Monday, April 24, 2023



Bleubeard and I are back with another entry for our recycle, reuse, repurpose theme we are hosting this month at Art Journal Journey

For obvious reasons, we have named this Buttercup. We have detail shots, too.

For those who need to translate the words:

Why do you build me up Buttercup, baby Just to let me down and mess me around And then worst of all you never call, baby When you say you will but I love you still I need you more than anyone, darlin' You know that I have from the start So build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart

This idea came after I received a holiday card with a cancelled buttercup postage stamp attached.  It came to fruition when I realized I was going to soon have an empty butter container.  Guess you can tell where I get my butter.
I started by misting a used file folder with my handmade shimmering mists.  I then glued the deconstructed butter container to the page.  Next, I added the postage stamp.  Finally, I added the words to Buttercup Baby made famous by The Foundations to a sheet of new copier/printer paper. 
Bleubeard and I hope you enjoyed what we recycled today.  We also hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own interpretation of recycle, reuse, repurpose.   


14 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said... 1

Clever and fun. I am not grateful for the earworm though.

Rita said... 2

I have that earworm now--lol! But it is a bouncy sound at least. :)

Valerie-Jael said... 3

This is a fun page and I am already singing Buttercup....can you hear me? Your butter has a nicer packaging than mine! Have a good start in the new week! Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said... 4

I don´t know that song (and won´t check on it, LOL), but I defrosted truffle-butter this morning!

Mae Travels said... 5

Do you like butter? If you hold a buttercup under your chin and it reflects the bright yellow color, that shows that you do like butter. Every child knows this, right?

Have a fun day... mae at

My name is Erika. said... 6

Oh that's a great old song, and what a way to recycle a box of butter sticks. I would have never thought of the song with butter, but I will from now on. You are having some great ideas for your challenge this month. Have a great start of the week. Hugs-Erika

jinxxxygirl said... 7

I enjoy all your recycling posts so much Elizabeth. I apologize for missing the T party lately . But i have a wonderful excuse! Hubs and i are on vacation! We've been gone a week now and have one more week to go. This is the first i've broken open the laptop.. I'm going to sit here , relax and scroll back through your posts... Hope to see you at T soon.. Hugs! deb

Divers and Sundry said... 8

Fun! I love that song :)

Christine said... 9

Very good

CJ Kennedy said... 10

That tune started going through my head the minute I saw the title of your post! 😺

Nasreen said... 11

A clever way to recycle.

Lisca said... 12

Oh you got me singing now! It was The Foundations! I remember it well.
What a fun project. I like the buttercup stamp of course. I remember picking buttercups in the meadow near our house when I was small. Now one doesn't see many buttercups anymore.
Salted sweet cream... that sounds like a contradiction in terms. Yes, I also prefer salted butter.
Happy T-Day,

Jenn Jilks said... 13

Yes, a fun project!

pearshapedcrafting said... 14

Fabulous page! I love that song and love salty butter too! I wish butter was sold in 4oz sticks here! Hugs, Chrisx