Bleubeard and I are once again sharing another entry for our recycle, reuse, repurpose theme we are hosting this month at Art Journal Journey.
These are the foods of MY world. They are NOT the foods of Bleubeard's!
I love all kinds of squashes. Above are butternut, spaghetti, and acorn squash labels proving my love for these.
My regular visitors know my love of avocados.
Bananas play a big role in my diet, too.
It would certainly be wonderful if this was a view of my world.
"Foods of MY world."
This is one of the backgrounds I created when Sharon came for a play date. I can see why Sharon likes this color. All the squashes, avocados, and banana stickers had been on the fruit or veggie before it arrived on my journal page. The beautiful view is from a travel brochure, and the letters are also stickers. As you can tell, I am running out of letters to make viable words. I decided to use the outlines of the F and S. Don't tell anyone, but I may have used two zeros instead of two Os in the word Foods.
Bleubeard and I are delighted you dropped by today and hope to see what you have recycled, repurposed, or reused using our theme at Art Journal Journey. You still have oodles of time to share a journal page.
Now, however, lets share some drinks and have some bEARTHday fun.
All of these gifts came from my dear friend RO! She asked me to wait till my bEARTHday before I opened them.
I asked Sally to loan me her phone so I could prove I had waited until my birthday to open them. Her phone doesn't lie!
Here is Sally in her KC Chiefs tee, which I fell in love with. She said it was getting too small for her, so I could have it after she washed it. She said there was some place on it that showed it was KC Chiefs, but she couldn't remember exactly where. I told her I liked it because of the awesome colors and graphics. Maybe Kathy knows, since it is apparently sanctioned after they won the Super Bowl prior to this one.
This was a gift from my friend Sally. She got it at the Spice Merchant after I got my monthly supply (one pound) of free coffee.
Of all the goodies I could have gotten, I got their version of a peanut butter cup. Note I'm also drinking cold water.
Before I forget, you'll see me opening this "bouquet" at the restaurant we went to two days before my bEARTHday. Don't they look good on my dining room table? They also remind me of Ukraine. However, sunflowers are also Kansas's state flower, too. Then a funny thing happened after we got to the restaurant. I had left the gifts RO! sent my way at my house. The best laid plans and all.
I went shopping early in the day at Ace Hardware. I am sure they have them across the U.S. I purchased the Curry plant and the Lemon Grass at Ace for $3.99 each (USD) plus tax. Not a bargain at all. The other plants came from Sutherland, whose stores may only be located in Kansas. I bought French tarragon and munstead lavender there for $4.99 each (USD) plus tax.
When I got home that evening, the above were in my mailbox.
This card is from Sharon, my dear friend and play date partner. This is one of two new LOVE stamps. The other is a puppy.
The Missouri River forever stamp is from my dear friend Patty Szymkowicz. Please don't ask me how to pronounce her last name. I've "known" her for at least 15 years and have never been able to pronounce it. Patty no longer blogs, but has an Instagram account.
Although I looked at all the Forever stamps, I couldn't find this one. Apparently, because it was meter mail, I didn't take a picture of the envelope Erika sent me.
Speaking of stamps, I received this letter today right before I started this post. I'm sure it is from my dear friend RO!
Below are the stamps that are all quite old.
Other than these last images, all were taken yesterday evening. As I was finishing the photo shoot, my next door neighbor called and told me an ambulance had taken Sally to the hospital. All thought of anything else faded away. I promise to open everything next week. As for Sally, she tripped and fell in her yard. She had several things in her hand and couldn't get up. She damaged her good shoulder and they are going to operate on it on Tuesday. She will be in the hospital a few days after that, then she will return home. In the meantime, I will take what she needs to her and house sit her cats, too.
Sorry this is already long, so I will just remind you it's time to share your own drink related post. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other
art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot,
coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking
below. Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T
participants. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old
photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year. Please remember to visit your
fellow T participants.
Since it's the last week of the month, it's now time to dig up your Second on the 2nd. Any style, genre, length is acceptable as long as it has been published in the past.
Glad you enjoyed your birthday. Sally's shirt is gorgeous, but so sorry she tripped and fell. Hope she soon feels better after the OP, best wishes to her! 'm looking forward to seeing your presents next time. Happy T Day, hugs,Valerie☕🍵🍰
Oh, no! Poor Sally! And to have to have surgery! I am so glad you are close enough to help her. She will probably need lots of rehab and help after surgery , too. Your page in “my color” is beautifully done. It is so fun you got fun stamps and gifts for your birthday. I am glad you liked the stamp, and I was glad to see the Earth Day cancellation on it. I will post my blog later, I hope. Happy T day.
Oh no, so sorry to hear about Sally's fall and the need for an operation too-healing prayers for her. I love her KC shirt but I have not seen this one before-I may check online to see where the KC is on the shirt-reminds me of hippie days. Which reminds me last time I was in wal mart I saw clothes-dresses from the hippie era-crazy haha another great page for your AJJ theme, and fun mail too-Loved all the stamps-I don't remember seeing that Missouri river one either, I buy my stamps online at usps store for better variety. so good she has you as a friend to help her -hugs Happy T
There's so much in this post and except for Sally falling, so many good things. I do hope Sally is better soon. And that her surgery goes well. I love your sunflower card. I got a similar one for mother's day last year from my daughter, only they are cherry blossoms, and I put it back out again because it really is amazing. Those sunflowers look great on your placemat and on your table too. And yes my envelope was metered, but there is a reason why.I can actually see it under the stamped cards in one of your photos. When I went into the PO to mail it there was no one in the building besides me. No employee either. Then I noticed the bathroom door for the post office employee was closed. My PO is small and there is only 1 employee and he was in the bathroom for a very very long time. I almost left because I had to meet my daughter at a certain time and I was cutting it close. Finally I heard the toilet flush and he came out, very embarrassed. And since I needed to go, I just let him meter it. True story-I kid you not. I must have waited 15 minutes. I hope you enjoyed all the recycled bits and bobs. Anyhow, this comment is getting about as long as my PO waiting, so let me wish you a happy T day and that I like your latest AJJ page. Hugs-Erika
We all must be wishing a speedy recovery for Sally. Did she need to have an artificial joint installed? That is often how they treat shoulder injuries, and it’s pretty effective, and restores much more function. You must be very busy taking care of things and cats for her, so it’s great that you were able to put the T party together today.
About the fruit and veg labels — when my daughter was a small child she had a big collection of banana labels stuck to the back of her chair at the dining room table. She was quite a collector and liked to get different ones, and we were not allowed to remove them. I have a feeling we left them alone until she went away to college. I think the banana labels preceded the stickers on the other produce. So I enjoyed your using them today.
I am so glad to hear about such wonderful birthday celebrations. Beautiful plants and lovely cheerful sunflowers too. So sorry to hear about Sally. I hope she will recover soon! Have a great day!
Great gifts you got and I like that t-shirt, too, reminds me of the wonderful 70´s. Haha, I think I know how to pronounce your friend´s surname! In grade 5 there was a girl that clung to me, I still can give her name as she always had to give it letter by letter (as Ingo has to, too). Great stamps, oh, but sorry about your friend - scary!!!Best wishes!
Sorry to hear about Sally's fall, I hope she recovers quickly and fully and you are able to care for her cats. A sad end to your bEARTHday celebrations.
a belated happy birthday! What a stamp fest you had today. I'm in my element. Those old ones are really nice. And I will look up Henry Tanner because I don't know him. I featured the river stamps at some stage but can't remember when. The Missouri stamp was among them. The love stamps are gorgeous. And of course you love the one with the kitty. I love your sunflower card. It's magnificent. (and they wont droop). I love your page about the food of your world. We know through our blogging that food can be different across the world and some things are available in some countries and not in others. It also depends on the climate of course. In large urban areas food from all over the world is readily available. But that is not good for the planet of course. I try to eat local and seasonal. (I admit, not always possible, but I try). Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
Sally's shirt is awesome and so cool it will be yours. Poor Sally. Sending thoughts for her speedy recovery. She's probably relieved she has such a good friend to take care of her fur babies. I like the letters on the Foods of Your World Page, especially if you used two zeroes for the ohs. Happy T Day
Oohh Happy belated _Birthday dear Elizabeth ! I´m happy that you had a nice day. I hope Sally will be better very soon. So lovely gifts from your friends, delicious minicake, and beautiful flowers. Wish you a nice T day. Big hugs, Caty
I have a prayer and a good thought for Cathy. You create such a wonderful life and you share with all of us. Thank you. Yes, falls are no joke. We must move thoughtfully and watch where we are stepping. I have a very good friend who just told me how I fall at least once a month but I've learned how to do it. You roll on your side. I'm going to be very careful and try not to fall. I wish you and Cathy all the best and of course your sidekick with the whiskers
Loved seeing your beautiful sunflower bouquet, happy birthday mail and your lovely journal page of foods. I am with you, avocado's are delicious! Happy Tea Day and Happy Birthday, Kate
I love that shade of green! What a great idea to use some of your stickers. Sally's T shirt is fabulous, I hope her op goes OK. Wishing her a speedy recovery! Love those sun flowers and so many lovely stamps, Happy T Day, Chrisx
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
21 thoughtful remarks:
Glad you enjoyed your birthday. Sally's shirt is gorgeous, but so sorry she tripped and fell. Hope she soon feels better after the OP, best wishes to her! 'm looking forward to seeing your presents next time. Happy T Day, hugs,Valerie☕🍵🍰
Poor Sally. I am glad that she has a good friend in you.
Love your gifts and plants and creations.
So pleased you had a great birthday.
So sorry to read about Sally's fall, hope the operation on her shoulder goes well and she can get back home soon.
My good wishes.
All the best Jan
Oh, no! Poor Sally! And to have to have surgery! I am so glad you are close enough to help her. She will probably need lots of rehab and help after surgery , too. Your page in “my color” is beautifully done. It is so fun you got fun stamps and gifts for your birthday. I am glad you liked the stamp, and I was glad to see the Earth Day cancellation on it. I will post my blog later, I hope. Happy T day.
Oh no, so sorry to hear about Sally's fall and the need for an operation too-healing prayers for her.
I love her KC shirt but I have not seen this one before-I may check online to see where the KC is on the shirt-reminds me of hippie days. Which reminds me last time I was in wal mart I saw clothes-dresses from the hippie era-crazy haha
another great page for your AJJ theme, and fun mail too-Loved all the stamps-I don't remember seeing that Missouri river one either, I buy my stamps online at usps store for better variety.
so good she has you as a friend to help her -hugs Happy T
There's so much in this post and except for Sally falling, so many good things. I do hope Sally is better soon. And that her surgery goes well. I love your sunflower card. I got a similar one for mother's day last year from my daughter, only they are cherry blossoms, and I put it back out again because it really is amazing. Those sunflowers look great on your placemat and on your table too. And yes my envelope was metered, but there is a reason why.I can actually see it under the stamped cards in one of your photos. When I went into the PO to mail it there was no one in the building besides me. No employee either. Then I noticed the bathroom door for the post office employee was closed. My PO is small and there is only 1 employee and he was in the bathroom for a very very long time. I almost left because I had to meet my daughter at a certain time and I was cutting it close. Finally I heard the toilet flush and he came out, very embarrassed. And since I needed to go, I just let him meter it. True story-I kid you not. I must have waited 15 minutes. I hope you enjoyed all the recycled bits and bobs. Anyhow, this comment is getting about as long as my PO waiting, so let me wish you a happy T day and that I like your latest AJJ page. Hugs-Erika
We all must be wishing a speedy recovery for Sally. Did she need to have an artificial joint installed? That is often how they treat shoulder injuries, and it’s pretty effective, and restores much more function. You must be very busy taking care of things and cats for her, so it’s great that you were able to put the T party together today.
About the fruit and veg labels — when my daughter was a small child she had a big collection of banana labels stuck to the back of her chair at the dining room table. She was quite a collector and liked to get different ones, and we were not allowed to remove them. I have a feeling we left them alone until she went away to college. I think the banana labels preceded the stickers on the other produce. So I enjoyed your using them today.
best, mae at
Poor Sally! That must have been a shock.
AFter such a wonderful birthday. So sorry for you both.
Tale care!
I am so glad to hear about such wonderful birthday celebrations. Beautiful plants and lovely cheerful sunflowers too. So sorry to hear about Sally. I hope she will recover soon!
Have a great day!
I made it. Got a post done. Happy T Day.
Great gifts you got and I like that t-shirt, too, reminds me of the wonderful 70´s.
Haha, I think I know how to pronounce your friend´s surname!
In grade 5 there was a girl that clung to me, I still can give her name as she always had to give it letter by letter (as Ingo has to, too).
Great stamps, oh, but sorry about your friend - scary!!!Best wishes!
Sorry to hear about Sally's fall, I hope she recovers quickly and fully and you are able to care for her cats. A sad end to your bEARTHday celebrations.
a belated happy birthday!
What a stamp fest you had today. I'm in my element. Those old ones are really nice. And I will look up Henry Tanner because I don't know him. I featured the river stamps at some stage but can't remember when. The Missouri stamp was among them.
The love stamps are gorgeous. And of course you love the one with the kitty.
I love your sunflower card. It's magnificent. (and they wont droop).
I love your page about the food of your world. We know through our blogging that food can be different across the world and some things are available in some countries and not in others. It also depends on the climate of course. In large urban areas food from all over the world is readily available. But that is not good for the planet of course. I try to eat local and seasonal. (I admit, not always possible, but I try).
Happy T-Day,
Lovely gifts
Sally's shirt is awesome and so cool it will be yours. Poor Sally. Sending thoughts for her speedy recovery. She's probably relieved she has such a good friend to take care of her fur babies. I like the letters on the Foods of Your World Page, especially if you used two zeroes for the ohs. Happy T Day
Oh, noooo!!! Poor Sally! Shoulders are hard, and I'm sorry she's going through this. I hope her recovery is fast and complete.
Happy T Tuesday
Oohh Happy belated _Birthday dear Elizabeth ! I´m happy that you had a nice day. I hope Sally will be better very soon.
So lovely gifts from your friends, delicious minicake, and beautiful flowers. Wish you a nice T day.
Big hugs, Caty
I have a prayer and a good thought for Cathy. You create such a wonderful life and you share with all of us. Thank you. Yes, falls are no joke. We must move thoughtfully and watch where we are stepping. I have a very good friend who just told me how I fall at least once a month but I've learned how to do it. You roll on your side. I'm going to be very careful and try not to fall. I wish you and Cathy all the best and of course your sidekick with the whiskers
Loved seeing your beautiful sunflower bouquet, happy birthday mail and your lovely journal page of foods. I am with you, avocado's are delicious!
Happy Tea Day and Happy Birthday,
I love that shade of green! What a great idea to use some of your stickers. Sally's T shirt is fabulous, I hope her op goes OK. Wishing her a speedy recovery! Love those sun flowers and so many lovely stamps, Happy T Day, Chrisx
Happy late birthday. Happy T-day too.
Lots of cool goodies - lucky you!
Poor Sally - I need to send a card for her!
Love the art, the stamps and the flowers!
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