Monday, May 30, 2022

T Stands For Let's Talk Napkins, ATCs, and T Tuesday's Ninth Anniversary.


We're in my kitchen tonight because it is nighttime and I'm trying to get this ready before the deadline.  The past three T Tuesdays, I've almost been late getting the post finished.  Sadly, this is the brightest room in the house at night, and even it has lots of shadows. 

As an aside, I spoke with my foodie friend and neighbor, Sally who got a text on her cell phone from Evergy, our electric company.  Seems they are having a power failure in the neighborhood they keep trying to fix.  Every time they fail, they send text messages to anyone in the affected area who request updates.

I'm going to walk you through the types of napkins I own, and the way to prepare them for swapping. I cannot emphasize this enough.  It is helpful to purchase a package of napkins, because some may tear as you prepare them for mailing.  From left clockwise are tissue napkins, guest napkins, beverage or cocktail napkins, a cocktail napkin, stacks of cocktail napkins, and luncheon napkins.  I have dinner napkins, but didn't bring one out, since they are huge.  All my napkins are three ply.

Let's compare napkins.

As a rule, cocktail napkins are 5 inches X 5 inches (12.7 centimeters X 12.7 centimeters).  The dye used is usually food grade.  Luncheon napkins, shown below the cat napkin (which is one of my entries for T), are 6.5 inches squared (16.51 centimeters squared).  The dye used in these napkins is also food grade.

I looked everywhere to see what these small napkins are called.  One company sells similar ones they called party tissues.  They look a bit like a tissue to wipe your nose.  I can't believe these would use food grade dye.

Once fully open, you can see they are smaller than a cocktail napkin.  The only thing I can think of that these would be good for would be ATCs, where each image, in this case the Santa on a rocking horse, would be used in the foreground.

Napkins this size are called guest napkins.  They are usually found in restrooms and places where people can dry their hands without using a cloth towel.  These do not have to contain food safe dyes.  They are often paired with other napkins of the same design for elegant parties or weddings.

You can see they are much larger than the cocktail napkin.  They are also heavier in weight.

This is a cocktail/beverage napkin that has been opened and laid flat.  It is also my second drink entry.

When I created my napkin tutorial, I spent hours and hours removing the bottom two layers from the decorative napkin top.  I was watching an episode of Quilting Arts where a woman uses napkins in her quilts.  She showed how to remove the bottom two layers using transparent tape.  I have not tried this until now, so we will find out together if this works or not.

It's hard to see up close but place a length of tape on the back side of your napkin.  Be sure to press it firmly, which I did as soon as I took the photo.  Leave enough unsecured tape to grip easily.

Pull backward.  Success.  It worked.

Of course I had to choose the most difficult napkin to use as a demonstration.  I pulled the white layer back and kept the rest of the napkin on the table, ensuring if anything tore, it would be the white layer, not the decorator layer.  You will be able to peel the excess layer left behind with your fingernail.

Do the same with the middle layer.  Be extra gentle with the decorator layer.

Note how some of the dye bled through to the second layer of this napkin.  It doesn't always happen, but don't be surprised if it does.  I noticed the thickness of this napkin's decorator layer was much thicker than most, too.

If you have done it correctly, you will now have three layers, the top one complete and unblemished.  This is the layer you will send.

For the swap, send a minimum of TWO napkin tops for each person in the swap. I will be sending four to each participant.  So far, those who have said they would join the swap are Sharon, Jo, Lisca, Nancy, and Deb.  If, for some reason, you no longer want to be in the swap, let me know.  
If you want to be in the napkin swap, now is the time to let me know, so we can plan how many napkins to send.  The reason I need to know this week is so those who live in countries other than the states can get their swaps here by Friday, July 8.  All swaps must be in my hands by then.  It will give me time to complete the swap and have it ready to send on July 12, our official 9th anniversary date (or Week 468).  When this post goes live, it will be Week 462.

Those who have confirmed they do NOT want to be in the swap are Elle and Linda.  
As for the ATC swap to go along with the napkin swap, I have reconsidered that.  I promised that the napkin swap would only require ONE first class postage stamp from your country.  However, if we add ATCs to the mix, it will be more first class postage.  Therefore, we will have our PIF or Pay It Forward swap again this year.  Rules are as before, but I will go over them well before the swap will take place.  One thing I might add is, I was recently in an ATC swap at WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday) and over 3/4 of the participants swapped ATCs.  I would LOVE to see that kind of participation here.

One thing I want to mention about the napkin swap.  I want to see real postage stamps on your envelopes you send me.  If you send an envelope with metered mail, I will return it to you unopened.  This swap is about art exchanges and metered mail is NOT an art exchange.  More info next week on the swap exchange.  Hopefully by then we will know how many will be exchanging napkins.

In the interest of brevity, by now you know the rules.  Please add your drink related link below.  Be sure the link goes to your T post and NOT your blog in general.  BTW, THIS post will only be valid until midnight my time on Thursday, June 2.

Please don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd post which will go live at midnight my time on Thursday, June 2. 

Don't forget to let me know if you want to join the napkin swap by leaving your answer in this week's comments.  I am not a mind reader, so you must tell me Yea or Nay. 

20 thoughtful remarks:

Sharon Madson said... 1

I made it this week! Yes, I want to be in the napkin swap! Thanks for the lesson on how to prepare for the swap! Happy windy t day, Elizabeth!

kathyinozarks said... 2

Thank you so much for another tutorial on these napkins. I had looked around on line to see what was available and there are some gorgeous napkins out there. I saw many use these napkins for decoupage projects too.
I love the idea of these two swaps but I will not be participating this year-sorry. I am bit overwhelmed about the outside work that needs done, we finally got days with no rain here but I messed up my back so couldn't work now tomorrow the rains begin again I am doomed I guess haha
Happy T wishes Elizabeth and thanks for hosting T

Lisca said... 3

Thank you for the tutorial. Of course me being impatient, I have already sent some napkins, and I haven’t split them.
So later this week ( when I’m feeling a bit better) I will split the napkins and send only the top layer. I have plenty as I had to buy a whole packet.
Happy T-Day,

Mae Travels said... 4

As you know, I don’t do any craft projects, so I thought it was obvious that I wouldn’t be doing any of the craft exchange.

By coincidence, though, I was at Ikea where they always have beautiful table napkins and cocktail napkins, and I bought several packages. I always like their designs, and sometimes the napkins match one of the other articles that’s being sold. They are also lower price than those from other sources — which is obvious for Ikea. I hope everyone enjoys using these craft items!

best… mae at

My name is Erika. said... 5

You have some great napkins, and thanks for the tutorial. Do you know if the ATC swap will only happen if you exchange napkins? It sounds to me i your post like these will be 2 separate swaps. I've got a lot going on right now, and although I'd love to do the napkin swap because it sounds like a great idea, I think I'd be smarter to pass on that. But, I would love to do the ATC swap in July. I hope you have a great T day and keep your power all this week too. Hugs-Erika

DVArtist said... 6

These are some pretty fancy napkins. I love the one with the cats. Reminds me of the 1950s/1960s. Thank you for the tutorial too. Have a great day today.

Christine said... 7

Neat swap!

Jenn Jilks said... 8

Gosh! What fun you are having!

Cloudia said... 9

You make everything interesting!

Elephant's Child said... 10

My ignorant self had no idea that there were so many sorts of napkins. I can see I am going to have to pay more attention.
Sadly, some of our post offices ONLY offer metered mail.

Iris Flavia said... 11

Cute napkins indeed! So sad I got rid of mine some years ago, I gave them to my Nieces, alas.
Wishing you fun with this project, and a happy T-Day, dear host.

Nancy Chan said... 12

I didn't know that there are different types of napkins, plus you are able to find them in beautiful designs and prints. What we have here are just plain ones. It is either pink or white.

Valerie-Jael said... 13

I have lots of napkins, but will not join in the swap, I need to keep my activity level low just now. Have fun! I'm trying to wake up just now, need more coffee! Hugs, Valerie

Let's Art Journal said... 14

Fabulous, thanks for clarifying about the napkins! I would still like to take part and have mine already so will get them posted soon. I will let you know timeframe for delivery so you can look out for them. Many thanks and Happy T Day 😁. Hugs Jo x

CJ Kennedy said... 15

The decorated napkins are fun especially those retro cats. Happy T Day

nwilliams6 said... 16

I love your napkins - all look so fun. I also love ATCs and would love to do an exchange.....but I will have to sit the napkin and ATCs out as I just don't have any time right now with extra work time and the Grandsons' baseball tournaments. Hopefully you will have another one soon or I will join in next time. Happy T-day!!! Lots of hugz.

Empire of the Cat said... 17

Hi Elizabeth, I think I would like to join in the swap this time. I'm a bit confused about first class postage as that might mean something different over here, so if you could explain more what you mean by that, that would be great. One first class postage stamp from the UK would only be enough to send a letter within the UK, it would not be enough for overseas mail. Thanks! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Cindy McMath said... 18

What a great tip!

jinxxxygirl said... 19

Thank you for showing all that Elizabeth. YES i still want to be in the swap and will start to get my napkins ready.. This swap is such a great idea! I bought napkins for projects and then i'm stuck with the whole package. It will be nice to have new designs to play with.. I'll need your address again Elizabeth as i no longer have it.. And i will get it mailed out as soon as you confirm how many are participating.. I'm not quite sure how the math works out.. If i'm sending 2 napkins per person and there are 5 participants then i'am sending out 10 napkins.. why am i only getting 4 back? I'm probably just missing something.. Thanks so so much for doing this! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

Sorry I can't join you for T today!
One of the things I'm about to do is thin out my art napkin drawer so I'm happy to send you some.
Have I understood correctly - I send my napkins to you then you mail everyone with a selection from all that you receive?
ATC- yes, whenever you say!
Hugs, Chrisx