Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Smiles 482: In the garden


It's Friday and time to join Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).   Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday. 

The only real smiles I have this week are my wheelbarrow and veggie garden.

Here's a different view.
I'll include a few close ups.

Maybe you would prefer a longer view

showing a different side that needs weeding.

Some of you saw the cherry tomatoes yesterday that are somehow dying before the tomatoes even ripen.

Of course, I have some bell peppers, too.  They are finally starting to flower.

My neighbor planted some Big Boy tomatoes.  They are doing well, yet also are experiencing some sort of blight that is killing the branches and leaves.

You can see how everything has grown up to and above the PVC pipes that carry the water to the plants.

More of the same.  Lots of tomatoes.

My neighbor planted some really hot peppers.

They seem to be the only plants not suffering from some sort of problems.

Thanks for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this Friday.  Now PLEASE visit Annie and don't forget to start your weekend with a smile.  And if you are on Blogger, be sure to check your spam folder at least twice a day.

How about a few cat funnies:

I'm glad my two don't climb.

 Have a super Friday and rest of the weekend.



17 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for garden smiles. And cats. Always. Have a great weekend.

Iris Flavia said...

Great how your garden grows. I have two blossoms!!! Mini-happy-dance.
Ohhhh... the last cat of the day, so cute! Made me smile indeed!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Good afternoon (from Iberia), Elizabeth & Bleubeard,

Your herb pictures made me so homesick for the planter full of herbs we used to grow. We are hoping to do that again when we get back to Sacramento next month. Loved your cat memes. Truly funny!

I finally have a release date for my new book, Deadly Verse. It will be released August 4th (actually the day we are flying home! Isn't that weird?)

You had said you would like to interview me. Please feel free to send me your interview questions: Here is my email:

Meanwhile, stay safe and well and hope to hear from you soon.

jinxxxygirl said...

LOVE the cat funnies Elizabeth! i miss having a cat terribly... Jinx added so much to my life.. But with hubbies health issues we just didn't want to add to it as he is allergic to cats /dog/ horses etc.. but for some reason was able to tolerate Jinx.. go figure.. Your plants are looking pretty darn good in all this heat Elizabeth! Have you harvested much? Or still too early? I look forward to next year when maybe we will start putting some raised beds in .. Enjoyed your Friday Smiles! Hugs! deb

Mae Travels said...

Your wheelbarrow garden looks neat! Also the cat pics. You said you wanted to read an article (mentioned in my blog) that was behind a paywall -- sometimes you can read them if you open an Incognito browser window, though not always.

best... mae at

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That is a great idea with the wheel barrow, must remember that one. The cat funnies made me laugh especially the cat proof plant. The cat's face is brilliant. Cats are so different to dogs in every way. Have a great weekend. sending big hugs, Angela xXx

Lisca said...

Your wheelbarrow garden looks really great! Do you pick the herbs as you need them or do you harvest them all at once and then dry them?
The cat memes are so good! I had a good old chuckle. Although all perfectly true, still very funny.
Have a lovely weekend,

My name is Erika. said...

Wow your garden is looking amazing. I can't get over the size of your plants. They are huge-especially those pepper plants. I hope you get a good harvest. Mine never get that large, but I still get peppers. I wonder if it is the variety they sell in different areas or if your soil and climate conditions vary just enough. And I had lots of smiles with those cat funnies today too. Stay cool my friend. hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said...

It's a shame about the tomatoes. I'm assuming it's y'all's heat that's responsible? Your herbs are doing well, and I love the wheelbarrow idea! I had completely forgotten I had a yarrow with white blooms since it hasn't bloomed at all in a couple of years lol I've moved it to a deeper pot we shall see how that goes.

The spam issue is something else, isn't it! There are several real comments in my spam folder every single day :(

I hope it cools down some for y'all soon! I'm following the weather news and am shocked to see London in flames. Scary heat!

mamapez5 said...

I love your wheelbarrow of herbs. It is a real point of interest in the garden.
It is a shme the tomatoes are having problems. You can't beat a home-grown tomato. I hope you still get some to harvest.
The cat funnies made me smile. You found some good ones there. Hope you have a good weekend, with a bit less heat than we are enduring this week. Kate x

Annie said...

Sorry I'm so late in the day leaving my comments today....I'm having to use the lap top because my Ipad doesn't allow me to leave comments on many blogs.
I love your wheel barrow garden and your funnies really had me chuckling esp the one with the cat holding the mouse in the mousetrap....several of our mousetraps have gone missing so I think he may have got it at ours.
Annie x

Sandra Cox said...

Do you think it's the heat killing your tomatoes?
Those memes are a hoot.
Have a great weekend.

Christine said...

Thanks for the funnies too!

Barbara said...

Hi Elizabeth…you always make me feel cared for, thank you for visiting! I adore your wheelbarrow garden! And your cat funnies are precious. Made me smile as I ponder the fate of my sick kitty. They bring so much joy to our lives, but she is now over 15 and I cannot watch her suffer. Bluebeard needs to send thoughts for kitty comfort. Stay well if you can in this hellish hot weather.

Jeanie said...

Your wheelbarrow is fantastic! And I love each and every cat meme! I hope you had a great weekend. I'm a slow visitor.

craftytrog said...

I love the cat funnies! We're hoping to get some tomatoes soon, so much nicer than the shop ones.

Empire of the Cat said...

Oh dear, these are funny but probably because most of them are true lol. I have cacti and I have to keep them separate to the rest of the house because the kittens will not leave them alone - yes even the cactus is not safe! I have spent hours pulling cactus needles out of Mr G's nose. Also speaking of Mr G, he is a bit like the "you may pet me" cat, only on his terms. He's in the doghouse this week as you will learn tomorrow! Miss Lily climbs on everything - up the curtains, even gets on the top of the doors and balances up there - where is she trying to get to? I don't know lol Elle/EOTC xx