I promised Sharon I wouldn't open her card until my bEARTHday. As you can see, I kept my word and then some. I took both Erika's gift and Sharon's card to the restaurant I chose.
Sally went to the buffet (sorry, that's the only hint you get this week) while I took photos of the gifts. I decided not to open them at the restaurant and I'm glad I didn't. Erika's gift was a bear to get into. You should be able to see the date and time on Sally's phone. Before you ask, we both LOVED the food where we went. Nothing but praise for the place, even though Sally drove around a lot until we found where it was located.
Fast forward to Sunday night, and I'm now at my dining room table with gifts galore. Instead of my spring napkin and place mat, I am honoring Ukraine with their sunflowers. The top envelope is from Sally, who also gave me a set of very expensive wind chimes.
The only postage stamp, a Maud Lewis original, came from Canada. I'm sure you can guess who sent it.
If you guessed my friend Cindy, you would be correct. I love her collages and this one is perfect with the washi paper, old book pages and princess phone.
I simply had to show the lovely words she wrote inside. You are such a sweetie, Cindy and you NEVER forget me on my special day. Thank you so very much, dear friend.
Next was this incredible card Sharon made me. I love the fussy cut birdhouse and fence. Everything was colored beautifully, too! Of course, I had to pull as instructed!
Imagine my surprise when I pulled. Look at those colorful pots
filled with lovely bouquets of flowers. This is beautiful, Sharon and I love it. I should have shown the other things Sharon sent, which included several stamped images I've used in my art this month. Thank you for your generosity and kindness!!
If getting this next gift open had been a video, you would have been laughing and growing impatient while I tried to figure out how to open it. Glad I decided not to try this at the restaurant. Of course it was well worth it in the end.
First is the gorgeous card Erika made. Look at that incredible background and sentiment. The card, sentiment, and "fabric" swatches were all cut using pinking shears decorator scissors. Don't you just LOVE the detail? I know I do. And those buttons, all mismatched to perfection, while the lady had been colored and fussy cut beautifully, too.
Next is a pouch in which to carry my pens. This could come in handy when I move from room to room with my art supplies.
What could be more PURRfect for a cat lover than these stamps? As I told Erika when I sent her a thank you message, I think I need to create a cat book!
This red rubber stamp stole my heart. Not sure how soon I'll be able to use it, but I think it will be soon.
Erika told me this book came from her school when they were throwing old books away. I KNOW I'll be using this one sooner than later. What a godsend.
I laughed when I saw this note on the envelope. The one that took me forever to open. Thank you for more than you can possibly know, dear friend. I am in your debt.
My final gift came from Rumors Gifts. I immediately knew who had sent it. Sadly, more metered mail.
Another box nearly smarter than me. This one took almost as long to open as Erika's package had.
Inside was this heartfelt note from my dear friend, RO!
Now I have another box to fight my way into! At least the gift was well packed.
I could tell by the shape what this was, as I'm sure so can most of you.
Isn't this incredible? My very own one of a kind
rocking horse bank!
Of course I had to take a photo of its sweet face. RO!, I love it, but you knew I would. This is another incredible gift only YOU could find for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend.
Now it was time to put all my wonderful gifts and cards away and put my rocking horse on display.
It was also time to share my T Tuesday post. Every year I buy one of these chocolate chip cupcakes that have about a gazillion calories. I had to blow the candle out because the flame got too close to my camera. I'm drinking some Very Cherry tea from The Spice Merchant and using my new tea bag and spoon caddy I bought when I was there one weekend with Scott.
My cupcake is now in my tummy and my tea is nearly gone. All that is left is to say thank you again to my friends for thinking of me this year on my bEARTHday.
Now it's your turn to share a drink inspired post. You may share photos,
a place you visited, an empty cup, a full cup, teapot, or mug, movies,
postcards, books, magazines, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags,
scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as
long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below, then Bleubeard and I, along with other T
gang friends will be by to visit. Bleubeard would
like to remind you that your photos may be taken at any time, not just
on Tuesday. And please check back often, because some are early T visitors and some visit much later on Tuesday afternoon.
I may be late visiting today. I am taking a break to publish this, then I will be right back outside getting my herb garden planted.
Hi Elizabeth, I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely gifts, the rocking horse bank is amazing, as are the handmade cards and other lovelies Enjoy! thanks for sharing with us-hugs
This was such a lovely post, Elizabeth. I am so glad you liked your card. You received so man beautiful cards and gifts. You are definitely loved! I can’t wait to see where you and Sally went for your meal! Happy Almost T Day!
What a wonderful, thoughtful post Elizabeth! Happy Belated Bearthday! What lovely gifts you received.. Looking forward to seeing where you and Sally ate out.. Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb
SO many beautiful gifts! I think the chocolate cupcake and the Very cherry tea sound like my favorite. Looks like you had a great birthday. Enjoy your gifts. Happy Tea Day, Kate
What really personalized and beautiful gifts from friends-those kitty stamps and sentiments along with the rocking horse stamps are SO you! And that rocking horse bank- very unique! The cards are all lovely and made with love. And that bird book- love it!! Your chocolate cupcake with the cherry tea is such a wonderful flavor combination. Happy, happy belated birthday , and a happy T day too!
Looks like you had a fun birthday celebration and lots of fun mail. I want you to know the postmaster laughed at the back of my envelope also. Sorry for all the tape, but since I recycled the envelope and folded it over, I was afraid it would get ripped open in postal transit. Sharon made a gorgeous card, and nice rocking horse from Ro. And Cindy made a great card also. And your muffin looks yummy. I could go for one right now as we had salads for supper, and I am still hungry, but going to be good. Have a super T day. hugs-Erika
Belated Happy Birthday. You received so many things it is hard to pick just one to talk about. Your multitude of gifts just speaks to how well you are thought of and appreciated. You do keep up a great blog.
Glad you took a break to invite us all over for a drink. That rocking horse bank is awesome! Pewter? You have created a wonderful world and it's great to visit it
Ohhhhhh, thank you soooo much! A wonderful start to the day, I smiled so big, those are wonderful, thoughtful, creative, sweet gifts! Bet you had loads of fun, thank you for sharing all this!
Some beautiful cards and gifts - I never open my cards early! look forward to hearing about where you went for lunch, glad it was not a disappointment.
What a wonderful post. I’m glad you’ve had such a great day with all those beautiful and thoughtful presents and cards. The rocking horse of course is the best! And the cards are gorgeous and so personal. Happy belated birthday with many returns. A very happy T-Day indeed. Lisca
What a wonderful bEarthday party you had. I loved watching you open your cards and gifts. Your table setting is so pretty and the cupcake looks so good. Happy bEarthday and Happy T Day
Foxy Stamping's post wants me to sign in with Google to leave a comment but gives me a "misdirect" error when I try. I did try... but I wasn't able to leave a comment. And she went for a walk in the park, which is something I'd love :)
Wow, so many wonderful birthday surprises! I'm so glad you enjoyed your meal with Sally and I bet the wind chimes sound amazing 😁. Your cards and gifts are fabulous too, so many to inspire you. That cake looks delicious too! Happy T Day and sending you happy bearthday wishes too! Hugs Jo x
Graham had a turn for the worst in the night and I spent most of the morning in the emergency department of the hospital. He has been admitted. Just thought I’d let you know.
This is my 3rd attempt to comment- my computer and phone just keep denying access to your comment box! I am now on my old tablet! You received such lovely gifts (deservedly) and I love that you celebrated in style with your chocolate cake! Hugs, Chrisx
Yay! Those handmade gifts are truly creative and thoughtful, and I adore those cat stamps. So glad you liked the rocking horse 😍 One day I have to tell you a story about it. 🙂 Sending lots of wonderful airhugs ❤ RO
what a post fun this week, hope I'm on the right one! Anyway, now I'm feeling a bit hungry! sorry I'm so late...time never seems long enough these days. Haven't bought bannas for ages..they are usually green and by the time they look ripe...they've got off! I joined you up with my late woyww this week so I hope I can get round to everyone! Have a great week! ((Lyn)) 22 here and 22 over there too! Thats a lot of T's!
<div class="Second on the 2nd button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;">
<a href="http://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">
<img src="http://www.halleshobbies.com/secondlook.jpg" alt="Second on the 2nd" width="200" height="200" />
Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
34 thoughtful remarks:
Hi Elizabeth, I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely gifts, the rocking horse bank is amazing, as are the handmade cards and other lovelies Enjoy! thanks for sharing with us-hugs
This was such a lovely post, Elizabeth. I am so glad you liked your card. You received so man beautiful cards and gifts. You are definitely loved! I can’t wait to see where you and Sally went for your meal! Happy Almost T Day!
Happy belated birthday!!! You got some very very lovely and thoughtful gifts. Brownies don't have calories... (so have another one!)
What a wonderful, thoughtful post Elizabeth! Happy Belated Bearthday! What lovely gifts you received.. Looking forward to seeing where you and Sally ate out.. Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb
What a great way to celebrate your happy day. I wish you many happy returns. I'm still on the road so no time for a long comment.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
What a fun birthday you had!
SO many beautiful gifts! I think the chocolate cupcake and the Very cherry tea sound like my favorite. Looks like you had a great birthday. Enjoy your gifts.
Happy Tea Day,
What really personalized and beautiful gifts from friends-those kitty stamps and sentiments along with the rocking horse stamps are SO you! And that rocking horse bank- very unique! The cards are all lovely and made with love. And that bird book- love it!! Your chocolate cupcake with the cherry tea is such a wonderful flavor combination. Happy, happy belated birthday , and a happy T day too!
Now that is a beautiful birthday with lovely gifts. Many more to come.
Looks like you had a fun birthday celebration and lots of fun mail. I want you to know the postmaster laughed at the back of my envelope also. Sorry for all the tape, but since I recycled the envelope and folded it over, I was afraid it would get ripped open in postal transit. Sharon made a gorgeous card, and nice rocking horse from Ro. And Cindy made a great card also. And your muffin looks yummy. I could go for one right now as we had salads for supper, and I am still hungry, but going to be good. Have a super T day. hugs-Erika
Belated Happy Birthday. You received so many things it is hard to pick just one to talk about. Your multitude of gifts just speaks to how well you are thought of and appreciated. You do keep up a great blog.
Glad you took a break to invite us all over for a drink. That rocking horse bank is awesome! Pewter? You have created a wonderful world and it's great to visit it
Oh! Oh! I bet it's tin!
Ohhhhhh, thank you soooo much! A wonderful start to the day, I smiled so big, those are wonderful, thoughtful, creative, sweet gifts!
Bet you had loads of fun, thank you for sharing all this!
Some beautiful cards and gifts - I never open my cards early! look forward to hearing about where you went for lunch, glad it was not a disappointment.
Fabulous gifts again, enjoy! Happy T Day, Valerie
What wonderful (and totally deserved) gifts and cards.
What a wonderful post. I’m glad you’ve had such a great day with all those beautiful and thoughtful presents and cards. The rocking horse of course is the best! And the cards are gorgeous and so personal. Happy belated birthday with many returns.
A very happy T-Day indeed.
What a wonderful bEarthday party you had. I loved watching you open your cards and gifts. Your table setting is so pretty and the cupcake looks so good. Happy bEarthday and Happy T Day
Happy belated birthday to you. Those are lovely gifts and cards. May all your wishes come true.
I feel like I've been to a party :) I love your sunflower napkin and placemat. Perfect any time but especially now :) Happy T Tuesday!
Foxy Stamping's post wants me to sign in with Google to leave a comment but gives me a "misdirect" error when I try. I did try... but I wasn't able to leave a comment. And she went for a walk in the park, which is something I'd love :)
Wow, so many wonderful birthday surprises! I'm so glad you enjoyed your meal with Sally and I bet the wind chimes sound amazing 😁. Your cards and gifts are fabulous too, so many to inspire you. That cake looks delicious too! Happy T Day and sending you happy bearthday wishes too! Hugs Jo x
OK, so I'm having the same "sign in with google" "redirect" problem on "Learning 2 Just Breathe". Is this just me?
Graham had a turn for the worst in the night and I spent most of the morning in the emergency department of the hospital. He has been admitted. Just thought I’d let you know.
Aren't you the lucky girl! You deserve to be spoiled.
Happy birthday lots of yumminess there
Bridget #14
each of these gifts is truly great Elizabeth; you've got amazing friends !!! ♥♥♥
happy bearthday once again ☺☺☺
Happy belated bearthday Elizabeth, so glad you had a lovely time and some fab presents too! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx
This is my 3rd attempt to comment- my computer and phone just keep denying access to your comment box! I am now on my old tablet! You received such lovely gifts (deservedly) and I love that you celebrated in style with your chocolate cake! Hugs, Chrisx
What a happy, happy birthday!! :) :)
What fun gifts and birthday mail! I hope it was just terrific!
Yay! Those handmade gifts are truly creative and thoughtful, and I adore those cat stamps. So glad you liked the rocking horse 😍 One day I have to tell you a story about it. 🙂 Sending lots of wonderful airhugs ❤ RO
what a post fun this week, hope I'm on the right one! Anyway, now I'm feeling a bit hungry! sorry I'm so late...time never seems long enough these days. Haven't bought bannas for ages..they are usually green and by the time they look ripe...they've got off!
I joined you up with my late woyww this week so I hope I can get round to everyone! Have a great week! ((Lyn)) 22 here and 22 over there too! Thats a lot of T's!
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