Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Smiles 437: garden update (sort of)


It's Friday and I'm joining Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).   Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   

It's been a wicked week here.  First, my friend Joseph and his sons visited during a severe heat wave.  In fact, we had heat advisories for several days this past week.  Second, my bamboo is back with a vengeance.  It refuses to die, so every day I take my loppers and cut the bamboo down to the root.

My herbs seemed to love the heat.  I, on the other hand, did not.  The little green and yellow striped caterpillars that turn into swallowtail butterflies have eaten all my dill.  Three pots have been stripped to nothingness.

After letting the caterpillars munch a few days, this is all that is left of my dill.  Thankfully, I had already picked a lot of the dill and I have some tiny shoots that will go inside when (and IF) it gets cold.

The really good news is, I got tired of cutting bamboo every day, so got the heaviest plastic tarps I could find.  They are certainly heavy and will hopefully kill smother the bamboo.

I need to buy stakes to keep these in place over the winter.

Although you probably can't see them, there are grommets every few inches in which I can place stakes.  The other side is silver and this side is black.  They are certified to hold up under cold and inclement weather conditions, too.  They are both 40 ft X 12 ft (12,192 meters X 3,658 meters).  This really, really, REALLY puts a smile on my face!

Of course, I'll have photos of my friend Joseph and his sons just as soon as I've gone through the more than 700 photos I took this past week.  In the meantime, here are a few more signs from the Indian Hills Community Center in Colorado.  These signs are all thought up by the very clever Vince Rozmiarek, who has created them for over five years.  They have now gone viral and are everywhere on the internet.

And finally, one that is really quite relevant in the light of what happened in Afghanistan and as we remember 9/11 in a couple of weeks.

Now let's join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the lovely ladies who join her for Friday Smiles.  Thanks again for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this Friday.  We would love to have you join us, too.

25 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

I hope the tarp does the job, bamboo is very stubborn! But so are you!
My herbs have been reduced by visiting munchers, too, but I still have a few bits! Have a great Friday, hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Sigh on the bamboo. It certainly has world domination plans. I hope you have foiled it.
More importantly I hope your visit with your friends was WONDERFUL.

Annie said...

I really hope you’ve beaten the’s a difficult one to kill so good luck. Love the funnies.
Annie x

Lynn Holland said...

My auntie Gladys used to have a massive bamboo in her tiny backyard garden. She would cut the canes down and use them to stake her other plants.
Thanks for more chuckles. Keep em coming, I love them
Lynn x

mamapez5 said...

I really hope the black cover works for you. Bamboo is a tough one to get rid of.
It is a shame about the dill but I am glad you left the caterpoillars to munch away. Swallow tail butterflies are so beautiful.
I understand how hard you find the heat. I struggle sometimes too, and I am quite grateful that none of the family risked visiting us this summer. They can only come dutring the hottest time as that when the children are off school. At least when it is just us too we can lay around doing very little (and wearing very little), just keeping cool the best way we can.
But I am glad you enjoyed your friend's visit with his boys. I look forward to seeing some photos.
I hope this week is a little kinder weather-wise. Kate x

presstfortime said...

Hope that all works! These signs are all very creative and funny. The happy one is the absolute best. Thanks for sharing.

CJ Kennedy said...

I was thinking of planting bamboo as a natural fence, but heard it was very invasive. I hope the tarp works. Too bad about the dill, but think of the butterflies that will be in your yard.

craftytrog said...

Sorry to hear about your dill, and hope you've beaten the bamboo Elizabeth.
Thanks for the funnies.

Lisca said...

I'm sorry to hear about the dill, but at least you have made some caterpillars very happy. I hope they reward you later with some beautiful butterflies.
Yes, the bamboo is a tough one. If the tarpaulin doesn't work you'll have to have it dug out. I had some bamboo in our garden in the UK. I wanted a screen between our garden and the neighbors'. Luckily I had been warned about it being very invasive so my husband made a trench out of cement when we were building the extension, and the bamboo grew in there and didn't spread.
The funnies had me giggling again. One or two took a little while to 'sink in'. But I 'get it' now. I didn't know it was the brain child of one particular man. Good on him. They are brilliant!
Have a lovely weekend,
Keep smiling,

Barbara said...

I think bamboo is a wonderful privacy screen, but everyone I know who has it says it’s a curse. You will win the bamboo war with that tarp, I bet. It looks like it took a lot of work. Love the giggles!

My name is Erika. said...

I was just going to suggest you cover the area where the bamboo was and you did. I guess we were thinking the same. You do need to kill the roots. My suggestion is to leave it there through the winter also, but I don't know about area. I've heard bamboo roots are relentless. Have a a great Friday and start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm interested to see how you get on with the Tarp. Bamboo is a very determined plant and does not give up easily. Our one id near the pond and some of it has worked it's way through the concrete around the stones and into the pond which is a bit worrying. I like them but if I ever had another I would keep it in a pot. Thanks for the lovely comment over at mine. I have done a Friday post but the Creative Artiste post was scheduled for a later time which is why I think you saw that rather than the Friday Smiles. The funnies are as brilliant as ever, love them. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Rajani Rehana said...

Bamboo is the best.

LA Paylor said...

my friend bought a house in Florida and it took monumental effort to get rid of the bamboo... good luck... do you know about paint party friday? I just wrote a painting post and thought your name wasn't on the link party...

Karen said...

Bamboo is a pesky thing to remove ~ I think your tarps should do the trick :) I loved the signs! Enjoy the weekend

Mae Travels said...

Good luck with the tarps! I hope your garden plan comes out the way you want it.

I think you mean around 12 meters x 3.6 meters, rather than what you wrote which was:
40 ft X 12 ft (12,192 meters X 3,658 meters)

best... mae at

da tabbies o trout towne said...

who ever comes up with the signage sayings is a genius !!!

next spring when you remove the tarp; if you still see roots;
dig around them to expose them and pour vinegar directly on the
root; I've used this method on suckers that come up from trees;
it may help !!☺☺♥♥

Jeanie said...

Good idea for the tarps and bamboo. I hope it works. The garden is looking so good. I hope that despite the weather you had fun with Joseph and the kids.

DVArtist said...

You yard is huge. I think I told you last year I planted some bamboo. I told my land lord and he asked that I remove it. Hey, my landlord is the best and it is the only thing he has said no to with my doing things to the yard and house. He said once it takes hold you can never get rid of it. Now, seeing you trying to get rid of your bamboo I am so glad I took it out. I was told the only way to get rid of it is to dig out the root system. I hope your black tarp works.

Rita said...

I sure hope the tarps work!
Always love those signs. :)

aussie aNNie said...

Great post and love the smiles today. xx

Iris Flavia said...

Glad I just have a tiny balcony!!!
Oh. I gave Ingo´s bagpipe to my T, he happily took it.
When I asked how it´s going (Ingo just made awful noise!) he said....

"I forgot I cut two fingers off" (accident at work) "and cannot play it!"
We laughed so hard (he can laugh about it now and even wears a ring).

pearshapedcrafting said...

I do hope you can be rid of the bamboo! We have some particularly high Buddleia that is going to have an early hair cut next year !! Love those funnies! Hugs, Chris

Azka Kamil said...

Hope that all works

Divers and Sundry said...

I'll try dill next year. It looks like it's doing a great job attracting the butterflies. Good luck with the tarp. Bamboo is nigh on to impossible to get rid of, but that tarp sounds promising.