Today I'm combining a lot of challenges, beginning with Art Journal Journey.

Last Thursday was Herb Haircut Day. Although I grab herbs as I need them, like basil and a bit of thyme that I combine to make a caprese salad when I have just harvested my cherry tomatoes, and dill when I am making eggs or any dish that needs a bit of kick, there comes a time when I am not able to keep up with the growth of some of my herbs.
That means I have to harvest my herbs so they don't go to seed. Basil was my first. It's the hardest to save, while most other herbs I planted are designated as "woody," which means they will dry well. I also harvested a ton of dill, but you can't really tell because I have so much of it growing and at different stages.
Last Friday, many of you saw my shed reveal. I was so happy that it is now clean and the possum can no longer get in.
Saturday I paid homage to the woman for whom I was named.
Sunday I remembered 9/11 with this mural, the only one I could find that really honored that day we should never forget.
Monday, I shared a dream catcher for Art Journal Journey.
Tuesday, I shared the ATCs I made for our napkin and ATC swap. Bleubeard had to get in on the action and I believe he was the star of the show.
The ATCs I received were: Top row, left to right: Chris, Lisca, Elle (EOTC)
Thanks for stopping by today. It is obviously going to be a busy one, and I won't be able to sloth around, since I will be visiting Art Journal Journey, Try it on Tuesday, Friday Face Off (yesterday, too), and Friday Smiles. Feel free to join Bleubeard and me there, too.
22 thoughtful remarks:
Sloths are cute indeed! I sadly never so far saw one for real.
My herbs still do fine on the balcony. Let´s see?
Ohhh, such a sweet pic of your name-Sister and her hubby! The love-look he gives her made me smile VERY big!
That is true love.
Yes, 9/11... changed the whole world.
That sloth really is too cute!
I've got to say your post has really got me smiling today...I just love the face of a sloth [who doesn't?]. The ATCs are really fab...both those you gave and those you received. Gathering herbs...well done you and good luck with the keeping/drying.
Annie x
I've always loved the Sloth they seem so relaxed about everything. You certainly have found a wide variety of phoyographs including them in their own form of action! You have also reminded me that I need to get on and make some ATCs which I've not got going with because I couldn't make my mind up about the design and still thinking! Hope you have a very happy weekend. Hugs, angela xXx
Huge thanks - for the week of posts and the smiles.
Hi Elizabeth, loved all the sloth funnies, and your fun journal page. Queen Elizabeth will really be missed, she was very unique and steadfast. Have a great Friday, hugs, Valerie
Well Elizabeth you seem to have had a busy week. I love the sloth pictures. I have seen some lovely films of them lately being reunited with a lost baby etc, and they seem to be very loving, caring mothers. Definitely too cute to be a deadly sin!
What a good idea to harvest your herbs so you have them to use through the winter.
I will never forget 9:11. It is my grandson's birthday and his dad always says "Not everything that happens on that date is bad". It truly was an horriffic incident that will never be forgotten, but our Finlay (now 16) brought some joy back to the day.
Your ATCs made me nostalgic. before I moved here I did a lot of swaps but here the postage is too slow and I could never get mine sent in in time, and the postage, and often the requirement to enclose a stampped, addressed envelope, became too difficult. I still swap one or two ocasionally with my sister. Kate x
I love seeing sloths and photographing them. I've seen them in Costa Rica, Peru, and maybe one other place, and they don't move fast, but they do kind of ooze along the tree branches carrying babies on their backs (sometimes) and munching on leaves. At times they look greenish because moss grows on their backs.
best... mae at
LOVE your blog post today! That sloth is so me! LOL! Thanks for joining us at Try it on Tuesday!
Fun post
Fun sloth page today. For AJJ. Yes. That sloth has fur. Thanks for sharing with us at TIOT also. And your herbs look great. I do t think my daughter watered any of my plants while I’ve been gone so I think my basil will be DOA (when I arrived home tonight that is). 😩. Hope all is well hugs Erika
I can remember being amazed at the life of a sloth when I first read about them. They have a very different face, the markings certainly make them look cute
Thanks for the lovely page Elizabeth, your thoughts on our Queen (I was so touched when you wrote on my blog) and forf the fab funnies re the sloth.
Hugs, Neet xxx
I agree - sloths are cute :) Very interesting post and lovely page of your art journal :) Hugs!
What delightful, "slothful" interpretations! Yes, too cute! And I love your tribute to the Queen and being named for her. I just made and froze a lot of pesto (there may be enough for another round) and froze some basil in ziplock, which blogger Carole told me about. Rick and I have had good success with drying it too. He has quite a crop this year. My thyme seems to go well into the winter till the snow covers it up!
It was fun that you did a resume of the week. (I have looked at the actual blogposts).
Sloths are so cute and it looks like they are always smiling. You found some really nice (and many) sloth funnies.
They made me smile.
I am an Elizabeth too. My name is spelt EliSabeth, with an S. I was named after my grandmother. (Elizabeth didn't become queen until after I was born).
Yes, we shall never forget 9/11. It was so horrible. A whole generation will remember and the future generations will read it in their history books.
Your herbs are looking good. Are you making pesto? That is the thing to do with too much basil.
Have a good weekend with your boys,
I love that you post twice for FFO. That sloth is just way too cute. Your garden looks amazing. Some good herbs there. Again thank you for joining Friday Face OFF.
Love that one. I have seen one on a trip. They move in Slow motion. :) Loved to see it. :)
oh, thanks for the lovely comment on my horses. Much appreciated :)
I love your sloth page and all the funnies Elizabeth! Great post.
What a fun page and post, those funnies made me smile 😊. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x
Great page, Sloths always look to be smiling ! I love your sentiment too
Thanks for joining in at Try It On Tuesday challenge
First of all I must say sorry for not calling around as often as I would like to visit with you here. This was a super post to read to see all the photos and pieces you included and I had to smile at those funnies. I am so happy you have shared the page at TioT's as well Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx
Good work on the herbs. I'm not doing well with such. thankfully we have lots of farms around us!
It's not a sin if it's the defining feature of your species lol
I grow herbs for the pollinators, so I let them flower and go to seed unless I'm clipping something to root.
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