Sunday, July 2, 2023

Second on the 2nd: a Monday Mural


It's time for a second look at a post that has been published in the past.  As most of you know, whenever possible, I like my Second Look to somehow reflect what our current host at Art Journal Journey is featuring.  I have about a thousand (SLIGHT exaggeration) photos and scans of birds in my art.  However, I decided to deviate from the norm this month for two reasons, the first of which is Monday Murals.  For my second look I'm joining Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals.  Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please be aware that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time today. 

Second, I am feeling quite patriotic.  This post lands between Canada Day (their 156th to be exact) and Independence Day in the states, which is also known as the 4th of July.  It is the day the Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.  That makes us in the states 247 years young.  Very young by European and Asian terms.

This is a part of a post from November 10, 2019.  It recalls when I visited the Eisenhower Museum and complex in 2019.  This part of the post deals with the two large murals only, not the small ones at the top of the building.

  Much of what you see here deals with Ike and his service to his country.

This is the sweet lady who stamped my ticket so I could keep it.  She also explained that the museum was divided into five major galleries consisting of an introductory gallery, which is where we were, a changing exhibits gallery, a First Lady's gallery, a military gallery, and a presidential gallery. 

She further explained this was the ONLY area of the museum that had not been renovated.   In case you can't read the sentiment at the bottom it is "Supreme Command."  It shows Ike during the war years.  Although he never fought in battle, he was in charge of all the men and women in the European theater who were under his command.

This mural shows he was in charge of the "Command Operations."

Since I never got a shot full on, I snagged this from the internet.  It appears the words at the bottom were removed during the renovation.  I confess I never saw the murals on the left side of this photo which is where I entered.

Now it's time to share your own Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit.  Please be aware this link is only good until tomorrow at 4 p.m. my time.

14 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for an informative and interesting post. I really like the idea of a First Lady's Gallery too. I hope you have some photos of that too.
And I hear you on having LOTS of bird photos.

Rita said...

I remember you showing us this museum.
Happy Fourth!! :)

Tom said...

...these are classic beauties! I'm patriotic, but I don't wrap myself in the flag. Elizabeth have a safe and fun 4th.

My name is Erika. said...

I remember these murals and it is fun to see them again. It is a good weekend to feel patriotic, especially about a time when our country was united (mostly) about the war. I hope you're having a lovely weekend. We had some sun yesterday and now the rain is returning. I don't think we've had a week since May with at least a few rainy days. :( Not that rain is bad of course, especially as it's bad to not get much of any. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said...

Nice choice for a patriotic Mural Monday! I remember your posts on the Eisenhower museum as being very interesting and informative. I love museums with murals that help one understand the subject: I think the effect was similar at Mount Vernon, though they also had full-size models of men on horseback.
best, mae at

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Elizabeth, nice to see those museum pics again, and great for July 4th, too. Sorry I haven't made a post today, I have slept nearly all day. I will link to 2nd on the 2nd with my T post tomorrow. Hope you are doing well, take care! Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

very nice!

CJ Kennedy said...

Nice mural and fitting for this week.

Cloudia said...

It's nice to think about what's right and support it. Instead of finding fault every single day, we are lucky to live in democracies.

Sharon Madson said...

Love this Second on the 2nd, because I really loved the Eisenhower museum. We went on honeymoon in 1966, again sometime in between and last time on our 50th anniversary in 2016.Hope you are having a great Sunday.

DVArtsit said...

I remember this post. You present it so beautifully. Have a ncie weekend.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, I remember! You at least have some events in history to be proud of...

Sami said...

This would be an interesting museum to visit.
Great murals and have a wonderful 4th of July.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Elizabeth

magiceye said...

Interesting murals!