Monday, August 22, 2022

T Stands For Christmas Past


Still no word on Chris's napkins, so today we are visiting Christmas past.  Maybe it will help cool a few of us who are still in the throes of this ungodly heat wave.  Right before Christmas 2021, I treated my foodie friend Sally to a meal at The Copper Oven.  I found this image on the internet, because when we got there, I didn't realize it at the time, but I had left my camera at home.  I never leave my camera, so it was quite a shock when I looked for it and couldn't find it in the car.  

We started with a red pepper hummus appetizer tray.  You can see Sally took the photos using her phone.  I am in the process of removing my disposable gloves.  I still wear gloves and a mask when I go out.  Remember this was December, 2021 and there were still many deaths each day due to Covid 19.  Yes, my way-too-large sweat shirt has a rocking horse on it.,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:1280,h:1976 The reason I even thought about this post was because the owner was being interviewed, along with a couple other restaurant owners who were having to cut back on hours because they couldn't hire enough staff to keep the restaurant open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Instead, the Copper Oven decided to only open for breakfast and lunch, which is not reflected in the above menu I also found online.,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:1280,h:1975 On the day we were there, we were too late for breakfast, but too early for dinner, which started at 5 pm.

I'm not sure where my meal is, but I can see the hummus tray and Sally's meal on the right.  Remember, Sally took these photos.  Whatever we got, we both had salads, because I see mine in the upper left of the photo.

At least she remembered to take a photo of our lemon water.  That's me in the upper left of the photo.

Here's another view, and I still have no idea what I had to eat.

Sally had something with fried onions.  You can tell it is Sally's plate because it has that disgusting ketchup on the plate in which she can drown her fries.,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:1280,h:854 Sally had a piece of lemon meringue pie, and I passed on dessert. This is a photo from the Copper Oven's web site, although we DID have to pass that case filled with similar goodies on the way to our booth.

While I was paying the bill, which I remember came to nearly $40.00 (USD), Sally took a photo of this Christmas village.  Glad she did so I could prove we were there around Christmas, 2021.

Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  That's fairly obvious from my own post this week!  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.  




24 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said... 1

Too bad the restaurant is not able to stay open for dinner. I wonder why specifically people don't want to work there. Maybe the reasonable prices mean that tips are lower than can be earned elsewhere, though it's not necessarily the fault of the owner. The $40 bottom line doesn't seem to be a terribly high tab for a full meal for two people these days.

best... mae at

Elephant's Child said... 2

I hope Chris's napkins do arrive.
I agree $40 for a meal for two doesn't seem like much these days.
And I agree with you about ketchup (which we call tomato sauce) on chips. Shudder.

Sharon Madson said... 3

A lot of places that are shortening their hours or are even closing, are saying they can’t get help. I think it is very hard to get good employees now days. It is too bad. At least we usually only go out for a late lunch and not for supper, so we can still go there when we want. Happy T Day, Elizabeth!

My name is Erika. said... 4

That looks like a great restaurant. It's too bad they couldn't stay open the hours they used to be. Sadly, I think a lot of places have had that issue. They have a super menu, and your food looks delicious. All of your food, whatever was yours and whatever was Sally's. I hope you have a wonderful T day Elizabeth. hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said... 5

It seems that many places like this have to shorten their hours because they don't have enough staff. Let's be honest - work hours aren't great and neither is the pay, plus some customers can be really nasty and treat restaurant staff like doormats. I know that I wouldn't like to work in the hospitality business.

Cloudia said... 6

Immigrants are hard working!

DVArtist said... 7

Every restaurant in my town have shortened their hours due to no on wants to work. It is mind boggling that in almost every category businesses are short handed. I started working in my Mom's cafe when I was 6. I worked in the restaurant business the first half of my life and made extremely good money. You just have to know how to handle people even the mean ones. LOL

Iris Flavia said... 8

I sadly have an ever sadder restaurant-story today...
But the "disgusting ketchup" sure made me laugh. Not a fan of sauces here, either.
Cute Christmas scene, but, oh, I so enjoy the hot weather!

Lisca said... 9

We’re staying at a hotel and I woke up to go to the loo. I thought I’d better link my blog. So I’m reading this at 4 a.m.! At this time of the morning you hummus doesn’t look very appetizing. And the thought of tomato ketchup makes me heave. But it looks like a really nice meal.
Too bad Chris’ napkins haven’t arrived yet. I hope they get there soon.
Oh the Christmas village is pretty. It’s a typical American tradition that is being copied more and more in Europe. Personally I still prefer the traditional napolitan nativity scenes.
Ha, talking about Christmas has made me feel cooler.
Happy T-Day,

Valerie-Jael said... 10

Hi Elizabeth, it's good to think of cooler days just now! When I go for a meal with my friend it always costs between 50 and 60€, and I think that's a lot. I hope Chris's Napkins turn up soon, the post is sometimes so slow! Have a happy T Day, take care, hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said... 11

The restaurant certainly has a lot of choices. I don't think I'd be able to pass the dessert case. Happy T Day

Let's Art Journal said... 12

Such a fabulous restaurant! Your food looks so yummy and I love your rocking horse sweatshirt, I bet it looks beautiful even if it's oversized 😊. We have similar issues here with staffing too, at least the restaurant is open some of the time we've had many restaurants and cafes close here. Also I wanted to let you know that I may not get around to visiting everyone this T Day as my MIL was taken in to hospital with heart failure yesterday, she is stable now but I now won't be around a lot today (my post was scheduled well in advance). Wishing you and everyone a very Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

nwilliams6 said... 13

Yum - I loved reading the menu and the pictures of all the desserts! Looks like a wonderful place to eat. Christmas is right around the corner!

Seems like every time I go out it is like $60. Even fast food is super expensive these days. Holidays and special days are getting to be when we go out now. Like back when I was is such a circle.

Happy T-day!!!! Hugz

kathyinozarks said... 14

good morning I had to laugh at the disgusting ketchup lol I don't like ketchup either but I do use mayo with my fries

Rostrose said... 15

Dear Elizabeth,
in Austria, too, there are bars etc. that can't get enough staff. During the Covid lockdown, the restaurants had to remain closed for a long time. Cooks and waiters looked for other jobs and if they are happier or better paid there, they will not return. And it seems that there are too few unemployed people who want to work in this trade....
In my today's post there is a cappuccino to see among many other things (and at the end of the post a bit of 2 glasses of lemonade), so HURRA, I have the ticket to your linkup ;-))
A question for my next posts: Did I understand correctly that I can also link empty cups, glasses, etc.?
Have a good time!

Jackie McGuinness said... 16

Our restaurant industry is having the same problem, not enough people to work. I don't understand, where did these people disappear? Retail stores have the same issue.

Divers and Sundry said... 17

I never did wear gloves, but I'm still wearing a mask and not eating indoors at restaurants. Air circulation is more of a concern for me than surface contact exposure.

The food looks tasty (especially those desserts) but sounds expensive. I'd pay more for restaurant dining, though, if it meant we could eliminate tipping so that wait staff were guaranteed more than the federal minimum for tipped staff, which is $2.13 an hour. It's no wonder they have trouble finding folks willing to work for $2.13 and the chance at enough tips to bring them up to living wages.

Christine said... 18

The food looks good.

jinxxxygirl said... 19

Our restaurants around here are challenged also.. BUT we know the best time to go to our favorite restaurant which happens to be Chilis... 3pm seems to be the sweet spot.. good service /good food... We avoid it in the evenings and on weekends and even right at opening as it seems to take them awhile to get the gears
What food Sally did show looks good! Especially the desserts! lol ! OFCOURSE they have you walk by that on the way to your
LOVE the Christmas village too.. I have a few houses but always have my eye out for more.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

Kate Yetter said... 20

The meal looks delicious, especially the variety of cakes in that dessert case. I love that diners still have displays like this. I'll take a piece of each, please!
Happy Tea Day,

Empire of the Cat said... 21

The same thing is happening here with hospitality staff especially. After the lockdowns etc, a lot of people decided they didn't want to be in hospitality anymore, which left a lot of places short staffed. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

Rostrose said... 22

Hello, it's me again!
Carola pointed out that my link didn't work - and sure enough, something must have gone wrong, so I re-pasted it. Can you possibly delete my first link? Unfortunately I couldn't make it myself...
All the best, Traude

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

I've been forced to use my old tablet again! Your meals look tasty. Sadly we have seen restaurants shut down, running (and strugglng) with reduced staff or only opening for half the week! I wonder how long my napkins are going to take to reach's getting close to a record time now! Hugs, Chrisx

Sandra Cox said... 24

Oh yum! Those photos are making me hungry!