Monday, September 5, 2022

T Stands For napkins are finally on their way


 I received Chris's package on Thursday, along with my new camera.  I called Sharon who wanted to come on Friday, so I agreed.  It would have been nice to have an extra day to clean house, but that didn't happen.  It's a good thing Sharon isn't allergic to dust or cat fur, because there was lots of it in my house!

We'll begin with Chris's postage stamps.  Like Elle's, these made me smile because I was named for this lady.

Sharon, whose idea it was to have this swap, was my co-conspirator.  I knew how I wanted to handle the swap, but Sharon was the one who made it workable.  

The first thing I did was open each of the packages, while Sharon removed the napkins inside.  I didn't look to see what anyone had sent, so I missed that Chris had sent me some "odd" napkins, which unfortunately Sharon placed in with the others in the mix.  Someone got a plain red napkin that was meant for me, and I apologize.

The first thing I did was find any and all ATCs, which I will share next week.  Both Jo and I made an ATC for everyone.  Jo went to the trouble of writing the name of the recipient on each of the ATCs she made.  Anyway, the ATCs were taped together so they could be the base of the napkins.  Feel free to share your ATCs next week, too.  Once those were done, it was time to exchange napkins.  I have yet to look at the ones I received. 
If you remember what your package looked like that you sent me, you will see it is under the white envelope I provided and the napkins that were exchanged.  Ignore the cat toys on the floor, please.
Sharon pointed out that if we just laid the napkins in the envelopes similar to how they are shown on the table, the packages would be so thick, we would have to pay large envelope prices due to their thickness.  With her patience, she folded the napkins such that they fit flat enough to go for the two ounce postage I had initially predicted. 

The very first postage I applied, I forgot to remove the cost of the $1.40 forever International stamp I applied to everyone's except Jo's, so I put too much postage on the envelope.  DUH.  Thankfully, that only happened once.  Here Sharon is laying them out on my table ready to mail.

She was worried about the addresses, but I assured her I was getting pretty good with the smudge tool in Photoshop.  When we got to the post office, I didn't take any extra postage with me.  One of the envelopes was just a hair over 2 ozs, so it needed extra postage.  Sharon had one of the old pink flower International stamps she stuck on someone's (?) envelope. 

I used to send stamps that meant something to the recipient, but they never photographed the stamps I so meticulously chose.  This time, I was less careful, using what was at hand, or what looked pretty on the envelope.  Now I am asking that each International swapper take a photo of their stamps.  You can cover yours and my address using a post-it note or something similar.  However, since I paid the postage, I don't think this is an unreasonable request.

While we were doing the exchange, I made tea sent from Mia for Sharon, while I drank coffee from my grungy Wichita State mug, not my PBS mug.  The receipt is from the post office showing everything was pre-paid.

Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 



Deb and Erika do not have to show their postage.  They each received a $0.24 butterfly from a few years ago.


22 thoughtful remarks:

Christine said... 1

Good work

Sharon Madson said... 2

I am sorry, I mixed up the napkins. That might have been why someone had enough to give everyone two more! You haven’t even looked at yours yet? Maybe they could still be in with yours! Happy T day, dear friend!

nwilliams6 said... 3

Happy T-day. Lots of work but looks like lot of fun for everyone involved. I will definitely play next year if you do it again - some fun looking stuff for sure. Friends that don't mind dust are the best kind! Hugz

My name is Erika. said... 4

I had to stop by and see what you were up to for T, even though I'm not linking in this week as I have a 5:50 AM flight. I can see I needed the old butterfly stamp. I feel bad I didn't send enough postage though. Can I do anything to fix that? This was a fun post to read> And it was great you had Sharon to help pull it together too. I can't wait to get my package. I hope you have a wonderful T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said... 5

Both you and Sharon went through so much work to actually make this work - you both rock! I hope you had a lot of fun during the time you sorted all of this out. It is awesome you did this and I'm pretty sure everyone who participated really appreciates this. Happy T day!

Cloudia said... 6

You are too busy being creative to clean! Fortunately I put some creativity in my cleaning so it all evens out

jinxxxygirl said... 7

Wow! YOu pulled it off!!! That was really something.. I'm looking forward to my napkins AND my stamps!! and seeing what everyone got... Hmmm whose gonna get the red napkin? Happy T day! And thank you Elizabeth and Sharon! Hugs! deb

Mae Travels said... 8

Looks as if there will be a few surprises when everyone opens their packages! You and Sharon really worked hard on this project.

Best… mae at

Elephant's Child said... 9

I am so glad that your mailperson brought some long awaited treats on Thursday.
You have been very busy (and productive). Looking forward to the big reveal.
And yes, our home is dusty and cat hair filled too. Always.

Darla said... 10

You and Sharon obviously worked hard to pull this exchange off, I didn't participate but I am enjoying the posted results I'll be checking in with everyone to see what they do with what they received.

Iris Flavia said... 11

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun work, yet work!!!
I don´t have a cat, just an Ingo, but there is also dust all over (we have no carpet and I swear at night someone must come in here and spread the dust! LOL).
The stamps, yes. Our postie just has standard. So sad. But he is right around the corner and you never have to wait too long.
I bought special stamps and boom, prices rose, so using them needs extra stamps.
Crazy times. Back in the day stamp-prices lasted forever. Or that is just my memory.

Nancy Chan said... 12

That was a lot of work and fun sorting out the postages, placing into envelopes and posting it out. We just can't seem to get rid of the dust from our house, no matter how often we clean it. Have a beautiful day and week.

Valerie-Jael said... 13

Looks like you two girls had a busy day, and got lots done.Good job! I'm not allergic to dust or anything either, good job as my pace is always dusty! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Lisca said... 14

You and Sharon did a tremendous job! A lot of work. Thank you so much.
I love that you made the effort to buy pretty stamps. Yes, I’ll photograph them. I always do.
Now we are playing the game: ‘Who has the red napkin’…
We are on a campsite and I would have time to do comments but there is no internet. The data on my phone are limited, so please excuse me.
Happy T day

CJ Kennedy said... 15

Such beautiful treasures. What a great job you ladies did of coordinating the exchange. Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 16

So much work! I'm sure everyone is appreciative and excited about these little treasures :)

Happy T Tuesday

Sami said... 17

Nice swap, I'm sure everyone will love their napkins and stamps.
And talking of stamps I think I have a few more animal stamps for you. Will sort them out soon.
Have fun Elizabeth.

Jackie McGuinness said... 18

I am so late because my laptop fell (I'm on vacation) and cracked the screen! I had to buy a new one today and still getting it setup.

Empire of the Cat said... 19

Yay! Congrats on finally receiving the napkins from Chris, the mail is terribly slow at the moment. Looks like a fun job assembling all the packages and making sure everyone gets the right napkins and not their own napkins haha. Will be interesting to see how long they take to come back over the pond. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

Thank goodness they arrived at last. I'm now wondering if the extras I sent you went awol too! You and Sharron must have worked had to get those piles sorted. Happy T Day indeed! Hugs, Chrisx

Annie said... 21

That mail looks fantastic! The piles of goodies inside looks so artful spread out on your table. Then adding a variety of stamps always makes a piece of mail look intriguing.

Let's Art Journal said... 22

What a fabulous post! Thanks for contacting me, I would of hated to miss it; many apologies for my late reply, what with my MIL being in hospital and family visiting I just haven't had time. Thanks so much to you and Sharon for organising and sorting all this out, you are both stars!!!! I adore all the napkins and was so surprised to receive so many beautiful ATCs too. As requested I'll happily share the stamps you sent, that was so kind! Thanks for the shout out and I hope you liked the ATC and postage stamps that I sent too, you're were perfect 😀. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x