Monday, May 9, 2022

T Stands For bEARTHday buffet


 I want to begin by saying Sally kept bugging me about where I wanted to go on my bEARTHday.  I did a bit of research and decided to give her a choice.  I picked one restaurant I thought sounded good where the most expensive item on the list was $7.99 (USD) and the other had no prices, but, since it was a buffet, it looked and sounded expensive.  Since she was paying, I wanted to make sure she knew her two options.

When I told her, she immediately picked the more expensive place, but it was because one of her many doctors told her it was a really fabulous buffet.  Sally had wanted to try it anyway, so off we went.

We left my house at 10:45.  She thought she knew where it was, but we drove and drove and drove around near where it was.  I was getting frustrated, not because I was all that hungry, but because I kept thinking how much gas she was wasting.  On Earth Day, even!

Most of you remember I showed this photo of Sally's cell phone the day we went to lunch.  Sally went to the buffet at 12:08.  Where did we go?

Kabab's as you can tell from their sign.  It is an Indian and Pakistani restaurant and one of the few that is vegetarian friendly and even has vegan options.
Sally started at the steam table, or hot bar.

She was loading up on meat items.

I have to admit this is a lousy photo of Sally, but I wanted to show the men in the background.  They were cooking our naan while I waited for her to sit down.

The other bar is for salads and cold items, 

but there are also extra spices and herbs in case you wanted to add a bit more than what was cooked into the food.  That was the dessert area where the man was.  Iris would LOVE the dessert bar, because there wasn't anything sweet on it.  A bit of cinnamon and other spices, but not nearly sweet enough for my sweet tooth.
Before she actually sat down to eat, she got a second plate of cold items.
Sally kept saying how much meat there was on the buffet.  She was at the cold bar when I took a photo of her plate.  Yes, those are cloth napkins, too.

There were also many, many vegetarian options, too.  Trust me, everything on my plate is vegetarian.

I chose tabbouleh and hummus, but never made it back to see if there were other goodies I might like.  Naan is in the basket in the background.  They even made us a second order, too.

Sally waited patiently while I finished.  She even ordered water with lemon and gave me hers.

The parking lot was so crowded, I never got a photo of the restaurant.  However, I snagged these two off the internet.

I even picked up one of their menus, which is a six or eight page glossy, but I never photographed it.  BTW, I asked Sally what the cost was and she told me it was $15.99 (plus tax USD).

Needless to say, this was one of the best restaurants I have been to in Wichita.  They give you disposable napkins to wear when you go to the buffet and they clean all the time.  It was the cleanest buffet I have EVER been to, and I have been to a lot (pre-Covid, of course).  Did I love it? Did I enjoy myself?  You bet I did!!!

It's now time to share your own drink inspired post this week.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.


Update: Several comments have been about the cost of the meal.  In Wichita, the average meal for lunch (not a buffet) would be $7.00 (USD).  Passage to India, which Sharon told me she didn't care for, recently raised their buffet price to $11.00.   The Chinese buffet was $10.00.  In Wichita, Kabab's is considered a high end restaurant.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said... 1

That does look like a fabulous buffet! I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages -- maybe more than 3 years. Good to hear that they take careful measures with the hygiene. Again, many happy returns of your birthday.

best... mae at

Elephant's Child said... 2

YUM. I love Indian/Pakistani food. They cater for vegetarians really, really well. I am surprised at your comments on the desserts though. Indian desserts are often really, really sweet.
I am thrilled that you had such a good meal. And again, Happy Beartday.

Linda Kunsman said... 3

Oh wow- that sure was a great bearthday meal!! I would love to go there- especially as they are vegan and vegetarian friendly:). And the price- incredible for such a place- you'd never find that in my area!
So glad you and Sally enjoyed such a wonderful experience. Happy T day!

Christine said... 4

The food looks good!

Kate Yetter said... 5

Sounds like you had a great birthday meal. The plates of food look delicious, and the buffet sounds clean. Win, win! Glad you enjoyed your day out with Sally.
Happy Tea Day and Happy Belated Birthday,

My name is Erika. said... 6

I've never had Pakistani food but I do like Indian food. Your meal looks delicious. Indian food is a good choice for veggie food as they have so many choices. I'm glad you had a great birthday lunch out, and I'm glad it was your favorite meal out.I'm sure we'll see more visits here? Sally made a good choice I guess. Have a great T day, and thanks for sharing your yummy birthday meal. hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said... 7

Hello, Elizabeth! Thank you for visiting me already, because I got an email that you commented, and realized I had never linked my blog! I had scheduled before heading out of town. I am at our daughters. Our son in law and grandkids made us an Indian dinner for Mothers Day! So, I know what naan is because we had it. We also had something called Butter chicken which was wonderful. He used wonderful spices. Our granddaughter fixed an Indian fruit salad and a Indian smoothie type thing. Loved the whole meal. I am glad you tried Kabobs, makes me want to try it now. Happy t day.

Linda said... 8

That doesn’t seem too expensive. It costs us more to eat burgers and fries at Five Guys.

kathyinozarks said... 9

Sounds like a perfect restaurant choice for the two of you and with all those food choices I think the price sounded really good too. I am thinking you will back sometime soon-Happy T

Iris Flavia said... 10

Oh! I was into wanting to try that restaurant, I love Indian food. Now, LOL, I really would love to beam over.
Hmmm, it looks so yummy! (see my boring brekkie today!)
And clean is always good!

Valerie-Jael said... 11

Hi E, thaks for linking me! The bufet restaurant you went to looks great, and I'm sure Sally was happy to be there. The prices sounded reasonable, too. And it's always important that everything is clean. Glad you enjoyed your special day! Happy T day, Hugs, Valerie

craftytrog said... 12

The food looks good Elizabeth! It's been a while since I went to a proper restaurant. We'll be having a pub lunch tomorrow though, to celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary.
Happy T-Day!

Lisca said... 13

It’s only 9 in the morning but you have made me hungry. Indian food is lovely and that buffet looked really nice. Good price too. I would happily pay that.
You comment that it is considered a high end restaurant. I usually prefer to pay a bit more for my meal to get better quality food. And because we are on a budget, it means we go out less often. ( but when we do, it better be good!)
I’m really glad you had such a lovely birthday meal. What a treat! I’m sure you will be going there again, especially as you now know where it is exactly.
Happy T-Day,

nwilliams6 said... 14

I would definitely go there - sounds and looks fabulous. $15 sounds very reasonable these days - especially if there are lots of choices. If I ever get to Wichita, we can meet there for lunch! More happy birthday wishes even though it is late and happy T-day. Hugz

CJ Kennedy said... 15

Nice looking restaurant. Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday lunch! Happy T Day!

Debra said... 16

Yum-this looks good! I am commenting about your previous post here too-I LOVE LOVE the bird convention! It made me smile! (I have covid so I'm not able to read a lot right now...getting better though. Hubby too)

Empire of the Cat said... 17

Glad you had a lovely birthday meal on your bEARTHday, good choice of restaurant, also seems very reasonable for two people. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Divers and Sundry said... 18

An Indian buffet! Love, love, love! I also love how thoughtful y'all are with each other, how considerate :) Sweet :)

Happy bEARTHday! And Happy T Tuesday.

(Again, I can't tell you how grateful I am for T Tuesday and all you do to keep in going. Thank you!)

Jackie McGuinness said... 19

I can't believe how inexpensive it was! Just a bowl of soup at our favourite Indian is $11!!!

Karen said... 20

Happy Bearthday! What a wonderful treat. Looks like lot's of great options and affordable too, I'm glad you enjoyed your day.

Cloudia said... 21

Thank you dear ❤️

jinxxxygirl said... 22

I have never had that type of food Elizabeth... so glad you enjoyed it! It looks delicious! Yeah... I NEED my dessert to be sweet or why Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

DVArtist said... 23

This is such a lovely birthday treat. Sally seems like such a good friend. Have a wonderful day.

Sandra Cox said... 24

I'm so glad you had a lovely lunch, good food and great companionship for your birthday. And a clean buffet...HUGE.

Let's Art Journal said... 25

Looks like a fabulous place! The food looks delicious and I was pleased to see so many vegetarian options, I often choose them although I'm not officially vegetarian 😁. So glad that you had a wonderful time celebrating your bearthday with Sally - yay! Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

Jeanie said... 26

It looks delicious and I know you two had a wonderful time! Yum!

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

Kababs looks like an interesting place and the food on your plates looks amazing! We found that our favourite buffet place has closed down recently! Happy T Day, hugs,Chrisx

Rita said... 28

Looks like you had a really, really nice birthday meal!!
Happy belated birthday, Elizabeth! :)

Divers and Sundry said... 29

Thanks for the link you left on my T Tuesday post :) I followed it and am now following that blog :)

I was saddened to find my post boycotted by one T Tuesday participant because it was political :( I thought my drink reference was enough to give somebody something to comment on if they wanted to ignore the abortion content. Milk and gin & tonic are definitely _not_ political issues ;)

Sami said... 30

Happy belated birthday Elizabeth.You seem to have had a good time with Sally.