Wednesday, November 9, 2022



Please note.  I'm unable to leave a comment on  blogger blogs with embedded comments.  I get a "Failed to Publish, Try Again Later" message.   I can only hope this is a temporary problem.

You may know by now that Bleubeard and I are hosting Art Journal Journey this month and our themes are Collage Fodder, Food and Drink, or both. 

This journal page seems to be a bit fishy.

It's a collage of fish grills and fish.

A mark or two,

a bit of sewing, 

and a bit of fussy cutting led to this fishy tale.

I started by spritzing two handmade shimmering mists on 110 lb cardstock.  I cut information on fish grills from the book of kitchen tools.  I glued some lovely fish to the top set of words, then added a circle using a brown gel pen.  For the second set of words, I fussy cut some fish and adhered them to the words using a glue stick.  I sewed the two sets of words to the page using purple variegated thread. I added the title using stickers, and finished by adding the date.

Bleubeard and I are grateful you visited today and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on Collage Fodder, Food and Drink, or both. 

  We are also joining AEDM

  I plan to share weekly updates of this challenge each Thursday, but tomorrow is my Second Thursday Tutorial.  However, we started the month on a Tuesday, so we actually gained a day this week.

I'm sorry this is a bit hard to read.  It's late at night and I took it right off my computer.  I don't want to keep printing new pages each week.  For those who don't know, Treasure Trovember is run by Kelly at Collage Scraps.

My page is slightly larger than my scanner bed.  Next week, I'll photograph it during the day.

A few words are in order.  The first day we were supposed to create a grid of rectangles and squares using black and white collage fodder.  I decided to use book pages.  It took over four hours just to create the background.  I almost gave up, thinking this challenge was going to be a time buster that I didn't need.

However, I decided to stick it out one more day.  Needless to say, you can see the things we need to add each day and they are all practically at my fingertips.  I had to hunt for something fancy (the wrapped bouquet of flowers), but that was it.
It isn't too late for you to join.  Kelly has sites on Instagram and Facebook, but I am NOT on either of those social media sites.

17 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I am always blown away (and delighted) by your creativity. Thank you for sharing.

Valerie-Jael said...

Both pages are lovely, I especially love the fishy pages. Have a great day, tak care, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Despite I actually do not like fish much I love your pages!
The colors match perfectly and ohhh... my sewing machine just gave me a nasty look!
I was just wondering, though... wasn´t it you who showed the technique of how to make such pieces (here: fishes) a bit transparent so you can still see the text underneath a bit?
But reckon you wanted it that way?
Shoot, I forgot how to exactly do that. Tape and water... When time I´ll have a look how this went!

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun pages. I enjoyed watching you construct the Treasure Trovember page.

My name is Erika. said...

These collages are wonderful my friend. I like them both. I love the loose numbers on the second one, and all the stitching on the first one. Besides other things, of course. I hope you are having a great week. hugs-Erika

Christine said...

Nice work

Mae Travels said...

Sorry to hear that you can’t comment as usual. Your commenting is so faithful, that it will be missed.

Fish is a fun subject! I like your cutout collage. In my life, I love platters that are shaped like fish or decorated with fish — so fun for serving the same dish.

best… mae at

Empire of the Cat said...

Something fishy, I like it, also your Treasure Trovember page. I was going to register to join in but I'm not sure I have time now. About the commenting, I'm getting a serious delay in the comment form loading but it eventually turns up and I can leave a comment. I'm using Opera. I did see this on blogger help though -

craftytrog said...

Great pages Elizabeth!

kathyinozarks said...

Fun pages Elizabeth. I am working on a page now.
wow we are warm and in the low 80's today-You too??

NatureFootstep said...

first, your comment was published on my blog. Thanks!

I like your pages, but when it comes to fish, I like to watch them, not eat them. Today I saw three small red fish in a dam. I was pleased.

Jeanie said...

I really am enjoying this series, Elizabeth. Clever and well done.

Mysteries, per your comment. I AM watching Magpie. And I've read the book and I have this gift of forgetting the ending as soon as I finish (although I THINK I remember -- except that I can't figure any clues pointing to that character just yet) so I'm still flummoxed! Re: Agatha and stereotypes. They bug me too. I have to remember that a) she was a woman of her time and of the Empire and period of colonialism and that thought was more rampant and b) a woman of her social class. Which doesn't make it it right (it's still cringeworthy at times), nor is it an excuse but it's a reason and puts it in context. That said, it permeated outside of her writing as well, though not as much. It doesn't detract from the story or plot (or, for that matter, does the difference in how women and servants are treated) but it does sometimes make for uncomfy reading! The Worsley book points out this as well.

Neet said...

Busy playing catch up today and so far (i am at the end) I have had no problems commenting. How strange that so many people do and how frustrating it must be to you to not be able to in some cases.
We don't eat enough fish, i could eat it every day but the other half is not so keen.
I wouldn't make a fisherman though, I could never catch one and keep it, it would have to go back where it came from.
Hugs, Neet xxx

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fun art pieces.

Debra said...

Very creative! I love your art!

Rita said...

Fun pages, Elizabeth! :)

pearshapedcrafting said...

I love your fishy page - I'm guessing that Bleubeard approves too?
Your Treasure Trovember page is looking interesting - looks like a fun challenge, hugs, Chrisx