Thursday, December 23, 2021

An organizing tip


It's Thursday and I normally join Rain's Thursday Art Date.  However, today I have nothing I can contribute to the theme of Christmas future, so I would rather join my friend Valerie of Bastelmania, who is our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Valerie's theme is When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

I suspect Valerie will like this organization tip!

 Keep clutter hidden behind closed doors.

We definitely can't tell if there is clutter or not behind these doors that fit perfectly in this space.

The inspiration for this entry came after I found these doors in a DIY magazine.  I decided they were doors, so they would be perfect for Valerie's theme.  I had just previously tested several different handmade shimmering mists on this used file folder.  I decided it would make a great background.  I first added the doors cut from a magazine.  I then added the words using a black sharpie.  The words didn't show up well, so I grabbed a green gel pen and went over the sharpie.  I finished by going over the sharpie a second time so the sentiment could stand out from the background. 
Bleubeard and I are pleased you joined us today and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on When One Door Closes, Another One Opens.


10 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I would need a LOT of doors to conceal our clutter.
Love what you have done with this piece.

Iris Flavia said...

Don´t open doors in Ingo´s place. Or mine, for that matter....

Valerie-Jael said...

Ha, ha! You know how I love organisation! Great page, made me smile. My shelves are all open, my lack of order is visible to all! I have a closet that has doors, and it's stuffed so full that I am really scared to open the doors in case a landslide follows! When I look around me I see no surface that is free from clutter! Have a great day, Valerie

Neet said...

Well I know it is not clutter as such but if my dil saw our house this Christmas she would describe it as 'cluttered' because the decorations and things that are normally behind closed doors (high up in the kitchen) are out decorating our rooms. I remember the first Christmas she came to our house, I had tried my best (despite working full time as a teacher - long hours marking and setting work) to make it look lovely. She said it looked like 'Walford Square' which is a tacky place on a tv soap.
Love this under-stairs storage you have found for your page, had I got stairs I would welcome something like this and I imagine your words resonate with many of us. Clever idea for Valerie's theme.
Hope all is well with you and the furry boys and you are looking forward to Christmas.
Christmas Hugs to you and the boys, Neet xxx

Meggymay said...

My trouble with opening doors is the clutter behind them, its a fabulous take on Valerie's theme. Stay safe my friend.
Yvonne xx

My name is Erika. said...

Ha-ha-I have to agree whole heartedly with the theme of this page. Especially for Christmas when I am trying to pick up a bit before the holiday when my daughter and her beau arrive with their things. And it's a great idea for a page for Valerie's challenge too. Have a great day and Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and the kitties love their stockings. The pups love theirs every year- Pete for some new toys and Maddie for a special treat. Enjoy. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

Cupboards are both fabulous and dangerous! They hide things that I should just part with but also things I care about! I like that photo in your piece!

Divers and Sundry said...

I have a bit of space under the stairs I'd love opened up to make a bit of a closet... But really I'm better off just getting rid of more stuff ;)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my gosh, aren't those cabinets a great idea.
De-clutter is on my to-do list.
Hope your holidays are wondrous, dear Elizabeth.

wendy kirk said...

I have far too much clutter, I would need loads of cupboards ti hide it all. I have enough trouble finding things as it is. Have a lovely Christmas.