Sunday, April 16, 2023

Too much of a good thing


Bleubeard and I are back with another entry for our recycle, reuse, repurpose theme we are hosting this month at Art Journal Journey.  We are also joining Creative Artiste's #92nd Challenge!

You can never have enough of a good thing, at least according to Mae West.  So why do I have two of these you ask.  

I created this first, several weeks ago, in fact, but failed to check that it was scanned properly.  By the time I checked, I couldn't find where I had put it.  It was about the time I was really feeling the results of my friend's death.

The good news is, I finally found it and re-scanned it.  However, I found it after I recreated the page using more scraps.  Here are the details of my first page.

When I couldn't find the original, I created a second entry.  I have a few detail images here, too.

For the right journal page, the first I created, I used several colors of Staz-on reinkers and 91% isopropyl alcohol.  My colors were quite muted because I used more alcohol and fewer drops of ink. Continuing with the page on the right in the photo, I added a dotted line around the page using my new gold Posca pen.  All of the dresses were created from left over scrapbook paper, much of which I used last autumn or at Christmas.  I added heart buttons, a regular button, a tiny puzzle piece, and a silk leaf for the embellishments.
For the journal page on the left, I started with 110 lb cardstock I spritzed with my handmade shimmering mists.  These dresses were made from various materials, including scrapbook paper left over from a previous project, a coffee stained page of Greek text, part of a used security envelope, and part of a sugar package.  Embellishments included three buttons, one of which was a star, and one which was an old pearl button.  I also used another small puzzle piece, and a ribbon rose.  Even though I stamped the same image twice, I didn't get it "perfect" either time.  
The cardstock, mists, reinkers, and alcohol were new and so was the ink I used on the wood mounted red rubber stamp.  All the embellishments were from my stash and all the dresses were created from leftovers.
Bleubeard and I are delighted you dropped by today and hope to see what you have recycled, repurposed, or reused using our theme at Art Journal Journey and we hope you'll join us at Creative Artiste where anything mixed media goes as long as you use a minimum of three mixed media items.

17 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that you found the first. Selfishly I am even gladder that you found it only after you had created the second.

Valerie-Jael said...

Ah yes, losing things.....they hide somewhere and only come out if and when they want to! Both pages are lovely, glad the first one came back to you. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

These are my favorites so far this month. I love the splattered background, and what a great idea to add those little bits to the dresses. Those additions are just enough to finish them. And I also like how they are all the same dress with different "fabrics", well yes paper, but they would be fabric in most real dresses. And not too much of the same thing for me. I hope you're having a great weekend. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Ah, things that disappear. They are taken by Gremlins. We've had to deal with years of their mischief. They take something and you spend hours looking in the place you know you left it, but it's not there. Hours more looking all around. To go back to the place you know you left it, and it's there! You can hear the Gremlins giggling, too. The dresses are so cute. I like the page with the splattered background the best

Matilde said...

It's very creative make 😊 Have a beautiful day!

Christine said...

Love this one!

Rita said...

Mae West was such a character!! :) :)

Jenn Jilks said...

Mae West was a hoot!
I picked up ditch garbage today. My hamstrings are complaining! said...

It's very frustrating when one puts something in a 'safe' place for later but then can never find it. Luckily you did find your lovely work.

Jeanie said...

These are cute, Elizabeth. I love the buttons you chose for each gown. And three cheers for Mae!

Cloudia said...

I enjoy our walks through your art

pearshapedcrafting said...

Sorry I've been rushing through your posts- I had a really busy week- a friend needed taking to appointments, a party needed more input than expected, add to that a lunch date, shopping trip and a craft afternoon with a friend and I am on a massive catch up. This is an absolutely wonderful way to recycle for your AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

Iris Flavia said...

Love the dresses (certainly) and yes. Murphy says hi!
So many things I lost and only found when I replaced them.
Your pages are wonderful and yell "summer!".

Nancy Chan said...

Very creative with the dresses. The dresses remind me of the paper dresses we make to dress up our ice-cream stick dolls when we were young.

Divers and Sundry said...

There's a black hole for everything we put in a safe place lol I'm glad your original turned back up. I'd wear a sweet little dress like that :)

Andree said...

These pages are wonderful and the dresses are so cute. Gorgeous papers and lovely background colours. And a fabulous demonstration of how pretty little details can change a look so easily. A woman can never have too many beautiful dresses, surely?
Thank you for joining in with our April challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I'm glad to read I am not the only one that (misplaces) but very glad to see both side by side, it's as if each dress has it's own character. Amazing how colour or simple detail can change everything. Fabulous recycling Elizabeth, you have had an amazing month of sharing with us all just how to do that.
Thanks so much for sharing with us @ Creative Artiste, always a pleasure to see you.
Happy crafting Hugs Tracey xx