Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day in the USA


Today is Labor Day in the states.  It celebrates its 140th anniversary today.  Today is Labour Day in Canada and their Labor Days are even older than ours. 

Labor Day in the states is the last hurrah and the unofficial end of summer.  

You may be asking what is Labor Day, why is it a federal holiday, and why the "big deal."  All of my information comes directly from the Department of Labor's web site

It is important to understand that Labor Day started as a celebration of socioeconomic achievements of the American working class.  It is for those who, on a daily basis, continue to contribute to the strength and prosperity of the country.  In the late nineteenth century, labor activists pushed for a federal holiday.  Municipal ordinances were passed by the government for this purpose and these then developed into state legislation.  The first state bill that passed into law was in Oregon in 1887.  Later that same year, New York, Colorado, Massachusetts, and New Jersey did the same. However, the first Labor Day celebration was hosted in New York in 1882, organized by the Central Labor Union. 

By 1894, only 23 states had added the Labor Law holiday into their state laws.   Congress passed an act that same year that made the first Monday of every September a public holiday.  In 1885, Labor Day as we know it was celebrated in most of the country’s industrial areas. Over time, however, as is evident today, the holiday grew to become a celebration that involved and included family and community and not just labor union members.

It's nice to know that the perfect way to end summer and celebrate all the hardworking men and women who have played their part in making this the great nation it is, is definitely something we can look forward to each first Monday in September.

If you live in the states, Bleubeard and I wish you a happy Labor Day.  If you live in Canada, Bleubeard and I wish you a happy Labour Day.  If you live in the rest of the world, Bleubeard and I wish you a very happy Monday!

10 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...


Valerie-Jael said...

Our labour day is on the first of May, and is a holiday, too. Some people go on marches. Hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

Enjoy the holiday!

Christine said...

Happy Labour Day!

My name is Erika. said...

Wow, I didn't know Labor Day has been around for so long. It is good to celebrate the working class, and perhaps they need to be celebrated even more than 1 day for all they do for this country. Happy Labor Day to you Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika

Jenn Jilks said...

They used to have big Labour Day parades here in Canada. I just enjoy the peace and quiet of tourists having gone home!
Thanks for the research. I'd never thought about it much, usually having nightmares about going back to teach!

Rostrose said...

Dear Elisabeth,
I wish you a good and happy Labor day! In Austria we also have a Labor Day, but on May 1st. I caress Bleubeard tenderly.
All the best in September

Divers and Sundry said...

Workers of the World Unite! Support labor unions.

Carola Bartz said...

The intersting thing is that Labor Day in other countries - like many in Europe for example - is on May 1st which has its cause in the US. On May 1, 1886, about 400,000 workers in several cities went on strike, demanding the introduction of the eight-hour workday. In Europe there are still marches etc. going on during Labor Day, whereas in the US today it mainly means sales and the end of summer. Quite sad when you think about it.

Sandra Cox said...

Great info. I did not know Canada celebrated too. Love the first piece.
Hope this weekend has been a good one, dear Elizabeth.