Monday, August 29, 2022

T Stands For Spice Merchant


First, the bad news.  I still have not received Chris's napkins.  If we don't have them by next Tuesday, I am going to send what I have received and will send the rest later.  Second, I still have no camera.  I can't use a cell phone because of my bent fingers (I was diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis that I've had since birth), so I must wait till next week to take photos.  And believe me.  It's killing me not to be able to take photos every day.

Last month I went to the Spice Merchant to get my once monthly pound of coffee, a perk for being a major donor to KPTS (OOPS, I keep forgetting) PBS Kansas.

The Spice Merchant is always busy, because they roast all their coffees, sell awesome teas, and fresh spices from around the world.   They also sell mugs, mugs, mugs.

Of course, they have this bag with our city's flag on it, too.

Although this bag is not for sale, you can never have too much "flag swag."  EDIT: As I was scrolling to the links, it suddenly hit me this is an APRON, not a bag!!

Since I don't have a camera this week, I had to rely on last month's visit to the Spice Merchant.  I also went last Saturday to get my month's supply of coffee.
Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.  

I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you to dig up your Second on the 2nd post.  The only requirement is it must have been published some time in the past.  Please also be aware T Stands For Tuesday's link will expire at 12:00 a.m. my time on September 2nd.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said... 1

What a wonderful shop! I'd love to go there. Spices, coffee, and mugs are some of my favorite shopping choices. Unfortunately, I have so many mugs that I have to rotate them and keep some on an unreachable shelf. So I have to resist buying more.

Good luck on the new camera!

best... mae at

Jeanie said... 2

HOw frustrating but your new camera will more than make up for it. Love all the mugs from Spice Market. What a selection!

pearshapedcrafting said... 3

Oh I know I would love the Spice Merchant - I could walk past the tea but those mugs would be tempting even though we have a mug mountain!
I can't imagine what the hold up could be with my napkins unless it is what I mention on my own blog! This really is a record in time taken for something to get to Wichita!
Big Hugs, Chrisx

Sharon Madson said... 4

I love that shop and haven't been there in several years! I could never get out of there without spending too much money! Happy T Day!

Carola Bartz said... 5

Oh, dangerous!!! Spices, coffee, mugs... so so tempting. I am sure I would love this store. Does it also smell of coffee and spices? Our local kitchen store has a coffee corner where they sell their own coffee, and it smells so good. Do you manage to go in there and "just" buy coffee and nothing else?

My name is Erika. said... 6

That looks like a really great shop. I would like to visit, but it would be hard to pick just one mug. There sure are a lot of them. And they have a great selection. Those photos are perfect for T day. Too bad Chris' napkins haven't yet arrived and too bad you still don't have your camera. I hope they both show up ASAP!!! It's awful not to have a camera, isn't it? Have a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 7

What an awesome shop I would love to visit, and fresh roasted coffee too. Never seen so many mugs in a shop that would be fun to look. and the spices too
Hoping you get your camera soon I may need to look for a new one soon the photos are not as good now-but its served me well over 20 years for sure. Happy new week hugs

Halle said... 8

Such a cool place...I bet it smells delightful. That apron is really fun...although likely scratchy. Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 9

Such a fun place! I would love to go there and explore all the different spices and teas. That apron is beautiful and rustic.
Happy Tea Day,

DVArtist said... 10

Sorry about the napkins and the camera. I can't take photos with my phone either. I have a cheap phone and the camera is terrible. Also can't download them to my PC. Besides, I like a camera. I love this place. I could spend some cash here. I love that apron too, although I did think it was a bad and I would love the bag too. Have a great evening.

Elephant's Child said... 11

I am sorry that neither the napkins nor the camera have arrived.
That is a shop I would love to visit - something I don't say often.

aussie aNNie said... 12

wow awesome love this x

Christine said... 13

Very cool place!

Iris Flavia said... 14

The post sometimes sucks big, here, too - hope your mail did not get lost for good.
And that you get your cam soon, I can relate pic-wise...
What a great store and apron! We have a little Hamburg-bag of that material (and no idea what to do with it, it´s but deco! It came with... spices :-)...)

Nancy Chan said... 15

Hope you will receive your camera soon. I know how it is not being able to take photos. I already have more than enough mugs but those mugs make good gifts.

Lisca said... 16

How frustrating that you still don’t have your camera. Nor the napkins for that matter. Although receiving the napkins and not being able to photograph them is also frustrating.
That shop looks really nice. I think I’d like to spend some time in there. I bet it smells lovely.
I’m writing this early in the morning in our hotel room, but we are moving on again, so I won’t be able to do many comments. Sorry.
Happy T-Day,

Valerie-Jael said... 17

A shop full of coffee and coffee mugs - yesssssssssssssss! That looks like heaven to me! Happy T Day Sweetie, take care, hugs, Valerie

nwilliams6 said... 18

Happy T-day, Elizabeth! Love that shop and I know I would have the best time in there. The mugs look sooo fun.

Sorry to hear you have been having camera issues. Hope they sort out quick as I know how much you love pictures.

Hoping this week is full of fun things for you (including Chris' napkins)! Hugz

jinxxxygirl said... 19

OH my Elizabeth i'm in love with those Chicken mugs!!!! Sorry to hear about the napkins... But looking forward to the ones i receive when i get them! No worries.. I will not be at T today as i again tag along with hubby and golf.. Hugs! deb

Gene Black said... 20

Spices and coffee and tea! Some of my favorite things. It is probably good for my wallet that I don't live close to that place.

David M. Gascoigne, said... 21

We need more stores like The Spice Merchant, emporia with character and personality. If all the big box stores in the world were to sink into the earth tomorrow I for one would not be disappointed. We need more coffee mugs like a hole in the head, but there are a couple that I see I might buy as gifts for others - and if inadvertently they should take up residence on my shelf who can say a word against that?

CJ Kennedy said... 22

That shop must smell heavenly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many beautiful mugs and with gift boxes, too. I hope you get your camera soon. Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 23

I look forward to seeing your camera. and I know you'll be glad to get your hands on it after doing without.

That shop looks like a fun place for an outing. All those mugs! Happy T Tuesday

Empire of the Cat said... 24

Wow that is a lot of mugs, quite the selection. The ones with the chickens look interesting. Hope you get your camera fixed soon, though cellphones have touch screen camera which would be a lot easier than pressing a camera button, maybe something to think about. I love my camera but also my phone, so I use both, and when my phone was overheating, I used my camera for everything. I had a similar problem with batteries and I was able to fix it but I can't remember what I did now as it was two years ago. It wasn't as simple as just replacing the batteries, there was something else that had to be done, and that's what I don't remember now unfortunately. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Rostrose said... 25

A fair amount of different cups is that, dear Elizabeth - there is definitely something for every taste!
And yes, I also thought it must be an apron ;-) I like it a lot - interesting fabric for it, I assume a former spice sack!
Since I just posted my emergency supplies for a blackout etc., I'm linking my water reserves today :-)
All the best,

Jenn Jilks said... 26

That's too bad about your post.
Sorry about your camera.

Sandra Cox said... 27

What a fun place. I love the sunflower bowls and the rooster mugs:)