Friday, December 24, 2021

A pantry door meets Friday Smiles 453


I'm not sure if Annie (at A Stitch in Time), who hosts Friday Smiles, as well as the lovely ladies who also share their smiles each Friday, plan to share a post today, but I plan to join my friend Valerie of Bastelmania, who is our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  Valerie's theme is When One Door Closes, Another One Opens.

Recently I asked what was behind your pantry door. 

Today I'm asking what's ON your pantry door?

I thought this was a clever idea.  I use these shoe holders in my craft room but never considered using one in a pantry.

I was inspired to create this page when I found this image in a magazine.  I thought it was a clever idea that went well with my last pantry entry at

I'm not sure if Annie is posting today or not, but to be on the safe side, here are a few Christmas inspired smiles.

Squiggles before I put him on a diet!

I want to wish each and every visitor to my blog a safe, healthy, and merry holiday and joyous Christmas if you celebrate it.

I also invite you to join Bleubeard and me at Art Journal Journey with your own take on When One Door Closes, Another One Opens.  We also hope to see you at Annie's Friday Smiles, too.  I want to thank Helen for letting me (and my visitors) know Annie isn't posting this Friday.


17 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I saw Annie say she'd not be posting today but I love your funnies, they have really made me smile this morning! Hope you have a very happy Christmas.

Iris Flavia said...

Clever idea indeed with the shoe holders - too bad our door sits in the cellar!

Oh, boy. Pic two is "my AA", that we got rid of, yipee (really, all said so, how sad is that). The cat :-)
Tit# now!!! Hahaha.... I want this! For the woman at the butcher to whom I screamed into the silence... bet this would make her laugh big!

And the palm trees, oh, LOL! In more than one way, LOL!
I want a cat.
Uh-oh to the Christmas party. I once met "her" for real.

My Bro has a fireplace. Great idea, laughing here, imagining the Wee One.
LOL, I LOVE the wrapping paper!! Really, I´d hang it on the wall! Creative. To Jesus!

A very Happy, Merry, yummy, healthy Christmas to you, dear friend. Thank you - you helped me to learn to come back to art, made me try sewing, cook and bake and I buy all those fancy drinks to join your T-Days!

Thank you.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

So many great funnies to start off my day. I'm especially loving the Tree fainted, thankfully mine is still upright hee hee.
I always wanted a house with a pantry, my Grandmothers was full of my Grandfathers homemade pickles.
Wishing you a safe & Happy Christmas, take care Hugs Tracey xx

Elephant's Child said...

Smiling at ALL of the funnies - though it has been cats that have made our trees faint.
Thank you.
And how I wish my pantry door was that organised.

Valerie-Jael said...

Ho Ho Ho! Elizabeth, that made me smile! Thanks for another fun piece for my challenge at AJJ, even if you are trying to needle me with ideas for getting tidy and organised! I think those bags are a great idea, I would love something like that if I had any 'free' doors....I nearly knocked myself out with a door yesterday, I forgot one of the Cabinet doors was open in the kitchen, bent down to pick something up and banged into it. It really hurt, and I saw stars! But don't worry, the door isn't damaged! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

The shoe holder is a clever idea. I need something like that. Loved all the funnies. Merry Christmas to you and the boys

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like Annie's busy today and we're the only crazy ones still blogging Hee! Hee! Hope you have a really happy Christmas and loving those usual. Hugs, Angela xXx

Neet said...

Oh my goodness, those funnies are brilliant. I love the tree that fainted! Bt to be honest I would not be able to choose a favourite.
Lovely idea for your blog post today for Valerie's theme at AJJ. I don't have a pantry but I did once have one of these behind my craft room door. That would be ideal for behind a pantry door - holding all the things that you find useful but don't know where to store them.
A great idea and a great tip all rolled into one.
Hope you and yours have a lovely, wonderful Christmas Elizabeth.
Lots of Love
Neet xxxxxx

Divers and Sundry said...

My pantry closet door holds one of those over-the-door racks with powdered sugar, dark brown sugar, canned green beans, popcorn, dried milk powder, dried beans... I'm not sure how I can have decent cabinet space and still not have enough room lol

Jenn Jilks said...

That is quite the door!

DVArtist said...

Lovely art. My pantry doesn't have a door. LOL Love the funnies. Have a great Christmas weekend.

Mae Travels said...

The cat and dog Christmas funnies are quite entertaining. Have a great Christmas.

best... mae at

Lisca said...

Ha Ha ha or should i say Ho Ho Ho! I love your funnies. I love the one about throwing empty boxes in the fire! and the 'fat dude trying to break in'. Sooo funny. We both had a good laugh.
Yes, Hubby is feeling a bit better and has been up for longer periods. I have been fully vaccinated and I should be okay. We have separate toilets and are avoiding physical contact as much as possible. Graham has not had his booster because we were waiting for his surgery (which now might not happen, hopefully)
What have I got behind my pantry door? Nothing. My pantry door opens into the pantry and there is not much room between the door and the pantry shelves when the door opens. But I suppose I could have a shoe hanger like in the photo, filled with SMALL things.
It's Christmas Eve and I'm having a cheese platter with some savoury crackers and a glass of red wine (I don't drink much wine nowadays). Graham's not eating, but he joined me with a glass of water.
Wishing you and your boys a very happy Christmas,

RO said...

That's a cool way to decorate a pantry! I love, love, love the fun Christmas memes, and Happy Christmas Eve to you and the kitties! Hugs, RO

My name is Erika. said...

I love this door for AJJ dear Elizabeth. It is even open. We can just peak inside and try to guess what is behind it. Are those cupcakes? How fun. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm doing a bit of catch up this morning. Love that the house is quiet. Hugs-Erika

Meggymay said...

First of all I think you know I will be saying I am sorry late calling in. I loved this post and the Collie dog beside the tree on one of the smiles brought a lump to my throat , Meg had that innocent 'who me mom' look.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
Yvonne xx

Meggymay said...

Ooops forgot to say I loved the pantry door page as well.
Y. xx