This will be my final entry for Chris of Pearshapedcrafting's theme at Art Journal Journey. I'm sure you know by now, she chose All Kinds of Weather.
Storm chasing is defined in the dictionary as “the act of intentionally pursuing a severe
weather condition as a hobby or in order to photograph or study it.”
However, to me it means so much more. Professional storm chasers have vast knowledge of the various types of storms they might encounter, such as tornadoes and thunderstorms. They have NEXRAD (next generation radar), the same radar private pilots rely on to navigate around storms. They also have access to NOAA weather radar and a scanner radio. These are all now available on smart phone apps, which is a recent addition to a storm chaser's arsenal.
Storm chasers also need a laptop, a good video camera, a still camera, a car mount, storm mapping software, an emergency kit, food, water, coffee if they drink it, money for emergencies, and the apps I mentioned above. Vehicles can be an SUV or a mini van.
Storm chasers need to join a team of other professionals or highly skilled amateurs. I advise two people in a vehicle, so one can drive, while the other observes the surroundings, like the storm, fallen power lines, and debris.
If you want to chase tornadoes, I suggest you head to Oklahoma in the spring. These are highly skilled individuals who will show you the ropes and steer you in the right direction.
Bleubeard and I would like to thank Chris for hosting this fun theme this month. I also want to thank each of you for dropping by today. We also hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own inspired take on All Kinds of Weather. You still have time to get at least one last entry in before we greet a new host on December 1.
18 thoughtful remarks:
Love your creation. Storm chasing is something my wimpy self just couldn't do.
Great page, I would never go storm chasing, and anyway, I only have a bicycle! Not the right transport! Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie
I am so pleased we don’t have them in the UK, and why people chase after them I can’t imagine. Great idea for AJJ.
We lived in Norman, Oklahoma for 7 years where there is an NOAAweather station. We often heard about bad weather and tornados in the area and took shelter frequently. I also thought I’d never want to chase a tornado, but these brave folks made forecasting possible. Kudos to them, and your spread! Thanks for your comments on my blog, always so very much appreciated.
I like how the car is so small and the storm is so big. That must be closest to the truth. We get the occasional tornado around here, and they do cause damage, but to see one across the open plains must be incredibly scary, or to storm chasers, exciting. I can only image how big they get. You must have seen the older film about the storm chasers with Helen Hunt. if you haven't seen Twister then you should track it down and watch it. I'm not sure how Hollywood-ized they make the storm chasers, but it is a good film. This a is a great page to end the month with my dear. Thanks for sharing it. Hugs-Erika
I'm happy to watch the progress of the storm from my window and the local news/weather coverage.
Excellent with great information included with your pieces. I admire storm chasers but have no desire to join them:)
Hope you had a grand Thanksgiving.
de food gurl said in her next life her wantz ta bee a storm chazer ~~!!
hope yur pie day waz grate and ewe had NOE BURD :) ♥♥
I hope my comment makes it this time! I do love the movies storm chasers make, but that's as close as I want to be to a tornado!
A great page Elizabeth, lovely bit of stitching.
Storm chasing is not for me!
Happy AEDM!
Very scary - those are weathers I´m glad I live in boring ole Germany!
Great page for the weather challenge Elizabeth. I remember watching a movie about storm chasers, it was quite hair-raising. Happy AEDM! Elle/EOTC xx
So interesting and ACTION!
nice page of the tornado. In Sweden we just have small ones. So far, I guess I have to say. Who knows what nature brings nowadays.
I don't know how people can do this - but they do!
Great looking page.
All the best Jan
I could never be a storm chaser. I try to move _away_ from tornadoes.
Fascinating - both image and information but I don't think storm chasing would be for me! Thanks for this and all the encouragement you have given me this month. Hugs, Chrisx
A fantastic page and images of the storm. I don't think I could be out in any storm these days and certainly wouldn't be following one, but it just shows how different we all are and what gives folk pleasure in doing.
Sorry for the lateness in stopping by.
#Yvonne xx
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