Monday, October 18, 2021

T Stands For Thankful


We're meeting at my dining room table today.  l am having trouble loading my photos.  It's taking forever for them to load and for me to enlarge them, too.

Today I'm thankful for friends and their kindness they have shown.

 My drink of choice today will be Ives Rocher tea in my brand new autumn inspired mug.  I will be preparing the water soon.

I suspect you already figured out who sent this to me.  If you guessed Iris in Germany, you are correct.  Isn't it adorable?  I was so happy to get this because I love rocking horses, but I also love carousel horses, too.

How sweet of Iris to translate the words on the back.

Because Lisca likes to see the stamps, I thought I'd show these up close.  I think the Muppets are SO cute and I always love the flowers I get from anyone in Germany.  Thank you so very much for thinking of me, Iris!

The second gift today comes from Greece.  I'm sure many of you have guessed by now this is from my dear, sweet, thoughtful friend Mia.  I rotated the last photo of stamps.  I think they are great and I LOVE the message to stop cyber bullying AND to stop bullying in general.  
It took over an hour to get these few photos on my blog, so I have reworked the remaining photos to show what each gift was.  This way, you can read the words and all I will need to do is enlarge and left adjust.  I want to thank Mia in advance for these wonderful goodies she sent me, including her handmade items.

Thank you again, dear Mia.  I love my handmade gifts and I love everything you sent, too.  I'll be drinking some of the tea you sent in weeks to come, dear friend.

It's now time to share your own drink inspired post this week.  It can be gifts you received like those from Iris and Mia I received today, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

In case you missed it, here's a link to my Second Thursday Tutorial, where I show you how to create your own vellum papers.  Please let me know what you think.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some wonderful gifts from Mia, enjoy playing with your new things! Happy T Day, take care, and stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

Those are lovely gifts! I'm a fan of stamps and postcards also, so I appreciate your photos. Too bad it's so hard to get them uploaded.

best... mae at

Lisca said... 3

Wow! Those are really nice gifts from Mia. The cat fabric is fun, and the little bag is sweet too. There are so many little things and it was very kind of her to send this all the way from Greece.
The stamps are amazing too!
I love the card Iris sent you: 'Women need adventure!'
Is that you on that horse? Shall I put another nickel in? I'm sure you would love to have another go...
Happy T-Day,

My name is Erika. said... 4

These are exciting gift Elizabeth. I could definitely tell by the stamps on Iris' postcard that it came from her. Don't they the mouth ones just feel like her style? And that was so thoughtful of Mia. Even if they took a long time to upload, they still must have made you very happy. Enjoy your tea in the new pretty mug too. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 5

what really thoughtful gifts! I'm sure you will truly enjoy using it all in your art in some way. So thoughtful of Iris and Mia. Thank you for sharing the joy, and happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 6

You received some wonderful gifts. I remember you mentioning that you don't have a craft are well supplied by your friends! That's so generous of them.
Love the stamps on that postcard.
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 7

Cool postcard and lovely gifts. The kitty fabric is adorable. Happy T Day in your lovely Autumn mug.

Elephant's Child said... 8

Love your gifts - which went to a totally deserving woman. How is Squiggles?

Carola Bartz said... 9

You got some wonderful and thoughtful gifts from Mia, and I simply love the card from Iris. I'm sorry that you had so much problems uploading the photos and I hope these difficulties will be over soon. I love your autumn mug, so beautiful!

Sharon Madson said... 10

Lovely gifts! You are loved, dear friend. I understand computer problems, and uploading! LOL I don't know if I will ever figure out how to get to everything on this laptop. Was proud of myself that I figured out Blogger!
I look forward to how you use those stencils and other goodies. And tea! So fun. Happy almost tea day, Elizabeth.

Iris Flavia said... 11

Blogger makes no friends these days, huh?
Glad you liked the horse - and weeeee... I thought, how?
How can you get a parcel from Greece?! I have one for Tom since months (well, actually Ingo) and wasn´t able to send it - code orange!
My postie assumed.. parcels to USA - not this year, they´ll stick to code orange.

Just checked it - USA is not listed anymore, thanks to Mia I found this out :-)

Oh, and P.S. you got me totally wrong. Neger - or Negerkuss - in Germany is a nice, cute addressing.
Also I think "black" is more hurtful, they are not black, huh? And the slogan, well. All lives matter is what I think.
Here in Germany women want to be treated the same as men (and that´s the right thing! Except for jobs where strength is needed, maybe, I could never compete with a man there ;-)...) - yet some women at the same time want men to open doors for them and be addressed first...

aussie aNNie said... 12

Lovely gifts. x

Nancy Chan said... 13

You have such sweet friends sending you beautiful gifts. I will be very frustrated if anything goes wrong with the computer or blogger. Have a great day.

Mia said... 14

My dear friend Elizabeth, I love the autumn mug and the beautiful card from Iris. And I am really happy that you receive and you like my little gifts to you. I think that the fabric is perfect for a cat's pillow. Anyway, you will decide it. I am sure you will use it the best way.
I am excited that you like my handmade creations, I mean the bag and the wall hanging with the crocheted frame. I made them especially for you, sweetie. I send you BIG BIG hugs and many many kisses, Mia
PS: And a big THANK YOU again for your lovely handmade paper you sent me. It is priceless for me, a true treasure.

J said... 15

Morning Elizabeth, gorgeous stamps and goodies, a beautiful Autumn mug, love the shape.
I really like the material, I hope you show us what you make with it.
I had problems with my computer the other day, not sure why but it was fine later although I was so frustrated that by the time it fixed itself I was giving up.
Happy T Day

Spyder said... 16

What a wonderful crafty collection you had! I love post stamps but our village Post Office closed a few years ago and the one in the next village never has the picture ones, I asked. So whenever I'm in town I try to get some for posting to Grandson in USA last parcel there was over £31! (for a Christmas Advent calender)Love the mug too. I do have a Thing about mugs! Sorry not been about, will do better! holiday, Vets, Brother in now in Macmillians Cancer care, luckily not too far away! Have A Happy Tuesday! ((Lyn))

nwilliams6 said... 17

Great stuff from Iris and Mia - lucky you!!! Mail like this is so fun.

Hope the computer problems go away soon - they will drive you crazy!

Happy T-day and hugz!

Anne (cornucopia) said... 18

Great photos and gifts. How is Squiggles?

kathyinozarks said... 19

Lovely gifts from friends-enjoy! and I really loved the stamps too I like your fall cup too-Happy T wishes hugs

Divers and Sundry said... 20

I love your mug!

I'm out of the T Tuesday loop again :( I spent yesterday having my central unit replaced since my old one was beyond repair. We knew this day was coming eventually, but yikes! sooo expensive :( When they installed it we found out our closet is too small to meet current code, so I'll spend today with the carpenter enlarging that closet. Bummer :( So much for my sad whine.

da tabbies o trout towne said... 21

oh em cod as da tabbies say; what awesome and wonderful gifts you received from Mia ~~~ !!!! the small crochet frame and little bag are beautiful, Mia has done a fantastic job very nice ♥♥♥☺☺☺ enjoy all
your gifts Elizabeth, I know you will !!! :) ♥♥

da tabbies o trout towne said... 22

And another wonderful gift from Iris; that card is so awesome; it reminds me of happy times; and yes we do need adventures !!!! the flower stamps are very pretty; I like the pink, looks like a begonia !! You do indeed have amazing friends !! ☺☺♥♥

Darla said... 23

Your mail box certainly offers up more interesting things than mine does. Such wonderful goodies, such great friends. I liked everything but the poppies (aboug half way down the post) really jumped out at me. You probably know I like poppy art a lot.

DVArtist said... 24

Wow very nice gifts from wonderful ladies. I know you will use all them with your creative talent.

Words and Pictures said... 25

What a lovely post, full of joy and generosity and gratitude. I smiled all the way through... Sorry that I've been so utterly hopeless blogging-wise - it's been quite a year (and a bit), and with the occasional spare time or energy I've had, I've been prioritising actually creating over blogging about it. One of these days, there's going to be a LOT to share at Words and Pictures!! Take care.
Alison x

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

What fabulous gifts - they are sure to be appearing on your journal pages! Hugs, Chrisx

one irrational bean said... 27

Love the murals you showed a few pages back and the sentiments. The leaves are so pretty. I love the crunch of them. Enjoy your pressies.

Lowcarb team member said... 28

How thoughtful of Iris and Mia.
Lovely post to see, and I'm pleased you persevered with loading the photographs.

All the best Jan

Birgit said... 29

What a wonderful gift you got. I love The Muppets. I can see you have a lot of fun with these gifts you received.

Jeanie said... 30

What thoughtful mail! Real mail really makes the day!

Empire of the Cat said... 31

Happy mail is the best mail! Sorry I'm so late, been quite a week. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx