Monday, February 13, 2023

T Stands For Love and Kisses


 Today we are meeting at my dining room table to celebrate Valentine's Day.

My vignette for Valentine's Day I created on my dining room table.  

My teapot shares space with my journal page.  Here is a close up of the journal page.

I hope you see why I call this Love and Kisses.

Vintage sheet music was colored using a red marker.

I sewed it to some reddish pink handmade (by me) paper using red thread.

Finally I added the Love and Kisses postage stamp issued back in 2007 when first class postage was $0.39 (USD).

One more look at this entry which started with dotted scrapbook paper to which everything was sewn in place.  I'm sure you know I'm once again joining Erika our host this month at Art Journal Journey who asks us to use the color red in our art.

I have decided on how to handle the 10th anniversary swap.  In TWO WEEKS, (NOT TODAY, and NOT NEXT WEEK, but TWO WEEKS FROM NOW) I want a definitive answer to your swap choice.  I know some of you have told me two weeks in a row your intentions, but I want all in one spot because here is what we will do.  First, this WILL NOT BE a Pay It Forward, or PIF swap. Second, you will be assigned a partner depending on your choice. DO NOT TELL ME THIS WEEK, but here are the choices you have:

A. ATC only local (local defined as within your country or continent)
B. ATC only intl. (intl. defined as willing to send to anyone in the world)
C. ATC and postcard local
D. ATC and postcard intl.
E. ATC and two tea bags local
F. ATC and two tea bags intl.
G. Postcard and two tea bags local
H. Postcard and two tea bags intl.

For those of you who live in the states, if you request local only and I cannot pair you with a local person, you may send your choice to me and I will include it in the swap I send to your partner.  Remember, depending on your choice, you will be paired with someone who sends like for like, or the same item(s) as you.  For example a participant who chooses A will not be paired with a participant who chooses G.  A participant who choose A will be paired with a person who chooses A.  Those who choose to send little gifts/snippets along with your choices, may do so.  All partners MUST receive their swap items no later than July 1, 2023, however, you will NOT SHOW your swap until the anniversary on Monday July 17 or Tuesday July 18 depending on your time zone.  No late entries will be allowed. PERIOD!!

By now, you know the drill. Include something drink related as I did today, and link below.  PLEASE link your T post only.  We don't want to have to hunt for your post or have to guess where it ends. Forgot to mention, way to go Mahomes and Chiefs!!

Think about your swap choice, decide what you want to swap, write it down, and share it in two weeks, please.  Also, if you know someone who has been a T Tuesday participant in the past, please let them know about the swap we are having in July and share this blog post with them.  If you have never participated in a T Stands For Tuesday post before, but want to join the swap, please let me know in two weeks.

19 thoughtful remarks:

Sharon Madson said... 1

Love your journal page, Elizabeth. Oh, for postage to be that cheap again! Ha. Well, as you can see, I finally made it to the party. Please check your email, as I forwarded a message to you. Happy T Day.

Mia said... 2

A post full of love. Happy Valentine's Day, Elizabeth. Kisses!

My name is Erika. said... 3

Your table setting looks very festive for Valentine's Day tomorrow. And I love your journal page. You can't go wrong with polka dots. Or Hershey kisses. I remember those stamps, but you're lucky to have one to use for a Valentine's page. Thank you for sharing this and linking up to AJJ with it. And Have a wonderful valentine's Day yourself. I hope you have a Hershey's kiss to enjoy also. hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 4

I have discovered that krylon preserve it has been discontinued-but krylon has many others-confusing. the one for ink jet printers-would that be the one? thanks
I love that stamp! don't remember seeing that one
Happy Valentine's day and T

Cloudia said... 5

Now I want chocolate! I love your beautiful art. And thank you for hosting us

Mae Travels said... 6

Hershey Kisses are for sure the most Valentine-y chocolate! I hope you have a fun holiday.

best… mae at

Darla said... 7

Great journal page. I like the stamp you used. The Valentine I created also has stamps and polka dots. Great minds and all that, LOL. Happy Valentine's Day.

Iris Flavia said... 8

Gurries (plural, like my coat, the heart, tea-pot etc, etc) are excited to see your Valentine´s table!
Happy T-Day, dear Elizabeth!

Lisca said... 9

Happy Valentine's Day! Your table display looks lovely and your journal page is beautiful. Of course I like it because of the special stamp. I had not seen that one (most probably because it would not be used for intercontinental mail). The colours are vcery Valentine-y.
I like it how you theme your diningroom table to every festival.
Happy T-Day (adn Valentine's Day),

Empire of the Cat said... 10

Love the stamp, it looks nice on the red page, perfect for Erika's red theme. The handmade paper looks good too and your table display for today. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

CJ Kennedy said... 11

Your vignette looks so festive. Hershey Kisses are my favorite candy as my dad used to bring them home for us as a treat. Only he called them Silver Bells. That was one of my favorite Love stamps, too. Happy T Day

Rita said... 12

Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

Divers and Sundry said... 13

I don't decorate for Valentine's Day, so I especially enjoyed yours :) Chocolate kisses are the candy for the day.

DVArtist said... 14

Happy Valentine's day. Beautiful art and always a lovely table. Have a wonderful day today.

jinxxxygirl said... 15

LOVE your journal page Elizabeth! What a great stamp! I used to decorate the house for every Holiday when my daughter was little.. I kinda miss doing that now that i think about it.. If the grandkids lived close i'm sure i would do it again. Happy Valentine's T Day ! Hugs! deb

Christine said... 16

Happy Valentine's Day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

I love how you celebrate Valentines Day. Your journal page is lovely and very in keeping for Erika's theme at AJJ.
As for Hershey Kisses - my youngest son brought me some back when he visited New York . I'm afraid I wasn't so impressed with the flavour compared to British chocolate but have to say they do look lovely! Happy Valentines T Day, Hugs, Chrisxx

Lowcarb team member said... 18

Lovely art.
Happy Valentine's day.

All the best Jan

Kate Yetter said... 19

Such a pretty journal page and perfect for Valentine's day. I love the Hershey kiss stamp. I wish stamps were that price again. It's amazing how much postage has gone up!
Happy Tea Day,