Monday, December 12, 2022

T Stands For Happy and Surprise Mail


 It's time once again for T Tuesday, where we share a drink related post.  Before you ask, I have fixed my sewing machine.  I spent three really frustrating hours yesterday (Sunday) just looking for a screw.  I thought I was prepared.  I placed all the screws in a bowl in which I had also placed a magnet in the bottom.  However, as I was moving the bowl, I tripped over my broken anti-static mat that sits where I normally have my sewing chair and the screw was obviously not attached to the magnet.  Needless to say, I was very, very frustrated.  Hopefully that also explains why I didn't visit most of you yesterday.   I'll try to make up for that later tonight.  As soon as I finish this post, I will be in my sewing room working on tip-ins.  Sadly, there is no time to make handmade Christmas cards this year.

Today we are meeting in my very cold dining room where the sky outside is overcast.
Does the Dutch Stroopwafel look familiar?  You saw one on Carola's blog last T Tuesday.  The idea is to heat it over your hot drink.  As it heats, it softens the caramel and turns into nearly gooey goodness.  After I saw Carola's I thought it would be the perfect time to open my package I had received as a gift from my friend RO!.  And I have another Stroopwafel for later.

Be sure your mug or cup is about the size of the Stroopwafel so it heats evenly.

Now it's time for me to share my surprise and happy mail.  I admit, I'm getting pretty good with the smudge tool!

I say surprise because I was NOT expecting any of these cards.

I'll start with the first card I received, which had this quirky postage stamp.  I wish I had time to learn more about this stamp, but maybe Deb will let us know about it.

The envelope impressed me because I LOVE cardinals.  I'm sure many of you have seen them in my main floor bath, where they live permanently.
There was even a cardinal on the back of the envelope, but there was also a TREE.  LOVE trees.  Must save this tree.

Ah, the Forest Service would be proud of me, even though I took forever getting it off the envelope without tearing it.

Inside was this amazing and gorgeous photo of cardinals.  I am going to find a frame (I have tons that size) and add it to the collection I have in my bath.  Thank you SO much, Deb.  It's a gift I can proudly display year round.

The next two cards arrived at the same time, so I will start with the one from Australia.  To say I was blown away when I saw this envelope and stamp is like calling the Queen Mary a rowboat.  I love the Noel and wreath on the stamp.

I am also going to save this air mail sticker, which is very different from the ones coming from the UK.  Is that the Southern Cross on the sticker?

The card inside is stunning.  I took about 25 photos and they all looked like this.  This is one of those cards you just have to see in person to truly appreciate the coppery beauty of it.  I guess I need to mention it came from the host of Monday Murals, my blogging friend Sami of Sami's Colourful World.

Inside was a gift that was out of this world.  Sami's gift is priceless and worth more than words can say.  Sami explains that the RSPCA (equivalent to the ASPCA) has been around 150 years and these are some of the animals for which they have influenced and written policy for these animals' welfare.  Thank you beyond belief, Sami.

My final card features a postage stamp of a member of a Mariachi band.

My dear friend RO!, who now posts exclusively to Instagram, where I can't see what she is up to, LOVES stickers.  And so do I.  This is a real cutie.

Speaking of cuties.  This is a real gem.

Inside was a gift appropriate for T Tuesday.  I will drink this soon.  On the same day, I also received a gift from RO! who asked me to wait till Christmas to open, which I will gladly do.

Maybe you can see how the Stroopwafel has begun to distort due to the heat of my coffee.
Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.

I bet you thought I had forgotten to share the sandwich I had.  

  NO ONE guessed correctly.  

  What probably threw you was the fact I didn't order the bread as shown in the menu.  However, see the AuJus on the left.  Yes, I was craving that roast beef, so got a French Dip with brown bread instead of a hoagie bun.  Sometimes I just have to give into my cravings for meat.


22 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some gorgeous cards and stamps, enjoy. And they sell those wonderful syrup waffles at Aldi, I always look in the other direction when I pass them so that I don't get tempted. Happy T Day, hugs,Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

That’s really a great collection of genuine stamps and cards and envelopes… I have so thoroughly moved to email and messages that there’s rarely any real mail in my mailbox (though I almost recycled my tax bill by accident!) I always loved stamps, but even those now mainly go on business envelopes.

Have fun at the holidays!

best… mae at

My name is Erika. said... 3

I was definitely wrong when I guessed your sandwich last week. I would never have guessed you had a French Dip. And I've tried Stroopwafels before, but never over a warm cup. I'm curious too, and I'm glad to hear how yummy it tasted. I like your mug too. And nice holiday cards too. And those stamps are also fun. And you got your machine fixed too-hurrah (even if the search for the screw was not fun). Have a love T day my friend. hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 4

Beautiful cards Elizabeth. the stamp on Deb's card is part of a halloween stamp collection-they are very fun for sure. I never would have guessed you had a roast beef-I was thinking perhaps a corn beef Happy T and thank you for hosting

Kate Yetter said... 5

SO many wonderful pieces of Happy Mail! And your Stroopwafel looks delicious. I had one last Christmas for the first time, and they were delicious!!
Happy Tea Day,

DVArtist said... 6

Yep I thought it was beef. Yes, sometimes one just needs a good beef sandwich. What loving mail anddddd.... the Stroopwafel, you lucky girl. I should see if I can find those to order somewhere. Have a great evening.

Darla said... 7

Fun to see all the great mail you received. My mail box never yeilds up such intereating things. I like the Stroupwafels too.

RO said... 8

I too have seen these cookies in Aldis and had no clue you could place them on top of a mug to soften them. How cool is that! Your cards are all lovely 😍, and such a treat to get mail from Australia. Love the stamps too. Hugs 🤗 RO

Cloudia said... 9

Yeah, especially in the winter. If you don't have an ethical objection meat is very healthy and satisfying! Hey, I didn't know that about stroop waffles!

Elephant's Child said... 10

I love your gifts and stamps. Hooray for the sewing machine fix (frustrating as it was).
I do hope your Stroopwaffel was delicious.

Helen said... 11

what a thoughtful selection of stamps gifted to you . I hope the Stroopwafel was tasty.

Iris Flavia said... 12

Yes, it´s the Southern Cross on that sticker. The one I looked up to many a night, the one my Brother made for me and lost... The one I miss so much.
I sent my family loads of letters with that sticker, too. They always knew where we... had been 4 weeks ago! LOL.

Yay for your happy mail (and sewing machine, of course!).

Jackie McGuinness said... 13

Love your Santa page.
You received a lot of great cards. Like Mae, I do everything online, so I get get a lot in my mailbox.
I used to collect stamps, but gave them away when we downsized.

CJ Kennedy said... 14

Your happy mail and gifts are wonderful. Well, you got me on your sandwich. I first thought it was the roast beef au jus, but then when I read the description and it wasn’t on a spucky (old, Italian-Bostonian for hoagie or sub bread), I thought it must be the reuben. Like they always say when taking a test or quiz, don’t change your first answer. Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 15

So many wonderful happy mail treats :) I especially like that little tree. Last week was the first time I'd ever heard of the stroopwafel, and hear I am already seeing it again. Cool!

Happy T Tuesday.

Lisca said... 16

What a lot of happy mail! And such beautiful stamps and sticker.
My mouth is watering at the sight of the stroopwafel! I'm traveling to the Netherlands soon and I will enjoy a stroopwafel too (or more than one).
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said... 17

How lovely to receive all those fabulous Christmas cards and it was fun to look at the postage stamps and pretty envelope embellishments too 😊. I love those waffles too and you've reminded me that I must add them to my Christmas list. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 18

Years ago we bought a tin of those biscuits in Amsterdam - we thought they were a bit chewy - now we know how we should have eaten them! Love your mail and those fabulous stamps. Glad your machine is fixed! I would never choose beef - just don't like the feel of it in my mouth. Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx ps had to use my tablet again - blogger locked me out on my computerxx

Jeanie said... 19

I understand your frustrations completely! It's like that a lot this year. Well done on fixing your sewing machine. It sounds like quite a project!

nwilliams6 said... 20

Fun mail, presents, cards, stamps - so fun!!!

Love that waffle thing - great idea and it looks yummy.

Fun post, Elizabeth. Happy T-day!

jinxxxygirl said... 21

Hi Elizabeth.... late... so late... Not 5 minutes after i linked to T Day my husband walks in the house saying..'We need to go to the hospital.' Yeah.. he tried to cut his fingers off with a jointer saw.. So that kinda ended the possibility of T day visits.. He's alright.. 12 or so stitches.. one broken finger.. No golf for awhile.. lol Those stamps are called Spooky Silhouettes from this year... I know a little odd for a Christmas card but thats what i had.. So glad you liked the cardinals! Happy Belated T day! Hugs! deb

Empire of the Cat said... 22

So sorry, late with everything. I let my guard down and thought I could do some arting, but now we are back to animal hospital. Sorry for my lateness, have a sick kitty. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx