Today I'm at my dining room table with nary a drink in sight.
I was fairly certain I knew who sent this box of seemingly nothing but peanuts.
I was definitely correct. The gift was from my friend RO! I wish I'd known beforehand I shouldn't open it until Christmas.
OMGosh. A hand blown glass rocking horse. If you are unfamiliar with my blog (or my obsession), I have collected rocking horses since I was 19. I have amassed nearly 500 of them, and most are all different. I have to admit, I've never had one that was hand blown, though. RO! knows me so well!
Oh look! Another box filled with nearly nothing but peanuts.
I assure you, all that digging was worth it, though. Look at this incredible beauty, wrapped with care so it would not be broken in shipping. Can you see the touch of lavender along with the gold?
Sadly this background does nothing to enhance the beauty of this rocker.
Better, but still not where I feel it should belong.
I have decide this is where it will live through Christmas.
RO! named it Regality because I said it looked so regal. "He" is already making friends and getting along famously with other rocking horses on my sideboard. The crystal one in front is a stocking holder. I use my sideboard as a faux mantle at Christmas. Thank you from the bottom of my forever grateful heart, dear RO!
Of course, we can't have a T party without a drink, can we?
Believe it or not, that was supposed to be hot chocolate in my Christmas tree glass mug, but I didn't add enough cocoa to the mix before I cooked it. Now it tastes more like warm half & half, than hot chocolate.
I guess now would be a good time to show you an up close photo of my very pale hot chocolate in the glass mug.
As you can see, I have another gift. This arrived right before lunch and I was thrilled, since I hadn't yet decided what to prepare for my T post this week. Who do I know in Australia?
Specifically Perth? It "only" took a month and half to get here. Lisca, please don't look if you are the jealous
type (grin)!
Isn't this awesome? My friend Sami from Sami's Colourful World sent these colorful and precious cancelled postage stamps so I can use them in my collages. BTW, those are tiny rocking horses on the stuffed tree. Yes, each one is counted.
She also included some cardinal and other birds inspired (wrapping?) paper.
LOVE those cats. Bleubeard does, too.
Perhaps a better photo of the cats and the other stamps. Thank you so very, very much Sami for your thoughtfulness and kindness in saving these postage stamps that will certainly show in my art in the near future.
One more photo of my hot chocolate,
and one final image of these wonderful gifts I received. I thank you both (more than you know) for these gifts you ladies sent.
Now it's time to share your favorite drink with us this week, and we'll be by to visit.
Remember the rules are simple. A drink, any drink can be represented by
art (digital, hybrid, or traditional), a cup, mug, teapot, etc. Maybe
you'll share a scrapbook page, or a favorite movie, magazine ad, drawing, or book that focuses
on a drink. Drinks don't have to be water, coffee, or tea. You can
always go off the grid and drink a glass of buttermilk, eggnog, even hot chocolate like I did, or something we
may not have heard of. All you have to do is link below, so we can
visit you, too. Direct links only, please. And Bleubeard wants to remind you these photos can be taken at any time, not just on Tuesday or not even this year.
This is also my final day at Art Every Day Month (AEDM). I want to thank Leah for hosting again this year, but I also want to thank all of my art friends who joined me this month: (in alphabetical order) Alison, Elle, Erika, Nicole, and Wendy. Monica always joins, too, but everyone else joined because we are either not on any other social media site (like me), or we prefer to share from our blogs. Had you wonderful ladies not joined AEDM this year, it would have been a very lonely journey. For that, I thank you all beyond belief.
Every year in the past, I have created a mosaic of AEDM through Big Huge Labs. The last mosaic I created was for ICADs in June and July of this year. It was before the new and not so friendly or improved Blogger took over. I can no longer create mosaics because blogger now adds a google user tag ( at the beginning of all my photos. Not sure why, because I checked a couple of your blogs and it doesn't seem to appear on Alison's, but does on Wendy's. Therefore, there will be no more mosaics.
I also joined Treasure Trovember at Collage Lab. It's a 30 day project. I still have one more prompt to receive Tuesday morning. You add one element a day and don't get the next prompt until you have completed that day's prompt. I will show the page I finished when I share my calendar next month. Since I'm not on Facebook or Instagram, I chose to complete the prompts, but decided to only show what I made once. I will also show the prompts and how I used them at that time, too.
Finally, I want to remind you again to be digging up your Second on the 2nd. It's a post you have published in the past that you are proud of, or one you published before anyone knew about your blog. The only requirement is, it must have been published sometime in the past. I'd love to see a nice turnout next month.
Hmmm, I wonder how Ro knew that you liked rocking horses?! That glass one is gorgeous, what a delight.Fantastic stamps from Australia, too. Have fun! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie
What a beautiful glass horse! I love the gold and lavender combination. Such a wonderful collection of stamps to use in your collages! You have so many to choose from. Happy Tea Day, Kate
Oh Wow, your gift of the handblown glass rocking horse is so lovely. It's really gorgeous-and so thoughtful of your friend. and all those stamps-how fun! I was just looking at cancelled stamps and stamp stickers on amazon last week. Happy T hugs Kathy
Great gifts! Your occasional reveal of one or another of your rocking horses is really fun, double fun because a Hobby Horse is another word for an obsession.
That is one gorgeous and precious looking blown glass rocking horse! How very thoughtful of Ro. I do love those postage stamps too- glad they finally arrived safely. Enjoy, and happy T Day!
You had some super happy mail Elizabeth. That rocking horse is beautiful and will be a great addition to the collection. I love the color swirl and how it changes in different lights. And nice stamps too. I hope to see the in some art soon. And thanks for telling me about your storm chaser days. How exciting. And good to know the film is close to reality. And thank you for letting me know a few years back about AEDM. It's been fun and great to do, especially with you and the other ladies. You all are so much inspiration. Have a wonderful T day and hope the last day of November is a good one. Hugs-Erika
Please never invite me to your home! Your beautiful rocking horses would be in highest danger, I´m one of the clumsiest persons alive! What a very beautiful, thoughtful gift and awww, all the stamps! The wombat sure looks cuddly!
What a beautiful rocking horse! I have never seen anything so exquisite! Your friend Ro sends you presents often. She is so good! And those stamps from Australia, aren-t they beautiful. Yes, I have a little stamp/envy. Although I don-t actually collect stamps, I like to know more about them, as the art work is usually lovely and the subject is something the country is proud of and is (in my opinion) worth looking into. I smiled at your anemic hot chocolate. Yes, that happens sometimes. Especially when you are exited about opening a mystery parcel... Happy T-Day, Lisca
What a beautiful glass rocking horse, I used to collect glass animals when I was a youngster, now my home is full of my mums collection of elephants. Great collection of stamps to, what lovely friends.
WOW and WOW again. That is the most beautiful rocking horse I have ever seen. What a lovely and thoughtful friend. In fact it is far more exquisite than my expensive Lladro cat that my bil bought me (but don't tell him). ( I love my cat btw). Lovely parcel from Oz too, how thoughtful to send you those stamps - great joy in using them. Yes, the hot chocolate looks like hot milk to me - never mind, bet it tasted good. Sending love to you all Neet xxx
I'm all in for any type of hot chocolate, and the mug is cute. Sami is awesome 👌 and knows you so well. The stamps are fabulous. Yay to Regality arriving safely! Sending lots of hugs 🤗 RO.
That's a stunning glass rocking horse from Ro, and fabulous stamps and wrapping paper from Sami! Lucky you! Happy T-Day Elizabeth, and happy final AEDM! Alison
What lovely gifts, and all those stamps! The little glass rocking horse is so lovely and I like your stuffed xmas tree too. Sorry your hot chocolate wasn't so chocolately :( Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx
wow, you really recieved a beautiful Horse. I am a bit envy as I collect glass and crystal miniatures. I have them in a bookshelf standing on a mirror. And a mirror behind them and lights of course. Very beautiful.
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
32 thoughtful remarks:
Hmmm, I wonder how Ro knew that you liked rocking horses?! That glass one is gorgeous, what a delight.Fantastic stamps from Australia, too. Have fun! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie
What a beautiful glass horse! I love the gold and lavender combination. Such a wonderful collection of stamps to use in your collages! You have so many to choose from.
Happy Tea Day,
I love glass, any shape or form. It’s beautiful!!!
The glass rocking horse is so beautiful. Lovely assortment of goodies, too. Love that cardinal giftwrap.
Oops, Happy T Day!
Oh Wow, your gift of the handblown glass rocking horse is so lovely. It's really gorgeous-and so thoughtful of your friend. and all those stamps-how fun! I was just looking at cancelled stamps and stamp stickers on amazon last week.
Happy T hugs Kathy
Great gifts! Your occasional reveal of one or another of your rocking horses is really fun, double fun because a Hobby Horse is another word for an obsession.
best… mae at
The glass rocking horse is wonderful, and fabulous stamps from Australia.
Lovely post.
All the best Jan
That is one gorgeous and precious looking blown glass rocking horse! How very thoughtful of Ro. I do love those postage stamps too- glad they finally arrived safely. Enjoy, and happy T Day!
What a gorgeous rocking horse! So cool!!!
Happy T day my friend.
Good to see the CHristmas mood of cheer has set in!
You had some super happy mail Elizabeth. That rocking horse is beautiful and will be a great addition to the collection. I love the color swirl and how it changes in different lights. And nice stamps too. I hope to see the in some art soon. And thanks for telling me about your storm chaser days. How exciting. And good to know the film is close to reality. And thank you for letting me know a few years back about AEDM. It's been fun and great to do, especially with you and the other ladies. You all are so much inspiration. Have a wonderful T day and hope the last day of November is a good one. Hugs-Erika
What wonderful (and totally deserved) gifts you received.
Please never invite me to your home! Your beautiful rocking horses would be in highest danger, I´m one of the clumsiest persons alive!
What a very beautiful, thoughtful gift and awww, all the stamps! The wombat sure looks cuddly!
Both senders are so thoughtful and kind to send you the gifts. Beautiful rocking horses and very delicate ones too.
What a beautiful rocking horse! I have never seen anything so exquisite! Your friend Ro sends you presents often. She is so good!
And those stamps from Australia, aren-t they beautiful. Yes, I have a little stamp/envy. Although I don-t actually collect stamps, I like to know more about them, as the art work is usually lovely and the subject is something the country is proud of and is (in my opinion) worth looking into.
I smiled at your anemic hot chocolate. Yes, that happens sometimes. Especially when you are exited about opening a mystery parcel...
Happy T-Day,
What a beautiful glass rocking horse, I used to collect glass animals when I was a youngster, now my home is full of my mums collection of elephants. Great collection of stamps to, what lovely friends.
Wow, some great presents, Elizabeth! You have thoughtful friends. Love that rocking horse and the stamps are wonderful. What a treat.
I can totally relate to your milky hot chocolate! Mine often comes out that way. Happy T-day! Hugz
WOW and WOW again. That is the most beautiful rocking horse I have ever seen. What a lovely and thoughtful friend. In fact it is far more exquisite than my expensive Lladro cat that my bil bought me (but don't tell him). ( I love my cat btw).
Lovely parcel from Oz too, how thoughtful to send you those stamps - great joy in using them.
Yes, the hot chocolate looks like hot milk to me - never mind, bet it tasted good.
Sending love to you all
Neet xxx
That is absolutely exquisite. What a beautiful rocking horse and lovely gift. And I'll have hot chocolate no matter what the color!
The rocking horse is gorgeous! Now that I know what you like to collect.....
I'm all in for any type of hot chocolate, and the mug is cute. Sami is awesome 👌 and knows you so well. The stamps are fabulous. Yay to Regality arriving safely! Sending lots of hugs 🤗 RO.
What a gorgeous addition to your collection! And your pther package brought some joy, too. Happy :)
Happy T Tuesday
That's a stunning glass rocking horse from Ro, and fabulous stamps and wrapping paper from Sami! Lucky you!
Happy T-Day Elizabeth, and happy final AEDM!
These are some wonderful gifts. How lucky you are. Joy and happiness.
What a sweet gift!!
What lovely gifts, and all those stamps! The little glass rocking horse is so lovely and I like your stuffed xmas tree too. Sorry your hot chocolate wasn't so chocolately :( Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx
fantastic gifts from your friends Elizabeth !!!! very nice indeed; I know you will enjoy the rocking horse and the stamps ☺☺☺♥♥
Oh My! What beautiful gifts - both to give enjoyment for a long time for sure, Hugs, Chrisx
Stunning rocking horse, how sweet to receive it. x
wow, you really recieved a beautiful Horse. I am a bit envy as I collect glass and crystal miniatures. I have them in a bookshelf standing on a mirror. And a mirror behind them and lights of course. Very beautiful.
What an amazingly beautiful rocking horse RO sent you!
Glad you finally got the stamps and paper Elizabeth, it certainly took a long time.
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