I am very sick. First, I shouldn't have tried to mow the entire yard in one setting and second, I ate something that has made me incredibly sick. Gut wrenching sick. That's why I haven't visited anyone.

An update after I mowed. A squirrel tipped over and spilled the soil and coriander seeds on the ground and tried to uproot my milkweed plant. The root was exposed, but I have tried to cover it with dirt again.

Note the squirrel has broken off the top of the plastic bucket. You can see the pieces lying on the ground around the bucket.

Dill is doing great.

Another new flower on the bee balm. One a day, now.

Still no idea what I planted in this pot. It looks like weeds to me!

I still need to use the weed eater and edger, but at least the front and back are mowed. Not a big yard, but it seems to be for me. I think my next door neighbor and I are the only ones in the neighborhood who have not hired someone to "manicure" their lawn.

My newest wheelbarrow has flowers popping out already.

My first wheelbarrow. I use it to hold brush and compostables.

I added this wheelbarrow last year. I am not sure what is coming up in this one, but I know I need to weed around it.
Thanks for dropping by. I'll be by to visit all my friends and those with whom I am in blog hops. Bleubeard and Squiggles are hiding because this is causing me to run like Hades when the spirit moves me.
17 thoughtful remarks:
Sorry you are feeling bad, take it easy and drink lots of fluids.Your garden looks good, but perhaps you did too much! Rest and get better, and don't worry about visiting. Hugs, Valerie
Ha, yes, I know... I tend to overdo things, too. And do I ever learn? No.
Sad you had something wrong to eat - hope you feel better very soon...
What kind of monster-squirrels do you have there? Sure no cousins of dear Peanut...
Hope you are better already and... don´t overdo it again, dear friend.
Oh no! So sorry to hear that you are feeling so awful. I hope you feel better really soon!
I am so sorry that you are feeling vile. Look after yourself please. Visiting blogs can wait.
...take care Elizabeth, your health is the important thing!
I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Take care of yourself. That is most important. And squirrels seem to be a bane of your existence lately. I bet you saved that milkweed, but the pot is definitely a lost cause in the long run. :( Everything else is looking great though. I let weeds grow if they give pretty flowers for wildlife. Then once they've flowered I pull them. I think of them as free plants-smile. Although I do have some weeding to do because some of those weeds just take over everything, which you know all about. Have a relaxing day and take care please. Hugs-Erika
Oh Elizabeth, I am so sorry you are sick. Yes, over doing it will get us every time but eating something bad will lay us back. I am sending healing energy and lighting a candle for you. Ohhh and people wonder why I live trap squirrels and take them to the woods. The are very destructive. Your garden looks great. Rest and get well.
So sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Too bad about the flower pot. The good thing is that milkweed is pretty invasive so I'm sure the plant will come back. Your yard looks very nice, but please take it easy and feel better soon. For future reference, check with your Senior Center. The center in my town has volunteers and high school kids that need community service hours that will help out us old folks with yard chores. Feel better soon.
Aaawww Elizabeth.... feel better soon!!! Hugs! deb
So sorry you are ill!
Hope you feel better very soon Elizabeth! Take care.
Sorry to hear you are sick, hope you recover quickly.
I'm so sorry you are feeling so terribly ill. Please lay low and take care, and get better soon.
Sorry you are not well. Hope you feel better soon x Angela
I hope by now you are feeling better!
And that you figure out what to do about squirrels. (We have never figured this out).
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com
So sorry you were ill. I hope you are much better.
Your yard is looking good Elizabeth. We have pesky squirrels here too, who dig up bulbs amongst other things.
I really hope you're feeling much better today.
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