Today I'm joining Rain with the theme leaves and branches.
Let's start with Eco-dying using leaves found in my yard.
Here is another time I used leaves to eco-dye on fabric.
I used to create a mandala every Monday. I miss it. These are herb from my garden. There is lemongrass, over which I laid basil. Cilantro was in four places near the large leaves which were cut from my zucchini squash plant.
Here's another mandala made with flowers found in my garden. There are iris leaves, hosta leaves, baby's breath, rose petals, decorative sage flowers, and Rose of Sharon.
I used a few leaves during a gelatin printing marathon. I created the gelatin plate using unflavored gelatin packets. The leaves were Lily of the Valley.
Leaves from my yard were paired with blue and bisque glazes to create this gelatin print on cotton fabric.
Yet another mandala using leaves in my early November garden and yard. The yellow and brown leaves are from my large elm tree, the green leaves are vinca vine leaves, and the rest are rose hips I saved from my rose bush.
These leaves are fresh herbs from my garden, including sage, rosemary, dill seed, and cilantro.
Artwise, I created this for a friend using some of my handmade paper, leaves, and grasses from my yard. The back was pink and red paint over gesso on a book cover.
I was just playing around with leaves on a used file folder and acrylic paint I dry brushed over the leaves.
I used silk leaves on a journal page for a challenge.
These leaves were part of a challenge. The leaves were cut from an old phone book.
Ginkgo leaves were stamped on this page for a challenge.
This is how it turned out after I added the sentiment.
I love making bird collages.
I enjoy recycling can lids and adding various heads and legs. I like to use leaves as wings. The last one qualifies for branches on which the owl sits.
This journal page was for a challenge. The sentiment, which is hard to read, is "Season of thanks."
Here are leaves for another eco-dye session.
And another.
And yet another.
I love flower pounding irises in spring.
I thought this turned out great.
I tried to create a bit of humor in my altered book, but my handwriting sucks. Sentiment reads "Autumn leaves us leaves."
This is a recent page I created for a challenge.
I don't make many tags, but I am proud of this one I made for a challenge.
I fused leaves on wood using beeswax.
I could go on and on and on and on, but you would be as bored as Bleubeard is right now. Needless to say, I think it's only fitting to end with a journal page Bleubeard recently put together.
He asked me to write the sentiment, but he picked out all the dried leaves and flowers he wanted used.
All art was created by me. Bleubeard provided moral support and input on the final entry. All photos were taken by me.
Thank you beyond belief for stopping by today. I am truly grateful to you,
my dear friends, followers, readers, and lurkers for visiting. Please also join Bleubeard and me at Rain's TAD.
20 thoughtful remarks:
well you've been busy pulling all those together, I love the leafy mandalas. Love them!
What a lovely creative post, I just love your mandala's, I have often had a handful of 'stuff' and wanted to display it for my own pleasure but never thought of this - it's such a nice, mindfulness type thing to do!
Simply gorgeous. Trees and branches are among my most favourite things.
wow, love what you created for this post. Everything from beautiful mandalas to printed leaves. :)
I actually have a favourite, even if it was hard to choose. The OWL!
Loved it all. :)
Now this is a real gathering of leaves, so glad to see a nod to eco-dying a very rewarding activity. Lovely variation of leaves through the seasons and those Monday Mandalas sound so therapeutic especially with herbs from the garden. Super share of old I'd never tire of the love of leaves.
Happy belated Birthday I hope you had a super day. So sorry I was not around, it's been extra busy my end with my MIL, solicitors and paperwork, it all eats away online free time.. Glad I could be here today Hugs Tracey xx
A huge collection of wonderful art, showing leaves in all seasons and colours. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie
Beautiful collection! Autumn can wait, though... Here Spring really kicked in!
I love the mandalas — especially the one made of herbs with dill in the center.
Best… mae at
Lovely leaves!
As always brilliant in your art and thinking. Have a lovely day.
How wonderful, these lovely designs made from what you find in nature! You do have a great eye for color and design :)
Nature and being totally creative! Really nice post, Elizabeth. :)
Beautiful eye candy. So creative!
What a great selection of leaves today. I vaguely remember your mandalas. I think I just met you when you did this, and you did create some really interesting and beautiful ones with leaves. and its lots of fun to see your bird collages and the other natural art too.I hope the month is ending well for you. Hugs-Erika
Wow, so much creativity and beautiful makes! Thanks for the inspiration, I'm loving all those flower and leaf designs - amazing 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x
You really did some leaf magic here. Every single piece is beautiful - and your creativity is so versatile and rich. I love it.
This is an amazing post ~ So many beautiful art pieces! The mandalas are striking ~ Does Bluebeard ever mess them up by playing with them? I was wishing you had explained what eco-dyeing is, and then I discovered the link to your tutorials. Fascinating! Have a great weekend!
OH my goodness! amazing stuff going on here!
Wow, you are prolific ... you disappear for awhile then come back with a bang.
So how do you eco dye? Looks and sounds interesting and pounding a iris seems awesome too. I must have been living with my head in a sack, I haven't learned any of this. I am impressed :) and of course, Bleubeard is the artist du jour :) How is the old boy doing? I have missed hearing about him. My old poop kitty Chachi is diabetic, blind and arthritic and yet he seems to love his life and continues to be a wonderful companion. Good to see you again Elizabeth ...
Andrea @ From the Sol
Elizabeth!!! I love everything you've posted here, it's all so beautiful, natural, magickal and creative! Your Mandalas are stunning. I do love the flower one and the one with dill. How original! Very nice! ☺☺♥
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