope you will, too.

33 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Wonderful presents, have fun opening them Here's wishing a happy 10th TsfT party to all of our nice ladies! Thanks for getting it all set up, Elizabeth. Hugs, Valerie

Let's Art Journal said... 2

Happy TSFT 10th Anniversary dear Bleubeard and Elizabeth and thanks so much for organising such a great party for us today! I really enjoyed the swap and Lyn's ATC's and other creative goodies were a joy to receive 😊. I'd also like to say that I'm sorry I haven't been around of late, as you know life is a bit hectic and something had to give (before I did), so I haven't made it to T Day in a while (or any other challenges) but I wanted you to know that I appreciate all you do, your kind support and lovely comments on my blog. It looks like you have lots of happy mail to open and as you can see, like me, everyone really appreciates all you do here in blogland with the challenges that you host - thank you for all that you do; you're a star and I hoped you like the ATCs that I created for you to celebrate today. Take care and Happy T Tuesday Anniversary wishes! Big hugs, Jo x

Elephant's Child said... 3

I hope your new scanner is working sooner than you expect.
Congratulations on a significant anniversary for this meme - and I love that your generosity is being reciprocated.

Mae Travels said... 4

Congratulations on the 10th year of Tea Parties for Bloggers! I am sorry that I don’t do any crafts so I have nothing to send physically, but I tried to make a celebratory post that maximized the number of number 10s! It’s wonderful of you to have thought up this weekly party and keep it going.
best, mae at

Carola Bartz said... 5

You will have so much fun unpacking all these packages and letters! Congratulations on the tenth anniversary, Elizabeth and Bleubeard. What a great milestone to celebrate. Thank you for giving us a spot where we can always come together on a Monday/Tuesday. Happy T day!

Tom said... 6

...congrats, here to another 10!

jinxxxygirl said... 7

I'm so glad to see you receive all that mail dear Elizabeth. And all those stamps~ Happy 10th Anniversary T day!! Hugs! deb

Sharon Madson said... 8

I scheduled my post then forgot to link!!! Happy 10th anniversary, Elizabeth & Bleubeard! I can't wait to see what all in in those envelopes!

Cloudia said... 9

Happy Tenth Anniversary 🎉

Lisca said... 10

Happy 10th anniversary to both you and Bluebeard (And I know Squiggles is there somewhere too). Thank you for faithfully hosting this great T-Party for ten years. I have not been part of it for ten years, but I joined on July the 14th 2015. So that is eight years ago nearly to the day.
What a lot of mail! You will have some fun opening all that! There will be something from me too (Perhaps not arrived yet, so be patient, it's on its way)
Well, enjoy your special day,
Special hugs,

My name is Erika. said... 11

Holy cow. That is a huge pile of celebration mail. I bet it will be fun to open all those up. And I can guess who might have sent you the MAssachusetts postcard. I hope my envelope is hiding in that pile-smile. Thanks for hosting every week, and have a great celebration. Making it to 10 years is amazing! hugs-Erika

nwilliams6 said... 12

I can't wait for you to fix your scanner and for you to open and show us all the packages.

Unfortunately, I recognize that the package you had to pay for is mine.... I kind of worried there might be an issue. Here is the story. I walk up to the counter and say, "I need to mail this package." The post office guy says, "What's in here?" He is always bugging me so today I decide to tell him in detail what is in there. While I am talking, he is looking down frowning and turning the package over and over, then he looks up at me with his eyes squinted up and a giant frown. He says, "you could have just said paper and plastic." I say, "I know, but I really wanted to see the look on your face when I gave you all the details." He smiles a bit. Then I tell him, "oh, and I don't want that ugly strip you always put on my packages. This time I really need you to put some cute stamps on the package." He looks up at me with a stricken look. I can tell he is horrified and his lips and neck are all bent at a strange angle. I am guessing he is wondering what qualifies as a "cute" stamp, wondering where they keep the "cute" stamps, or he maybe wondered if using "cute" stamps were allowed on packages out of this post office. He searches around panicky in drawers and cubbies. He finds stamps he thinks might qualify, and he holds them up. He says, "Will these do?" I tell them that they will work fine. He puts them on the package. Then he decides it needs a litle more postage and sticks a different kind on there too. He rings me up and we both smile. I run out to my car to immediately call my sister to tell her this hysterically funny story. Now, it turns out that the package needed more postage and you had to pay $1.81 to get it out of hock. I am so just just best to let them do the ugly postage around here....or to go to post office a town over....

Anyway, happy T-day, happy T-day anniversary, and thanks for all you do!!! Hugz

Spyder said... 13

Happy T day Elizabeth! what a lot of happy mail you have, it shows youjust how much you are loved! Thank you for all you do and for getting me up and out of my dark place! I had fabulous fun creating my little lot. And Jo'sATC's were fabulous!!
much love and hugs

Rita said... 14

Happy 10th, Elizabeth!
You will have so much fun opening all your packages. :)

Amila said... 15

Happy 10th anniversary to dear Bleubeard and Elizabeth. Thanks so much for hosting this event each week. I know it needs much patience and dedication to continue a blog event for 10 years. Thanks again and I am looking forward to joining the event each week.
And it is interesting to see your envelopes. Looking forward to seeing what you have received.
Have a great day and a lovely week ahead!

DVArtist said... 16

Dear Bleubeard and Elizabeth, happy 10 anniversary. As I said on my blog it is such an honor to join in with you and all of the other T-Party goers. You received some very nice looking mail. Ohhh that is a beautiful printer. I know you will get a lot of use out of it. Again happy 10th and thank you.

Iris Flavia said... 17

A very happy 10th T-Day, dear Bleubeard and Elizabeth!
You have probably not really an idea how much you helped me when I lost my job and - sounds silly, but it was a bad time! You and all the party-goers here gave me a light, so to say.
Thank you for hosting this event and to the next ten years!
Looking forward to see what you got on your party-table! Such fun!

J said... 18

Happy Tenth Anniversary Elizabeth, thank you for keeping us all connected every week.
I hope you manage to sort out your scanner, I know how complicated these new gadgets are, my new PC and printer/ scanner , drives me insane.
Have a great T Day dear Elizabeth
Jan S

Rostrose said... 19

Happy T-Day and happy anniversary, dear Elizabeth! Let's have a party!
I wish you that your scanner works soon!
All the best and have a good week, Traude

Anne (cornucopia) said... 20

Congratulations on 10 years of Tea Tuesday, Bleubeard & Elizabeth! - Anne (Cornucopia)

My name is Erika. said... 21

You mentioned my 10
Boxes of tea In your comment on my blog. Yes, I wanted to be accurate😀. Ten years is exciting and I hope we have 10 more (at least). Hugs again Erika

CJ Kennedy said... 22

Happy 10th T Day Anniversary. Thanks for all you do for T Day. You got some awesome stamps and I can't wait to see the goodies.

Sandra Cox said... 23

Yay. An anniversary party. You are loved;)

kathyinozarks said... 24

Happy 10th and have fun going through all your fun mail-thank you again for hosting T
Hugs from the lake

Empire of the Cat said... 25

happy 10th anniversary to you!

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

Happy 10years of TSFT, and a huge thank you for hosting all these years! Enjoy your package unwrapping! Hugs, Chrisx

Divers and Sundry said... 27

Happy 10th T Anniversary! and thank you bunches for all you've done and continue to do to keep this going. It has been such a joy for me through the years.

Jeanie said... 28

Happy T-versary, Elizabeth. I love your card. And your gifts are just lovely!

Caty said... 29

My dear Elizabeth, first of all
Happy 10th Anniversary for T stands for Tuesday!
I always love those moments of tea, in the distance,
which, also unite us These Tuesdays are very special. are special. Your ATC is Wonderful, I loove it, and I see that you have received many envelopes, wow, surprises await you!
I have put the link to my blog, although I have a problem, I can't upload the photos from my computer to my blog, I don't know why. I hope it's an internet connection problem and not due to my computer. Let's see tomorrow if I can upload the photos and finish the post. I apologize.
I wish you a great day, and send big hugs.

Caty said... 30

Oohh Elizabeth, I've finally managed to upload the photos to my blog!! I've been trying all the afternoon, and I finally got it hooray!!
Now you can stop by to see them if you want.
Thank you very much for everything Elizabeth, you are fantastic!
Have a nice night... I'm going to sleep a little haha.
Read you tomorrow, a big hug

Mia said... 31

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY, Elizabeth. Thank you for the beautiful swap. Hope to see TSFT for a loooooooot of years. I send you a BIG HUG, my friend.

Kate Yetter said... 32

Hi Elizabeth,
Loving your 10th anniversary ATC. Hope you your scanner up soon. Looks like a lot of goodies in those packages. Can't wait to see. Thanks for hosting!
Happy 10th Anniversary of Tea Day,

Jenn Jilks said... 33

Well, happy anniversary!