Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Open Door Policy


I'm once again joining Wendy K at Wendy's Craft Journal, our host this month at Art Journal Journey Wendy's theme, as you may well know, is Doors and Arches. This will be my penultimate entry.

From the Land of Enchantment, 

I give you what I call 

An open door policy.

I found this image in a travel magazine.  It reminded me of a place my internet friend Erika visited in New Mexico, also known as The Land of Enchantment.  I was so taken by this image, I had to use it.  I surrounded it with a wall paper sample that has brown, black, and gold, although the gold doesn't show well in the scan.  The sentiment was computer generated, then dipped in gold fluid acrylic.

Thanks for taking time to drop by today.  Bleubeard and I are very grateful for your visit.  There's still time to create your own entry at Art Journal Journey with your interpretation of Doors and Arches.  


17 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said... 1

Stunning. My father didn't think that his boss was living up to his stated 'open door policy' so he went in on the weekend and removed the door...

sirkkis said... 2

A good policy, indeed!
Clever well created art page, Elizabeth.
Have a lovely day xx

My name is Erika. said... 3

Thanks for mentioning me and photos I have shared like this. I was wondering if it was someplace I had actually visited. It's a great photo and I love the quote you used with it. There are lots of arched doorways, and I like how you managed to combine both parts of Wendy's challenge. It's a super page, and I like it a lot. Hope you're having a more comfortable weather week. We've cooled off for a couple of days at least. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said... 4

When I saw the title of your post, this wasn't the image I imagined it would be. Yours is very clever.

jinxxxygirl said... 5

Great page and quote Elizabeth!! Hugs! deb

Jeanie said... 6

Well titled! I've been to placed that look like that and never thought of that wonderful name!

Sandra Cox said... 7

The ancient villages built in the side of the mountains fascinate me.
Thanks for sharing this, dear Elizabeth.

Christine said... 8

Lovely page.

Mae Travels said... 9

That cliff dwelling looked familiar, and my quick google check makes me think I have been there and climbed up: I think it's Bandelier National Monument. Cool!

best... mae at

Let's Art Journal said... 10

Beautiful! I smiled at the words that you added too 😊. New Mexico is one of our favourite states to visit and we loved visiting and exploring these cliff dwellings, it was so amazing to see how they lived. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

Iris Flavia said... 11

I sure am per se pro open doors. But sadly here you need to be able to close them.

Great idea and piece of art, though!

WendyK said... 12

Well that’s certainly a different entry, if it doesn’t have a large craft room and central heating I couldn’t live there.. Thank you for another page for my theme. Hugs Wendy.

Meggymay said... 13

A wonderful way to use the images from a travel magazine, not sure I would like an entry with no door but left to the imagination perhaps there would be one when you get further into the home.

Caty said... 14

What a beautiful photo Elizabeth. I really like to see the caves, here we have quite a few cave houses, inside they are fantastic, super cool in summer, and hot in winter. The only difference is that now they have doors.
Happy day and a big hug

Divers and Sundry said... 15

I'd love to try coming and going there :)

NatureFootstep said... 16

loved this. I have seen that kind of homes but right now I din´t rmember where. Probably Arizona. Think I have to check taht out. It was long ago.

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

What a fabulous page for Wendy's AJJ theme. I am fascinated by those cavedwellers doors. I'd love to see inside, hugs, Chrisx