Monday, July 25, 2022

T Stands For An Apology


I'd like to begin by saying how sorry I am about my actions and words last week.  I was dealing with some very personal and depressing events that were going on in my life and I allowed them to cloud my feelings and actions.  If I could take back all my words I wrote last week, I would.  But once written and published, it was too late to unring the bell.  Again, I apologize you had to suffer through my depressive mood.

I would also like to mention about the voting part of today's earlier post.  I am not sure where my head is, but we vote on August 2, if we haven't voted early.  Our primary is always the first Tuesday in August of even numbered years.  I'm sure for possibly the first time ever, Kansas will make national election coverage news.

Hopefully on a brighter note, this afternoon I'm back in my kitchen where I have finished the last two pages of my Willa Wanders lesson by Julie Hamilton on the study of shapes. I've now used just about everything on these three pages I created a couple of weeks ago.  I used two colors of green, teal, raw umber, and two colors of blue fluid acrylics to create these shapes.

For the left page, I created a wonky table that holds a vase of flowers, a cup of tea, and a coaster. 

For the right page, I created a table top with a table runner.  I then added three different sized mugs to the table.  The nice thing was, I wasn't concerned about perspective or size, just shapes.

I'm really enjoying this abstract wonky art I've created for the past two weeks.  This is MY idea of drawing!

Next Tuesday we celebrate Second on the 2nd.  I know many of you don't care for Inlinkz, but because I don't pay for these services (Mr. Linky or Inlinkz), I can only share one link at a time.  If your Second on the 2nd is the same as your T Tuesday post, please be ready to enter it both places.  Otherwise, enter your URL in the proper link up link.

I want to let you know I have received Lisca's napkins and we are now just waiting on Chris's.


25 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said... 1

Your studies of cups and table settings are really neat! Best I've ever seen you post.

best... mae at

kathyinozarks said... 2

awesome art Elizabeth

kathyinozarks said... 3

Missouri voted on this issue several years ago-I am a christian and don't believe in killing life-many states are now allowing killing the baby at birth-don't know how any doctor could do this

Jeanie said... 4

I really love this series of kitchen art, Elizabeth. It really attracts me.

I hope your mood and feelings are better this week. Sometimes we just go through times like this.

Carola Bartz said... 5

1. I love what you did with the papers you made; you do make abstract art interesting.
2. Sometimes we just go through stuff - I think we all understand. I do hope though that you are feeling better.
3. I have read about the vote in Kansas next week and I honestly hope voters won't get too confused because of confusing language. That's what I always notice in many of our elections, that the language is confusing. This is an important vote for the entire country and I do hope that we are not going backward but protect women's right to choose.
Sometimes you just need to get political. Thank you that you did, my friend.

Barbara said... 6

Elizabeth, I hope you are feeling better! The voting thoughts do not go unnoticed. No matter where your head is at, it’s the voting itself that matters most, especially at this time when not everyone treats voting with the truth and importance it deserves. I pray we can get back to treating voting with the respect it should be given.
Onward with some of the best art I’ve ever seen on your blog, even better than your backgrounds I’ve always loved. Your Willa Wanders pages are, to me, more than you even mentioned. Not worrying about perspective or size puts your work very close to some of the hallmarks of Folk Art. It’s way more than “abstract and wonky”, it’s an actual bona fide artistic style. You are very talented and I love Folk Art!

jinxxxygirl said... 7

I think you did a wonderful job Elizabeth with your lesson.. I've recently come across the art of Sandi Hester on YouTube and your work here reminds me alot of hers.. She does alot of abstract still life.. I really like your use of yellow and blue..

Last week? Its all part of this thing called life.. we're all good Elizabeth.. I hope you are feeling better.. Cheers! and happy T day to you.. I'll be ready with Napkin and ATC pics when you are.. Hugs! deb

Christine said... 8

Interesting abstracts.

Sharon Madson said... 9

I have been sick, food poisoning I think overnight, so didn’t post this week. Happy t day.

Linda Kunsman said... 10

First of all, I missed last week but, knowing you, I'm absolutely certain there was no ill intent from you whatsoever. We all have bad/down times.
Now, as for your Collage Fodder lesson art by Julie (which I DO hope to do in the future) is utterly fantastic!!! I so love what you have created here, and you really must keep going!
Wishing you much better times, and happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 11

I'm glad you have more cups to share. I like how you made the table too. These are really fun and perfect for T day. I also like how you made the background pages and used those to make your cup and tables. And even the vase and flowers too. Very nicely done. Have a great T day and I hope you are in a better place very soon. Hugs-Erika

Cloudia said... 12

You are human and that's one of the things I really like about you! Great post. Thanks so much

Iris Flavia said... 13

No, Elizabeth.
No apologizing!
Even if you not had a bad time sometimes people like me are jerks and just don´t see the point!
The anniversary was rightfully an important date and, well yes. I slackly congratulated you "on the run". As "in a side note". I just stomped over it, not willingly, though!
Because to me i tend to take the good on the run and rather ponder over losses. That´s how dumb I am.

Your way is the healthier one for sure!

I had many a bad day and without this blogger-family, who knows what might´ve happened!

We may not have met in real life, some I have, though, and 95% turned out we click there, too.

You all helped me through rough times and it´s not all pink and happy, so yes. Better let us know when we do wrong cause otherwise we´ll never learn!

In the last interview I had to answer the question if I can take critics - rate 1-6.
What?!!!! Which end is which?
I love, I need critics, how else will I ever learn?
Critic is good as long as it is right- and respectfully done, and that you did.

You are a great host and give us a room here to meet for fun, share art and drink.... Oh, and really. I forgot something to eat for today - must be the heat.
To a happy T-Day and I try to be better with good anniversaries!

Elephant's Child said... 14

Apology not necessary. You are human and have feelings.
Love your wonky table.

Empire of the Cat said... 15

I love your take on Julie's lesson Elizabeth and that it's all about tea, cups, tables etc, very appropriate for today! I'm about halfway through mine but I keep making pages I don't want to tear up, always a problem for me lol. I hope the voting goes in favour of women. I shared my napkins today, is that to early now that I read you haven't received them all. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

Jenn Jilks said... 16

I've been so upset reading what people believe, the lies and the propaganda, the ignorance people pursue. Like kathyinosarks comment, no one in authority kills babies at birth in America.
I wish people would read from reliable sources.

I am so sorry.
Vent away. It helps.

Kate Yetter said... 17

I am loving these abstract pieces, Elizabeth. The color palette is fabulous and of course the subjects. A very fun series and something to be proud of!
Happy Tea Day,

Lisca said... 18

Apologies accepted of course, but really shouldn't be necessary, as we were at fault! You were absolutely right! We deserved a ticking off.
I'm sorry you are burdened though. I hope your low mood lifts. Everyone copes in different ways. My strategy (if you can call it that) or coping mechanism, is to write it all in my blog. It makes me feel better to share.
As to the voting. I do hope people make an INFORMED decision. As a Christian of course I think it is wrong to kill, but life is not black and white. If you ban abortion, you should also ban IVF, as embryos are being killed there too. If you make abortion illegal, we go back to the days of unsafe back-street abortions. Not good. Make abortions illegal not even for medical reasons is just as murderous, as the mother could die. Make rape victims carry their baby to term? How cruel is that! Give people a choice. A Christian woman will make her decision based on her faith and a non-Christian will make her decision based on her circumstances. I would vote for keeping abortion legal.
Please keep us updated on the vote as we don't get that sort of news here.
You have had some fun making your wonky table and you assorted mugs. It put a smile on my face.
As for the Mary Berry recipe, She assumed that even students on a budget would have a bit of flour, milk and eggs in their pantry. I hadn't realized that eggs are so expensive in your area. Bearing in mind that this recipe would feed four and three eggs for four people would not be extravagant. Yes, you'd have to buy a tin of tuna and some cheese. Here they sell grated cheese in large bags and I just put one in the freezer and use what I need, frozen. I'm sure life in Wichita is a lot more expensive than here.
Happy T-Day,
See you next week,

CJ Kennedy said... 19

These are just so fun. I love the table with the vase. Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

No apology needed Elizabeth, you were right - we had had plenty of time to consider a suitable celebratory comment! I just hope that things are becoming easier for you (I know I'm not helping there!) Your Willa Wanders lessons are producing some great art! I love the flowers on the table!
I do hope that common sense prevails - while abortion should not be taken lightly there are definite medical and social reasons for it to be allowed.
Happy T day, Chrisx
ps this is the first time in ages I haven't had t use my tablet to comment on a T post?!?! xx

Let's Art Journal said... 21

Such fabulous wonky abstract art! It's looks like you've had loads of fun creating these 😊. I hope that you are ok, I'm looking forward to sharing the napkins and ATCs that I created for 9th Anniversary of T day with everyone. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

Halle said... 22

I had not been exploring any blogs so I missed whatever it was that you had posted. I'm not going back to try and sniff out your words. You are entitled to what you feel. This is your blog, your platform, your public journal if you will. You can say what ever you want. We can never please everyone.

Changing gears...I love the artwork you shared. The pages before you cut them up are really cool as well. That looks like it has been a fun course!

Happy T day my friend! <3

Divers and Sundry said... 23

We had a family birthday today that took more of my time and attention than I expected. I was just afraid of linking for fear I wouldn't be able to return visits, and it turns out I was right as here I am just now getting to you. All's well here :)

How kind of you to offer the apology. I hope your world brightens up :) I don't like to see you unhappy.

I love the wonky shapes. I'd enjoy using a cup like that. Happy T Tuesday!

Divers and Sundry said... 24

I didn't see an earlier post on voting and am sorry I missed it. We're in the early voting period here, and the ballot is very long with a lot of judges I'm still not sure about :(

I see Kathy's comment and so assume y'all have an abortion-related issue on your ballot. Though there are no states that allow killing babies and I'm not sure where she got that idea, there are many that are restricting women's reproductive rights. It's scary.

Kate Yetter said... 25

Hi Elizabeth! I wanted to let you know that you were the only one that gave an answer to how the Hershey Kisses got their name. You were right! They sound like kisses when they are squeezed out of the machine.