Monday, June 6, 2022

T Stands for gifts from friends and an update on the napkin swap


I'm in my craft room sharing gifts from friends this week.  The mug in the background is the only one my friend Joseph has been drinking from all weekend.  It is appropriate because this is the name of a band Joseph put together before he left for California.  He couldn't believe he found it in my cabinet.  But that story must wait for another T post, or maybe a Friday Smile/FFO.  The name of the band is Afinke Machine.

Please note the size of the envelope.  You will be tested on it soon (sort of joking).

First up is this awesomely awesome collage postcard.  Perfect collage fodder and lovely drawing, painting, and collage.
I'm sure some of you guessed it came from my dear friend Cindy who lives in Canada.
I realize it's hard to see the size of this envelope. but this is the size I recommend you use to send your napkins in.  If you only need just one, you can make your own using one sheet of 12 inch square scrapbook paper and a smaller length to go in the middle.  I will make one next week to see how difficult it is, since you probably don't want to buy a single one of these envelopes (they are NOT cheap).  The size is 6 1/8 inch tall X 11 1/2 inch long.  However, the post office will check the size, so I suggest making it marginally smaller.

First, however, lets look at this lovely postage stamp Caty, who lives in Almeria, Spain, used on her envelope to me.

I opened the envelope and all this tumbled out.

Three Alice in Wonderland napkins and lots of collage fodder.

This sheet had SO much glitter on it, it was difficult getting a decent photo.  For me, this is the ultimate in collage fodder.

I want to thank Cindy for the postcard and Caty for her thoughtfulness in sending all these goodies, including the adorable napkins.  I am so blessed and you ladies have gifted me with such beautiful art.

Now let's talk napkins again.  I want to clear up a problem that Deb had with my math.  To date we have 6 players who have signed up besides me.  Deb would not get two of her own napkins, so that would be 5 X 2 = 10.  I will be sending FOUR of my own napkins to each player, so Deb will receive 5 X 2 + 4 = 14.  Isn’t math fun?  Of course, things can change at any time, and we might (and hope to) get a few more interested in the napkin swap.  I will set the cutoff for June 14.  If you want to swap napkins and you haven’t signed up already, now is the time to do so. 

In the past, when I have hosted swaps, like buttons, or yards of fancy fibers, each person was responsible for packaging their swaps in plastic bags.  I don’t want to do that for this swap, so be sure you take a photo or scan of your napkin or napkins you are sending and add them to your blog post on the day of the swap, which is July 12 or 12 July.

The ATC swap will be a Pay It Forward, or PIF. By now you should know the rules.  Only those who live in the states will be qualified to send an ATC.  No international player will be in the PIF swap, unless they are not in the napkin swap, so postage will be minimal.  I promise to explain the PIF rules next week.

It seems every time I field a question, new problems crop up.  I'm rethinking the returns.  I will supply the return envelope, and if you live in the states, you supply the postage  (ONE FIRST CLASS STAMP or stamps equivalent to $0.58) and your address label, which I can add using clear tape. 

If you are an international player, send your address label (preferably typed/computer generated) which I can add using clear tape.  More on that next week.

There apparently aren't any new players who don't know the rules, so in the interest of brevity, please add your drink related link below.  Be sure the link goes to your T post and NOT your blog in general.




25 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Beautiful gifts from Cati, you will surely have fun with them. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

Those Victorian cut-out faces and figures are really neat looking. They remind me of paper dolls, which I have been thinking about because as a child, I had a set of paper dolls of Queen Elizabeth's coronation -- and now it's 70 years later.

best... mae at

Carola Bartz said... 3

You always get such lovely things! The postcard is truly awesome. The glittery images from Caty remind of similar ones we had as children. We used them to put into a "Poesiealbum" (autograph book?) that were popular in 4th to 6th grade (roughly). I still have mine somewhere.

Lisca said... 4

What can I say, the things Cathy sent you look quite familiar. I’m glad you liked them.
And like Carola says, the glitter images remind me of the ones I used to have pin my poesía album. Sweet memories.
I’ll send you an email,
Happy t- day,

Jeanie said... 5

How fun to get really fabulous mail! That postcard is especially a treasure!

Elephant's Child said... 6

Lovely, lovely gifts. You are obviously (and deservedly) much loved.

Sharon Madson said... 7

I can’t wait for the napkin exchange! I tried the scotch tape way of removing a ply and it works! My napkins are only 2 ply, and it even says on package, because I was trying to remove another layer! LOL. Happy T day, dear hostess!

My name is Erika. said... 8

Thanks for showing the envelope. Not being familiar with all different envelope sizes, it is good to see this. Oh yes, the PO will definitely check them. They can be fussy. And nice happy mail too. I hope you share the mug story another day too. It's an interesting name. Have a great T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 9

What thoughtful happy mail! I love seeing Cindy's collage art on IG-she has such a good eye for composition. Love that Victorian scrap collage fodder- and I think I will be seeing some of it during the ICAD challenge;). Happy T day!

LA Paylor said... 10

omgosh I can't think of anything but that I got in to your post today! I've been trying for a long time, always totally blank! Yea! so glad to see you again, wonder what the world is going on with technology?
beautiful art. we should exchange emails... mine is on the blog near the top right...

CJ Kennedy said... 11

Your happy mail was a treasure trove. Happy T Day

Iris Flavia said... 12

Yay for happy mail :-) And so beautifully dreamy, too.

Christine said... 13

Lovely gifts

Cloudia said... 14

You guys are so creative!!

aussie aNNie said... 15

Beautiful post and gorgeous gifts x

Empire of the Cat said... 16

How fun, what happy mail and that nice stamp too. Still a little unclear on the napkin thing lol Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx

nwilliams6 said... 17

Wonderful gifts (love every single thing), fun mug, and I am jealous about those glittery collage pieces (wish I had some - lol).Fab post and happy T-day, sweet Elizabeth! Hugz

Let's Art Journal said... 18

Wow, what amazing happy mail! Love those napkins and the die cuts are beautiful too 😀. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

Jackie McGuinness said... 19

Funny I just learned yesterday that the Toronto Post Office offers:
This Global Forever stamp can be used to mail a one-ounce letter from the United States to any country to which First-Class Mail International® service is available.

This stamp may be useful for Canadian customers to include on self-addressed mail (such as RSVP cards, absentee ballots, etc.), for those in the United States to send back to Canada.

jinxxxygirl said... 20

Oh Thank God Elle chimed up and said she was still a bit unclear on the napkin exchange because i wasn't about to tell you i was still For me its the whole sentence where you say.. 'Not including you there's 6 and the fact that i don't won't two of my own napkins.. Well i do want to include you.. Girlfriend if theres any way.. maybe don't explain just TELL me how many to send and i will do it! lol

What a lovely happy mail! Love receiving collage fodder!! Wouldn't that make a lovely exchange too?! I know i know we need to get this one worked out first or you might run away screaming pulling your hair out wondering how in the world we can be so dense... lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

DVArtist said... 21

You get the nicest gifts. Love your glittery art. Have a nice day.

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Love the post card and those fabulous gifts from Caty are sure to be appearing again one day! I have sorted some napkins out but need to separate the layers still. Hugs, Chrisx

Lowcarb team member said... 23

Such lovely gifts.

All the best Jan

Jenn Jilks said... 24

You are creative!

Mia said... 25

Hi Elizabeth, I would love to join you for the napkins swap. If possible, please count me in. Kisses from Greece, Mia