We're once again headed to the herb garden. But first, it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time). Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.

This is where I stopped sharing photos last week because my internet was so slow. Note the blue pot on the far left back row.

Some of these plants are doing quite well, while others are marginal. I've even had a couple killed because a squirrel dug the plant out of the ground and ate it. I'm really tired of squirrels, regardless of Iris's friendly ones. One of the sad ones was my rosemary, which is on the back row on the right. The little thief even drug the marker out of the pot and threw it on the ground.

At the moment, all I can identify are a few herbs I know well. I will have to make a detailed sketch of the herbs because some look so much alike from this position.

The dead plant to the left of the sage is curry.

Borage is in the pot with the bird and basil is in the pot to the left of the borage. The squirrels dug up the borage, but they didn't seem to care for its taste. The basil is growing from seeds. I got a bit carried away planting the seeds, I fear.

The white pot with the flower is Bee Balm or wild Bergamot. It can be made into a tea that helps settle stomachs.

Bee balm, one of the few plants that survived Herb Day. It is doing great.

My lavender also survived from Herb Day.

I planted an entire packet of dill in that large pot in the back.

I love it (NOT) when I forget to add a marker and now have no idea what I planted in the brown pot!

I know milkweed is planted in the broken grey bucket. I only know because of the marker and that it is tied to the marker.

A squirrel tipped over my new lemongrass I bought new this year and destroyed it. It must have tasted good.

I almost lost my curly parsley I purchased, but it is coming back. Now if I can just keep the squirrels away from it.

To the left of the milkweed is cilantro I planted from coriander seeds.

I hope to grow at least a couple of fennel bulbs from seeds I saved from last year. The ones I saved from 2018 never produced a single plant.

Something I need to propagate is my very leggy, lanky geranium.

Fast forward a week and this is what I have accomplished. Now at least I know what every plant is.

My bee balm is doing great and now has a second flower.

My basil has grown exponentially, too. Soon it will be ready to harvest.

My rosemary the squirrel uprooted. I keep holding out hope it will revive, but I somehow have my doubts.

See the pot on the left in the back? That was cilantro at one time before the squirrel got to it and my milkweed, too. I am SO tired of these squirrels. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Now all I have to do is mow and keep the squirrels at bay.

I think I've finally gotten squirrel humor out of my system. Thanks for dropping by today. Please join Bleubeard and me at Friday Smiles. It goes without saying, but we will anyway, please start your weekend with a big huge smile.
13 thoughtful remarks:
What's left looks pretty good. Squirrels are such opportunistic gymnasts it is hard to deter them.
The one pic with the cheeks full of corn isn't a squirrel, though. A chipmunk, I think.
They may drive us nuts eating our gardens and attacking the bird feeders, but I still love them.
Some of your herbs are looking good lizabeth. On Mothering Sunday (in March here), all the ladies were given a pot of herb seedlings. Mine were basil and they are now flowering in my big planters! Your bee balm is very pretty.
Squirrls are cute to watch, and the red ones are protected in UK, but the grey ones can be very distructive. But you found some fun pictures of them to end your post. Kate x
Loving your herbs. I am surprised that the squirrel ate the rosemary. Pretty much everything leaves ours alone.
And thanks for showing us the cute side of squirrels.
Hi Elizabeth. That's a great idea to list what you've planted so you know what you've got. I used to grow herbs and always got confused what was what. Loving the photos of the Squirrels though I am wary of them as they managed to eat through some woodwork next door and started nesting in her roof but she did encourage them a bit....big mistake. Have a lovely weekend my friend. Hugs, Angela xXx
What a great collection of herbs you have there! Your food will be beautifully flavoured!
I love squirrels, and always wonder how they get onto my balcony up here. They have been chewing my plants, too, and managed to empty the bird feeder! Little rascals! Hugs, Valerie
Peanut says sorry!!!
Wow you really have a lot of herbs - my basil sadly died...
Good that you still can laugh about the squirrels and thank you for sharing them!
...more power to you! I have a number of pots, but not like you. In our dry weather, I'm tired of dragging the hose. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
Squirrels seem to be the theme on a couple of blogs today. They are pretty fun to watch, and pretty smart too. At least when something dumb doesn't happen. And your herbs look like they've grown a lot in the past week. The garden is looking good. I've done some weeding and I need to plant my dill in my veggie garden. Maybe soon? Good things its a fast grower. Hugs-Erika
I have no idea why they think that is American style fudge but if I see them at another show I will ask them. I like fudge but only in very small amounts. Pleased you liked the carousel. It's lovely to see these things so well looked after. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
Hi again! Thought I'd have a quick look to see if I could find anything about the fudge....What is the difference between British and American fudge?
Turns out they're almost nothing alike, but that doesn't make it any less delicious. British fudge tends to be denser, firmer, and a bit more crumbly than its creamy American counterpart. It comes in dozens of flavors, and is frequently found in tourist gift shops and at outdoor markets and street fairs. It also says that it's a traditional dessert from Baltimore, so there you go they are quite different and I'm wishing now that I bought some just to try it xXx
Good photos
Love the squirrel photos. I have some that I took in our back yard from our old house that are funny.
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