Today I'm once again joining my friend Kathy at Hummingbird Woodland Studio and her Food Wednesday. It's where we share anything food related. I checked the rules, which are thankfully none, except we are asked to write a post about food. That's why I'm also joining Valerie, our host at Art Journal Journey with her Spring theme. What says Spring better than deviled eggs?
Now let's check out what food related posts Kathy and the Food Wednesday group have shared this week, as well as Valerie's Spring theme at Art Journal Journey.
This will be my final Food Wednesday until April 27. I invite each of you to stop by daily beginning on the 1st and continuing for 22 days where I share something I recycle, reuse, reduce, rethink,
re-invent, redesign, re-craft, recover, restore, rebuild, revamp,
reclaim, and/or re-purpose to keep it out of the landfill or the recycle center. It all ends on what others call Earth Day, but I call bEARTHday.
24 thoughtful remarks:
Hmmm, yummy, now I wish I had eggs in the house!
Hi Elizabeth, perfect post for Valerie's Spring theme and my Food theme. deviled eggs are the perfect food for spring and upcoming Easter too.
thank you so much for linking up for Food Wednesdays and I look forward to your month of recycling posts
I don't think I have ever had devilled eggs. Asking Google for the recipe makes me wonder why not...
Fabulous page, great idea! Hugs, Valerie
Hi Elizabeth! ☺ Oh I just love deviled eggs but the devil is truly in them because I can't eat yolks! I wonder if I can make a yolk-less deviled egg? Don't think it would be the same though!
A very yummy page Elizabeth, those eggs all look good.
I like deviled eggs, though mine are boring lol not fancy like the ones you picture.
Clever post. Those fancy eggs would make a great brunch item
Who knew there could be so many delicious variations on devilled eggs?
A brilliant post. I love the art of it.
I love deviled eggs and making them in different ways! They're the best Easter dish ever!
I have never had a fancy deviled egg. Just the plain old variety...and those are good! :)
Deviled eggs have always been my favorite choice to take to potlucks. I don't do anything fancy, just put an olive slice on top or a parsley leaf. Everything is better with mayo!
I am looking forward to the return of potlucks when the pandemic is over but sometimes I think that time isn't ever going to go back and there won't be any more of them in the same way as before.
best... mae at
me too !! I could eat deviled eggs every day and never tire of them !!! ☺☺♥3
We are a deviled egg house! I only make them for the Holidays though... for health and weight I often make them to take to get togethers and such... I enjoy making them actually. I decorate them as my Mother did.. Sprinkle of paprika on each one and a dash of parsley... Yum!
I love deviled egg but have never made them myself - I don't think I have the patience (or the talent). Yours make my mouth water and I love the sentiment as well.
My husband loves deviled eggs! That is what I fix him when I think he deserves a treat. I wanted to also come tell you an answer to your question about the airport. I thought you wouldn’t go back and look at the answer. It was not Jabara , but was Stearman Airpark in Benton Ks. Have a great rest of the week.
This is a fun idea for an AJJ post. I haven't had a deviled egg in a very very long time, and now I want some. There are some creative takes on deviled eggs here too. The one with bacon and the one with the red pepper strips look particulary good. Fun idea for a page my friend. Hugs-Erika
Great post for both themes ...
Eggs are so nutritious.
All the best Jan
Don't those look good! The deviled egg is in the detail. Ha.
Great themes and fab post, love my curried egg...
Wow, someone certainly likes decorating her devilled eggs. Whenever i see them I am reminded of my American friend - when we stayed with her one of her favourite makes was always devilled eggs. Nothing so fancy but delicious. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Neet xx
These devilled eggs do look inviting, so much work in the decorative detail to be eaten with a few bites.
Yvonne xx
They all look delicious! Chrisx
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