Monday, November 15, 2021

T Stands For the New Riverside Cafe


 You won't find me at home today.

Instead, I took my foodie friend Sally to lunch.  I am out and about at a new cafe.

I am at the newly opened Riverside Cafe in west Wichita.  The one I frequent had a huge fire and they have yet to reopen.  I wanted to see what the new one was like and so we went.  We both got beer battered pollock.

I chose chili, while Sally had a salad.  I was told the chili had no meat in it, but you can see it does.  Instead of trying to pick the meat out, I ended up leaving it.

The chips (fries) were soggy and limp, but that didn't mean I didn't eat them.  I also got mac and cheese, while Sally got corn.  You can see the Riverside Cafe logo etched in the table.

We also got rolls (and real butter), which the waitress brought when she brought ranch dressing for my fries.  She told us it was her first day, so we took pity on her.  Sally has been so good to me this year, I simply had to buy her lunch.  I guess you can see we both had water, mine with lemon, too.

It's now time to share your own drink inspired post this week.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  


This is also Day 16 of Art Every Day Month, where I created a link drink party and shared this with Leah, our host, and my T Tuesday group.   

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Fish and? Chips! My English heart beats faster! But soggy chips are not so good. Glad you treated Sally to a meal, she looks happy. Happy T Day, have a great week and good night! Hugs, Valerie

Lowcarb team member said... 2

Nice to go out for a meal ...
Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

Mae Travels said... 3

Great to go out to eat -- but I hope you can find somewhere with a higher level of cooking! Sally does look happy.

best... mae at

kathyinozarks said... 4

So nice you were able to get out for lunch with your friend Sally. Your fish looks delicious, sorry about the chili and fries. we haven't gone out for a meal for over 2 years now.

Lisca said... 5

Fish and chips! My heart skipped a beat...until i saw the chips.... They look pretty awful. And then meat in a vegetarian bean dish, that's not a good start. As you had to wait at least 20 minutes for the fish dish (It says so on the menu), I guess they tried to keep the chips warm for that length of time. Yuck.
But I bet you both had a really good time. Sally looks like she is having a blast. It is a really nice picture of her. When are we going to see one of you?
Happy T-Day,

Halle said... 6

What a bummer your meal was so poor. Frustrating isn't it.

Just popped in to say hi. I got my COVID booster over the weekend and am dealing with the side effects now. Still worth it though. MN now has the highest infection rate in the nation. I was given the contract trace email twice in one week from school. Thankfully I tested negative both times. Scary stuff.

Happy T day!

Sandra Cox said... 7

Sorry you didn't have better luck. I hate when meat is in a supposedly meatless item. Sigh.

Susan Kane said... 8

Sounds like a good day. Fish and chips always lift one's day. We always use malt vinegar instead of ketchup.

Linda Kunsman said... 9

Hi Sally! A shame about the chili- clearly they should have done something about that. And the chips- not good either. However, on the bright side- the pollock does look really good;) And it was nice you could lunch and chat together. Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 10

What a bummer that the chili is not as advertised. But the fish looks delicious. So glad that you were able to eat at a new place with Sally and how sweet of you to take her out.
Happy Tea Day,

Olde Dame Holly said... 11

Now that looks like a wonderful lunch overall, especially with the company of your friend Sally!

Elephant's Child said... 12

I hope you didn't have to pay for the chilli but am glad you got out - and hope you both had a lovely time.
Soggy chips are not a winner though.

Iris Flavia said... 13

Chili week, huh? Mac and cheese, oh! I only had that once. From ALDI... it was a disappointment, but reckon from a restaurant/diner it must be yummy!

Yay for going out again!!!!
To friendship!

aussie aNNie said... 14

ahh what a life. xx

WendyK said... 15

How lovely to take your friend for a meal, but those chips look awful.

J said... 16

Morning Elizabeth,
That looks such a lot of food!! Fish and chips sounds delicious but those chips don't look too good, especially soggy!!
It's good to get out especially with a good friend.
Happy T Day
Jan x

Nancy Chan said... 17

A treat is a beautiful way to say thank you to your dear friend Sally. Love fish and chips but soggy chips can be disappointing even though I will eat it.

CJ said... 18

Fish and chips, good choice. Too bad about the chili. At least you had wonderful company at lunch if the food wasn't quite up to snuff. Happy T Day

Jackie McGuinness said... 19

So much food! I have never eaten mac and cheese, doesn't appeal to me.
At the price of meals out these days I would expect not to pay for soggy fries and that chili.

craftytrog said... 20

Lunch looks good, but I couldn't manage more than one course. I love my fish and chips every Friday :-)
Happy T-Day Elizabeth.

Sandra Cox said... 21

I would love some meatless chili about now. Oh wait, I have some in the freezer I may have to dig out;)
YOU and Squiggles and Bleubeard have a purrfect week.

Divers and Sundry said... 22

I had my eye on the fried catfish filet on the menu, but it doesn't look crispy enough for me on the plate. I like the look of your chili, though. We're still not eating in restaurants.

Happy T Tuesday!

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

Well, Sally looks happy. I can't imagine how you felt having meat in your chilli.
Your chips looks slightly over done but like you I would still have eaten them!
I love macaroni cheese - in fact had some tonight!
I hope your usual restaurant opens soon!
Hugs, Chrisx

DVArtist said... 24

Oh looks like you had a great time. Nice to go out with a friend.

My name is Erika. said... 25

I'm missing T this week, but wanted to see what was new with you. Sorry to hear the chili had meat. How can the waiter/waitress get that one wrong? And sorry your fries were soggy. But it does look like you had a good time going out. Hope it was a fun as it looks. Hugs-Erika

NatureFootstep said... 26

hm. It is probably 3 years since I was out on a dinner like that.
Kind of miss it. :)

Empire of the Cat said... 27

How nice to get out for lunch with friends. Sorry the chilli had meat, ugh, it's so much nicer without. Happy T day Elle/EOTC xx