It's Friday and I'm once again joining Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time). Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.

I was at Sam's Club last week. Sam's is the members only club started by Sam Walton of WalMart fame. I was looking for cardstock. Finally had to ask a sales person.

I walked around and got immersed in looking

at this unusual clock. But then I realized why I was there, and finished shopping.

I have exciting news. After being on hiatus last year Smithsonian Museum Day is back.

I know some of you don't like museums, but these are such great learning tools. I can barely wait till tomorrow. I always invite my foodie friend Sally to join me, but she is not interested in this museum, so I'm on my own, which I prefer, anyway. I can go at my own pace.
Now for a few funnies:

I've always said The Wizard of Oz was a horror story. Now maybe you'll believe me.
Now let's join
Annie (at
A Stitch in Time) and the lovely ladies who join her for
Friday Smiles. Thanks
again for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this
Friday. We would love to have you join us, too.
23 thoughtful remarks:
Thanks for the smiles.
I love that clock and would very happily go to the museum with you. They are one of my passions. I move slower than my partner so we arrange a meeting place and take our own time to see the sights. It works for us.
That clock is beautiful, I often forget what I'm looking for if I start browsing! Glad you got your museum ticket again, have fun. Happy Friday, hugs, Valerie
Beautiful clock!
Yes, I love to stroll on my own often, too. To stop where and for how long you want...
Love the two first funnies and have to admit.... I never saw/read the Wizard...
Have a smiley Friday :-)
I love museums and art galleries. Happily ours have opened up again and we’ve been to two exhibitions so far and felt quite safe and comfortable. It’s nice to have a bit of culture again. Enjoy your visit.
Lynn xx
That shop looks fab....I love the clock. I hope you found what you were looking for...I could have easily be distracted in there. Love the funnies...esp the Wizard of Oz one.
Annie x
Thanks for the smiles. I often think that a lot of chidren'd stories could have a write up like that. Think what you could say about Little Red Riding Hood for instance!
The craft shop looks a good place to browse when you have time on your hands. The clock is rather lovely I thought. I hope you found the cardstock you wanted.
As you know, the museums do not move me much, but I am glad you have the opportunity to go somewhere you will really enjoy. Have a great day. Kate x
Museums are wonderful places. Even little rural museums you come across while travelling are great places to stop, learn and enjoy.
Oh that clock is very special! I think I would be distracted too. In fact a whole shop full of art supplies would definitely distract me.
Great that you have another museum ticket. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos when you get round to it. Yes, I always prefer to go alone as I want to see every exhibit and read every sign. My husband is not that interested. After the first ten minutes he gets bored.
The funnies made me giggle. Quite a few children's fairy tales are quite horrific and The Wizard of Oz is no exception.
About my chickens who lay eggs without a rooster.... The short answer is: they are ovulating. Like us, females produce an egg at regular intervals. When that egg doesn't get fertilized (no male about) they discard the egg. (chickens lay an egg, we menstruate). I hope that makes it clearer now.
Have a lovely weekend,
Museums are one of my favorite places to go. I love the Smithsonian in Washington, and you are lucky to have one near your home too. Luckily several members of my family like to go with me.
best... mae at
The Wizard of Oz is my favorite horror movie. Fun smiles and enjoy your day at the museum!
I forgot to answer your question about the four things I had made. It is a little metal tool, a sort of scraper to scrape the ashes out of the almond shell burner. We have a stove on every floor so we needed four scrapers. We had them made, that was easier than trying to source them. The guy in the metal workshop knew what we meant as it is a common thing around here.
One of these days I shall have to write a blog about our heaters. They seem to be quite unique (though not where we live obviously)
Have a lovely weekend,
I'm so excited you are going to Museum Day tomorrow. I hope you picked a good one or perhaps you have visited before and know it is a good one. I looked this year, but nothing is really nearby, and my husband wants to work on our deck, which he replacing the railings and flooring part. Sad face for me, so I am excited to see what you were able to see. If I was closer I'd go with you-smile. My daughter belongs to Sam's Club, and I sometimes go as her guest. Hope you found the cardstock you were looking for. And the Wizard of Oz funny really made me smile. Happy Friday. Have fun tomorrow. hugs-Erika
Hi Elizabeth. I'm later than usual today as we've been sorting stuff for my mum this morning and forgot to schedule the post, too many distractions I'm afraid but doing my best to keep in touch with you all. Couldn't take my eyes off all that gorgeous art stash and the clock is amazing. Pleased to hear you are able to get back to museum visits but do take care. The funnies are great as usual but the Wizard of Oz just cracked me up it's so true Hee! Hee! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
I exactly got what you mean, thanks for posting. pdf to ppt
I love museums and wish more people did. In fact, you reminded me to go my local museum and see what they have there. I love these funnies and they put a smile on my face. I’m sorry for not visiting as much as I want to. I’ve been under some stress. My hubby has 2 surgeries coming up and I have my full hysterectomy on oct. 12 and on Wed. After 30 yrs as a Credit Counsellor, they let me go (plus 4 more) due to restructuring. I’m in a fog.
I love the funny sayings! I hope you enjoy your museum outing. I know what you mean about being able to go at your own pace when alone. Much easier.
My Daughter shops at Sam's Club. We don't have Sam's we have Costco. They do not have any type of art supplies. Have a nice weekend.
I LOVE that newspaper clip! Terrific. I had no idea Sam's had art supplies. Have a wonderful weekend.
still laughing at wizard of oz description! I didn't know sams had art supplies.... hmmmm and I LOVE museums
Never thought of the wizard of oz that way! LOL!
I love the clock Elizabeth, enjoy the museum.
The wizard of Oz is scary stuff 😂
Great photos and funnies, especially the last one. To be fair, that is an accurate description of the movie! :-) And as a child, I did find the movie to be very scary, so I agree with you saying it's a horror story.
I'm still a bit skittish about going into museums, but I'll enjoy the virtual tour you take us on :)
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