It's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please be aware
that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time today.

I took these images well over four years ago and decided to show them today. I am trying to clean up my files and found these among other art and T Tuesday posts I had completely forgotten about. A couple of years later, I was told these were painted by East High School students, which is odd, since Twin Lakes Shopping Center is on the near west side of Wichita, Kansas (USA).
Here are the close up photos of each panel of the mural:

You can see these were created by students from East High School in 2010.
The sad news is these murals are no longer at Twin Lakes Shopping Center (located at 21st Street North and Amidon) in Wichita. There is no indication they were ever there, and if I hadn't photographed them when I did, there would be no documentation of them. BTW, I photographed them before I ever joined Monday Murals. I just liked the scenes.
If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit
Monday Murals at
Sami's Colourful World. Thanks for stopping by this weekend. Bleubeard and I are delighted you could join us.
15 thoughtful remarks:
Nice murals, and such a pity that they have disappeared. Thanks for sharing. It's cold and windy and wet here, it's gone from high summer to winter in a few days! But everything is better than that awful heat! Hugs, Valerie
Same happens here. Or.. worse.. they get tagged.
Glad you were quick enough to share them!
I love them!
Good for you to clean up your files. I mean, who else wants them, I keep thinking. It's like my late mothers fancy dishes. The kids don't need them!
My mind can’t even hold the thought of cleaning up my computer image files! But sometimes I do go back and find illustrations for one or another blog post or project. I’m of a completely different mindset about murals: I think part of their appeal is that they are ephemeral. Part of an ever-evolving urban landscape. A total contrast to works of art in a museum or on the walls of people’s homes. The creators seem to know this when they are creating them.
best… mae at
I like these. The cowboy looks like a lot of the scenery I saw while away. And the train too. You don't see much of either of these back here in NH. I hope you had fun at the art fair and are having a great weekend. hugs-Erika
...public art can be ephemeral, take a picture when you can. Often you don't get a second chance. Have a wonderful week.
Many thanks for sharing these murals.
Thank goodness you took these photographs as the murals have now disappeared.
All the best Jan
Glad you took photos of them before they vanished...
I also have lots of murals that I have yet to post, photos that I took ages ago!
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Elizabeth.
They're nice. I'm also busy cleaning up. It will keep me busy for a long time
Thanks for sharing this mural-It's a good one too. sadly allot of these murals are only temporary.
I try not to have too many photos on my computer-about every 3 months or so I transfer some to google photos and then delete the rest. I used to really like photobucket for storing photos and making slideshows with them, but they kept bugging me to upgrade to pay so I deleted all of those-I miss some of those now.
Happy Monday
Nice murals. It always pays to go through your old photo's again.
These are a good offering. I think some of those high school students have a lot of talent.
I like them. I’m glad you recorded them for posterity.
It's a shame they're no longer there. I wonder why they were removed...
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